Orgelkonzerte op.7

von Händel, Georg Friedrich | Asperen, Bob van / OAE
erschienen am 05.04.2013

Orgelkonzerte op.7
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    1-001Concerto in B flat major Op. 7 No. 1 (HWV 306): I. Andante (including fragment from Passacaille from Suite VII, Suites dKomponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichBob van Asperen/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
    Orgel: Asperen, Bob van
    1-001-0011. Andante00:10:11
    1-002Concerto in B flat major Op. 7 No. 1 (HWV 306): II. Largo e pianoBob van Asperen/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment00:02:52
    1-002-0022. Largo e piano00:02:52
    1-003Concerto in B flat major Op. 7 No. 1 (HWV 306): III. Fuga (Organo ad libitum after Concerto Grosso Op. 6 No. 11)Bob van Asperen/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment00:02:30
    1-003-0033. Fuga00:02:30
    1-004Concerto in B flat major Op. 7 No. 1 (HWV 306): IV. Adagio ad libitum (from Harpsichord Sonata in G minor HHA IV, 17 No.Bob van Asperen/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment00:02:26
    1-004-0044. Adagio ad libitum00:02:26
    1-005Concerto in B flat major Op. 7 No. 1 (HWV 306): V. BourréeBob van Asperen/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment00:02:31
    1-005-0055. Bourrée00:02:38
    1-006Concerto Op.7 No.3 HWV 308 in B Flat Major: I-AndanteKomponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichBob van Asperen/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
    Orgel: Asperen, Bob van
    1-006-0011. Andante00:04:51
    1-007Concerto Op.7 No.3 HWV 308 in B Flat Major: II-Adagio e Fuga ad libitum(from Suite VIII, Suites de pieces pour le clavecBob van Asperen/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment00:05:29
    1-007-0022. Adagio e Fuga ad libitum00:05:29
    1-008Concerto Op.7 No.3 HWV 308 in B Flat Major: III-SpiritosoBob van Asperen/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment00:04:29
    1-008-0033. Spirituoso00:04:29
    1-009Concerto Op.7 No.3 HWV 308 in B Flat Major: IV-Menuet I & IIBob van Asperen/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment00:03:28
    1-009-0044. Menuett 1 - Menuett 200:03:35
    1-010Concerto in D minor Op. 7 No. 4 (HWV 309): I. AdagioKomponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichBob van Asperen/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
    Orgel: Asperen, Bob van
    1-010-0011. Adagio00:04:28
    1-011Concerto in D minor Op. 7 No. 4 (HWV 309): II. Allegro così cosìBob van Asperen/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment00:04:55
    1-011-0022. Allegro così così00:04:55
    1-012Concerto in D minor Op. 7 No. 4 (HWV 309): III. Ad libitum (Air from Suite III, Suites de pieces pour clavecin)Bob van Asperen/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment00:03:05
    1-012-0033. Ad libitum00:03:05
    1-013Concerto in D minor Op. 7 No. 4 (HWV 309): IV. AllegroBob van Asperen/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment00:03:25
    1-013-0044. Allegro00:03:26
    1-014Concerto in G minor Op. 7 No. 5 (HWV 310) : I. Staccato ma non troppo allegroKomponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichBob van Asperen/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
    Orgel: Asperen, Bob van
    1-014-0011. Staccato ma non troppo allegro00:03:43
    1-015Concerto in G minor Op. 7 No. 5 (HWV 310) : II. Adagio ad libitumBob van Asperen/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment00:00:50
    1-015-0022. Adagio ad libitum00:00:50
    1-016Concerto in G minor Op. 7 No. 5 (HWV 310) : III. Andante larghetto e staccatoBob van Asperen/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment00:04:12
    1-016-0033. Andante larghetto e staccato00:04:12
    1-017Concerto in G minor Op. 7 No. 5 (HWV 310) : IV. Adagio ad libitumBob van Asperen/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment00:00:31
    1-017-0044. Adagio ad libitum00:00:31
    1-018Concerto in G minor Op. 7 No. 5 (HWV 310) : V. MenuetBob van Asperen/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment00:02:25
    1-018-0055. Menuett00:02:31
    1-019Concerto in B flat major Op. 7 No. 6 (HWV 311): I. PomposoKomponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichBob van Asperen/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
    Orgel: Asperen, Bob van
    1-019-0011. Pomposo00:03:22
    1-020Concerto in B flat major Op. 7 No. 6 (HWV 311): II. Ad libitum (Adagio [3rd movt] from Suite II, Suites de pices pour leBob van Asperen/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment00:02:38
    1-020-0022. Ad libitum00:02:38
    1-021Concerto in B flat major Op. 7 No. 6 (HWV 311): III. AirBob van Asperen/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment00:03:50
    1-021-0033. Arie00:03:50
    2-001Concerto in A major Op. 7 No. 2 (HWV 307) : I. OuvertureKomponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichBob van Asperen/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
    Orgel: Asperen, Bob van
    2-001-0011. Ouvertüre00:02:32
    2-002Concerto in A major Op. 7 No. 2 (HWV 307) : II. A tempo ordinarioBob van Asperen/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment00:04:27
    2-002-0022. A tempo ordinario00:04:27
    2-003Concerto in A major Op. 7 No. 2 (HWV 307) : III. Ad libitum (Gottlieb Moffat: Sarabande from Suite VI)Bob van Asperen/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment00:03:29
    2-003-0033. Ad libitum00:03:29
    2-004Concerto in A major Op. 7 No. 2 (HWV 307) : IV. AllegroBob van Asperen/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment00:03:59
    2-004-0044. Allegro00:04:06
    2-005Concerto (No. 13 ) in F major HHA 295 'The Cuckoo & the Nightingale': I. LarghettoKomponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichBob van Asperen/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
    Orgel: Asperen, Bob van
    2-005-0011. Larghetto00:02:11
    2-006Concerto (No. 13 ) in F major HHA 295 'The Cuckoo & the Nightingale': II. AllegroBob van Asperen/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment00:03:40
    2-006-0022. Allegro00:03:40
    2-007Concerto (No. 13 ) in F major HHA 295 'The Cuckoo & the Nightingale': III. Ad libitum (Adagio [1st movt] from Suite II,Bob van Asperen/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment00:01:32
    2-007-0033. Ad libitum00:01:32
    2-008Concerto (No. 13 ) in F major HHA 295 'The Cuckoo & the Nightingale': IV. LarghettoBob van Asperen/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment00:03:18
    2-008-0044. Larghetto00:03:18
    2-009Concerto (No. 13 ) in F major HHA 295 'The Cuckoo & the Nightingale': V. AllegroBob van Asperen/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment00:03:13
    2-009-0055. Allegro00:03:19
    2-010Concerto (No. 14) in A major HHA 296a : I. Largo e staccatoKomponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichBob van Asperen/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
    Orgel: Asperen, Bob van
    2-010-0011. Largo e staccato00:04:28
    2-011Concerto (No. 14) in A major HHA 296a : II. Ad libitum (from Flute Sonata Op. 1 No. 16)Bob van Asperen/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment00:00:51
    2-011-0022. Ad libitum00:00:51
    2-012Concerto (No. 14) in A major HHA 296a : III. AndanteBob van Asperen/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment00:04:14
    2-012-0033. Andante00:04:14
    2-013Concerto (No. 14) in A major HHA 296a : IV. Grave ad libitumBob van Asperen/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment00:00:49
    2-013-0044. Grave ad libitum00:00:49
    2-014Concerto (No. 14) in A major HHA 296a : V. AllegroBob van Asperen/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment00:06:06
    2-014-0055. Allegro00:06:10
    2-015Concerto (No. 15) in D minor HWV 304 : I. AndanteKomponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichBob van Asperen/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
    Orgel: Asperen, Bob van
    2-015-0011. Andante00:04:43
    2-016Concerto (No. 15) in D minor HWV 304 : II. Organo ad libitum; Adagio e Fuga (Adagio from Violin Sonata Op. 1 No. 3; FugaBob van Asperen/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment00:03:04
    2-016-0022. Organo ad libitum: Adagio e Fuga00:03:04
    2-017Concerto (No. 15) in D minor HWV 304 : III. AllegroBob van Asperen/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment00:04:12
    2-017-0033. Allegro00:04:16
    2-018Concerto (No. 16) in F major HWV 305a: I. OuvertureKomponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichBob van Asperen/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
    Orgel: Asperen, Bob van
    2-018-0011. Ouvertüre00:01:23
    2-019Concerto (No. 16) in F major HWV 305a: II. AllegroBob van Asperen/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment00:03:01
    2-019-0022. Allegro00:03:01
    2-020Concerto (No. 16) in F major HWV 305a: III. Organo ad libitum (Adagio from Flute Sonata Op. 1 No. 5)Bob van Asperen/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment00:01:52
    2-020-0033. Organo ad libitum00:01:52
    2-021Concerto (No. 16) in F major HWV 305a: IV. Allegro ma non troppoBob van Asperen/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment00:03:14
    2-021-0044. Allegro ma non troppo00:03:14
    2-022Concerto (No. 16) in F major HWV 305a: V. AdagioBob van Asperen/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment00:01:11
    2-022-0055. Adagio00:01:11
    2-023Concerto (No. 16) in F major HWV 305a: VI. AndanteBob van Asperen/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment00:03:29
    2-023-0066. Andante00:03:29
    2-024Concerto (No. 16) in F major HWV 305a: VII. AllegroBob van Asperen/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment00:04:03
    2-024-0077. Allegro00:04:03
    2-025Concerto (No. 16) in F major HWV 305a: VIII. MarcheBob van Asperen/Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment00:01:29
    2-025-0088. Marsch00:01:29

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