Live At The Regal

von B. B. King
erschienen am 19.01.1998

Live At The Regal
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    1-001Every Day I Have The Blues (Live At The Regal Theater, Chicago, 1964)Komponist: Chatman, Peter; Chatman
    Produzent: Pate, Johnny
    King, B. B.
    Gitarre: Lauchie, Leo
    Schlagzeug (drums): Freeman, Sonny
    Trompete: Sands, Kenny
    Saxophon: Board, Johnny; Forte, Bobby
    Orgel: Duke Jethro
    Sonstige Instrumente: Spann, Pervis
    1-002Sweet Little Angel (Live At The Regal Theater, Chicago, 1964)Komponist: Taub, Jules; King, B. B.; Taub, Jules
    Produzent: Pate, Johnny
    King, B. B.
    Gitarre: Lauchie, Leo
    Schlagzeug (drums): Freeman, Sonny
    Trompete: Sands, Kenny
    Saxophon: Board, Johnny; Forte, Bobby
    Orgel: Duke Jethro
    1-003It's My Own Fault (Live At The Regal Theater, Chicago, 1964)Komponist: Hooker, John Lee; Hooker, John Lee
    Produzent: Pate, Johnny
    Solo: King, B. B.
    King, B. B.
    Gitarre: King, B. B.
    Schlagzeug (drums): Freeman, Sonny
    Trompete: Sands, Kenneth
    Kontrabaß: Lauchie, Leo
    Saxophon: Board, Johnny
    1-004How Blue Can You Get? (Live At The Regal Theater, Chicago, 1964)Komponist: Feather, Jane; Feather, Jane; Feather, Leonard
    Produzent: Pate, Johnny
    Solo: King, B. B.
    King, B. B.
    Gitarre: King, B. B.
    Klavier: Jethro, Duke
    Trompete: Sands, Kenneth
    Kontrabaß: Lauchie, Leo
    Saxophon: Board, Johnny
    1-005Please Love Me (Live At The Regal Theater, Chicago, 1964)Komponist: Taub, Jules; King, B. B.; King, B. B.; Ling, Sam
    Produzent: Pate, Johnny
    King, B. B.
    Gitarre: King, B. B.
    Klavier: Jethro, Duke
    Schlagzeug (drums): Freeman, Sonny
    Kontrabaß: Lauchie, Leo
    Saxophon: Board, Johnny
    1-006You Upset Me Baby (Live At The Regal Theater, Chicago, 1964)Komponist: Writers, No; King, B. B.; King, B. B.; Bihari, Jules
    Produzent: Pate, Johnny; Pate, Johnny
    Solo: King, B. B.
    King, B. B.; King, B. B.
    Saxophon: Board, Johnny
    1-007Worry, Worry (Live At The Regal Theater, Chicago, 1964)Komponist: Taub, Jules; Davis, Plummer; Bihari, Jules; Davis, Plummer
    Produzent: Pate, Johnny
    Solo: King, B. B.
    King, B. B.
    Gitarre: King, B. B.
    Schlagzeug (drums): Freeman, Sonny
    Kontrabaß: Lauchie, Leo
    Saxophon: Board, Johnny
    1-008Woke Up This Mornin' (Live At The Regal Theater, Chicago, 1964)Komponist: King, B. B.; Bihari, Jules; Taub, Jules; King, B. B.; Taub, Jules
    Produzent: Pate, Johnny
    Solo: King, B. B.
    King, B. B.
    Gitarre: King, B. B.
    Trompete: Sands, Kenneth
    Saxophon: Board, Johnny
    1-009You Done Lost Your Good Thing Now (Live At The Regal Theater, Chicago, 1964)Komponist: King, B. B.; Josea, Joe; King, B. B.; Josea, Joe
    Produzent: Pate, Johnny
    Solo: King, B. B.
    King, B. B.
    Gitarre: King, B. B.
    Schlagzeug (drums): Freeman, Sonny
    Kontrabaß: Lauchie, Leo
    Saxophon: Board, Johnny
    1-010Help The Poor (Live At The Regal Theater, Chicago, 1964)Komponist: Singleton, Charles; Singleton, C.
    Produzent: Pate, Johnny
    Solo: King, B. B.
    King, B. B.
    Gitarre: King, B. B.
    Schlagzeug (drums): Freeman, Sonny
    Trompete: Sands, Kenneth
    Kontrabaß: Lauchie, Leo
    Saxophon: Forte, Bobby

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