HL 14011288

The Fiddler'S Fake Book

Brody David

The Fiddler'S Fake Book
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    1.After The Battle Of Aughrim
    2.Allie Crocker
    3.Angeline The Baker 1
    4.Angeline The Baker 2
    5.Angus Campbell
    6.Another Jig Will Do
    7.Apple Blossom
    8.Archie Menzie'S Reel
    9.Arkansas Traveller 1
    10.Arkansas Traveller 2
    11.Arkansas Traveller 3
    12.Arthur Seat
    14.Avalon Quickstep
    15.Back Step Cindy
    16.Back Up And Push
    17.Baker'S Breakdown
    18.Banish Misfortune
    19.Banks Hornpipe
    20.Barbara'S Fancy
    21.Barlow Knife
    22.Beaumont Rag
    23.Bee'S Wing Hornpipe
    24.Betty Liken
    25.Big Sandy River
    26.Bill Cheatham 1
    27.Bill Cheatham 2
    28.Billy In The Lowground 1
    29.Billy In The Lowground 2
    30.Birdie A
    31.Birdie B
    32.Bitter Creek
    33.Black And White Rag
    34.Blackberry Blossom 1
    35.Black Eyed Susie
    36.Black Mountain Rag
    37.Black Nag
    38.Bluegrass In The Backwoods
    39.Boatin'Up Sandy
    40.Bobby Shaftoe
    41.Bonaparte Crossing The Rhine
    42.Bonaparte Crossing The Rocky Mountains
    43.Bonaparte'S Retreat
    44.Bonnie Isle O'Whalsay
    45.Bonnie Kate
    46.Bonnie Lass O'Bon Accord
    47.Breaking Up Christmas
    48.Briarpicker Brown
    49.Brickyord Joe
    50.Brilliancy Medley
    51.Bull At The Wagon
    52.Bunch Of Keys 1
    53.Bunch Of Keys 2
    54.Cabri Waltz
    55.Cacklin Hen
    56.Campbell'S Farewell To Red Gap
    57.Camp Chase
    58.Carolan'S Concerto
    59.Carroll County Blues
    60.Cattle In The Cane
    61.Cherish The Ladies
    62.Cherokee Shuffle
    63.Chicken Reel
    64.Chief O'Neill'S Favorite
    66.Chinese Breakdown
    67.Chorus Jig
    68.Christmas Day In The Morning
    70.Cluckin Hen
    71.Cluck Old Hen
    72.Coleman'S Cross
    74.College Groves
    75.Colored Aristocracy
    76.Come Dance And Sing
    77.Cooley'S Reel
    78.Cotton Eye Joe
    79.Cotton Patch Rag
    80.Country Waltz
    81.Crazy Creek
    82.Cricket On The Hearth
    83.Cripple Creek 1
    84.Cripple Creek 2
    85.Cross Eyed Fiddler
    86.Cross Reel
    87.Cuckoo'S Nest
    89.Cumberland Gap
    90.Da Galley Watch
    91.Dailey'S Reel
    92.Da Lerwicks Lasses
    93.Dallas Rag
    94.Dance All Night
    95.Da Underhill
    96.Dennis Murphy'S Polka
    97.Devil'S Dream
    98.Dill Pickle Rag
    99.Donald Blue
    100.Donald Cameron'S Polka
    101.Done Gone
    102.Don Tremaines Reel
    103.Double File
    104.Dowd'S Favorite
    105.Down The Broom 1
    106.Draggin The Bow
    107.Drowsy Maggie
    108.Drunken Billy Goat
    109.Drunken Hiccups
    111.Ducks On The Millpond 1
    112.Ducks On The Pond
    113.Durang'S Hornpipe 1
    114.Durang'S Hornpipe 2
    115.Durham'S Bull
    116.Dusty Miller 1
    117.Dusty Miller 2a
    118.Dusty Miller 2b
    119.East Neuk O'Fife
    120.East Tennessee Blues
    122.Eighth Of January
    123.Elzic'S Farewell
    124.Eugene Stratton
    125.Fairy Dance
    126.Falls Of Richmond
    127.Farewell To Ireland
    128.Farewell To Whiskey
    129.Festival Waltz
    130.Fiddle Head Reel
    131.Fiddler'S Dream
    132.Fiddling Around
    133.Fire In The Mountain
    134.Fisherman'S Favorite
    135.Fisher'S Hornpipe
    136.Five The Fiddler A Dream 1
    137.Flop Eared Mule
    138.Florida Blues
    139.Flowers Of Edinburgh
    140.Flying Cloud Cotillion
    141.Folding Down The Sheets
    142.Forked Deer
    143.Forks Of Sandy
    144.Fort Smoth Breakdown
    146.Four Cent Cotton
    147.Fourteen Days In Georgia
    148.Frieze Breeches
    149.Frosty Morning
    151.Galway Hornpipe
    152.Gaspe Reel
    153.Gavin Mc Mullen
    154.George Booker
    155.Georgiana Moon
    156.Georgia Railroad
    157.Gilian'S Reel
    158.Give Me Your Hand
    159.Gladstone'S Reel
    160.Going Down The River
    161.Going To Jail
    162.Going To Town
    163.Golden Slippers
    164.Goodbye Liza Jane
    165.Great Bit Taters In Sandy Land
    166.Greenfields Of America
    167.Green Mountain Petronella
    168.Green Willis
    169.Grey Eagle
    170.Halting March
    171.Hamilton County
    172.Hamilton March
    173.Hanged Man'S Reel
    174.Harvest Home
    175.Hast To The Wedding
    176.Hawkins Rag
    177.Hawks And Eagles
    178.Hell Among The Yearlings
    180.Hickman County
    181.Hi Flyer Stomp
    182.High Dad In The Morning
    183.Hobart'S Transformation
    184.Hog Eye
    185.Hollow Poplar
    186.Hull'S Victory
    187.I Don'T Love Nobody
    188.In The Woodpile
    189.Jack Broke Da Prison Door
    190.Jack Of Diamonds
    191.Jackson'S Reel 1
    192.Jackson'S Reel 2
    193.Jackson Stomp
    194.Jaegerchor (aus Der Freischuetz)
    196.Jenny Lind Polka
    197.Jenny Lynn
    198.Jenny'S Welcome To Charlie
    199.Jerusalem Ridge
    200.John Brown'S Dream
    201.John Kelly'S Slide
    202.Johnny'S Gone To France
    203.Johnny The Blacksmith 1
    204.John Ryan'S Polka
    205.Joyous Waltz
    206.Joys Of Quebec
    207.Jug Of Punch
    208.June Apple
    209.Katy Hill
    210.Kaw River
    211.Keep The Ark A Movin'
    212.Kitty Mcgee
    213.La Bastringue
    214.Lady Ann Montgomery
    215.Lady In The Boat
    216.Lady On The Island
    217.Langstrom'S Pony
    218.Larry O'Gaff
    219.Lasses Trust In Providence
    220.Last Night'S Joy
    221.Leather Britches
    222.Lee Highway Blues
    224.Liberty Off The Corn Liquor Still
    225.Lime Rock
    226.Listen To The Mocking Bird
    227.Little Burned Potato
    228.Little Liza Jane
    229.Little Rabbit
    230.Liza Jane 1
    231.Loch Earn Reel
    232.Loch Lavan Castle
    233.Lonesome Fiddle Blues
    234.Lord Gordon'S Reel
    235.Lord Mayo 1
    236.Lost Indian 1
    237.Lost Indian 2
    238.Lost John
    239.Lost Train Blues
    240.Louie'S First Tune
    241.Maggie Brown'S Favorite
    243.Maiden'S Prayer
    244.Make A Little Boat
    245.Malcolm Finley'S Reel
    246.Marching Down Broadway
    247.Martha Walker
    248.Mason'S Apron
    249.Mathodist Preacher
    250.Mcmahon'S Reel
    251.Merrily Kissed The Quaker'S Wife
    252.Midnight On The Water
    253.Millbank Cottage
    254.Miller'S Reel
    255.Mineola Rag
    256.Mississippi Hornpipe
    257.Mississippi Sawyer
    258.Miss Mcleod'S Reel 1
    259.Miss Mcleod'S Reel 2
    260.Miss Monaghan'S Reel
    261.Miss Thornton'S Reel
    262.Miss Wedderburn'S Reel
    263.Molly Put The Kettle On
    264.Money Musk A
    265.Money Musk B
    266.Monroe'S Hornpipe
    267.Morgan Magan
    268.Morpeth Rant
    269.Muddy Roads
    270.Murphy'S Hornpipe
    271.My Own House Waltz
    272.Nancy Rowland
    273.New Money
    275.Off To California
    276.Of She Goes
    277.Old Joe Clark
    278.Old Molly Hare
    279.Old Mother Flanagan
    280.One More River To Cross
    281.Opera Reel
    282.Opus 57
    283.Orange Blossom Special
    284.Over The Waterfall
    285.Ozark Rag
    286.Paddy On The Railroad
    287.Paddy On The Turnpike 1a
    288.Paddy On The Turnpike 1b1
    289.Paddy On The Turnpike 1b2
    290.Paddy Won'T You Drink Some Cider
    291.Padraig O'Keeffe'S Slide
    292.Peacock Rag
    293.Peter Francisco
    295.Pig Ankle Rag
    296.Pigeon On The Gate
    297.Pit Hame Da Borrowed Claes
    298.Planxty Drury
    299.Planxty George Brabazon
    300.Plyncty Irwin
    301.President Garfield'S Hornpipe
    302.Pretty Little Dog
    303.Prince William
    304.Queen Of The Fair
    305.Quince Dillon'S High D
    306.Ragtime Annie
    307.Red Apple Rag
    308.Red Haired Boy
    309.Red Lion Hornpipe
    310.Red Wing
    312.Richmond Cotillion
    313.Rickett'S Hornpipe
    314.Rights Of Man
    315.Road To Columbus
    316.Rochester Schottische 1
    317.Rock The Cradle Joe
    318.Rocky Mountain Goat
    319.Rocky Road To Dublin
    320.Rodney'S Glory
    321.Rose Division
    322.Rose Tree 1
    323.Rose Tree 2
    324.Ross'S Reel
    326.Roxanna Waltz
    327.Roxborough Castle
    328.Run Johnny Run A
    329.Run Johnny Run B
    330.Russian Rag
    331.Rye Straw
    332.Sail Away Ladies 1a
    333.Sail Away Ladies 1b
    334.Sail Away Ladies 2
    335.Saint Anne'S Reel
    336.Sally Ann A
    337.Sally Ann B
    338.Sally Ann C
    339.Sally Ann Johnson
    340.Sally Gardens
    341.Sally Goodin 1
    342.Sally Goodin 2
    343.Sally In The Garden
    344.Sally Johnson
    345.Salt River 11
    346.Salt River 12
    347.Sandy River Belle A1
    348.Sandy River Belle A2
    349.Santa Anna'S Retreat
    350.Say Old Man Can You Play The Fiddle
    351.Shelvin Rock 1
    352.Ship In The Clouds
    353.Ships Are Sailing
    354.Shooting Creek
    355.Shoot The Turkey Buzzard
    356.Silver Threads Among The Gold
    357.Sleeping Lulu
    358.Sleep Sound In Da Morning
    359.Sligo Maid
    360.Smash The Windows
    361.Smith'S Reel
    362.Smoring Mrs Gobeil
    363.Snowbird On The Ashbank
    364.Snowflake Reel
    365.Snowshoes A
    366.Soldier'S Joy
    367.Sonny'S Mazurka
    369.Speed The Plough
    370.Star Of The County Down
    371.Staten Island
    372.Stone'S Rag
    373.Stoney Creek
    374.Stoney Point
    375.Stony Fork
    376.Sugar In The Gourd
    377.Sweet Bunch Of Daisies
    378.Swinging Fiddles
    379.Swinging On The Gate
    380.Take Me Back To Georgia
    381.Tarbolton Reel
    382.Tater Patch
    383.Temperance Reel
    384.Texas Gales
    385.The Athole Highlanders'Farewell To Loch Katrine
    386.The Athole Highlanders'Farewell To Loch Katrine
    387.The Ballykeal Jig
    388.The Battering Ram
    389.The Battle Of Aughrim
    390.The Big Scioty
    391.The Bird In The Tree
    392.The Boys Of Bluehill
    393.The Boys Of The Lough
    394.The Boys Of Wexford
    395.The Bride'S A Bonnie Thing
    396.The Cameron Highlanders
    397.The Congress Reel
    398.The Connaughtman'S Rambles
    399.The Day Dawn
    400.The Girl I Left Behind Me
    401.The Girl That Broke My Heart
    402.The Gold Ring
    403.The Gravel Walk
    404.The Growling Old Man And Woman
    405.The Highland Man That Kissed His Grannie
    406.The Humours Of Ballyconnell
    407.The Humours Of Ballyloughlin
    408.The Hunter'S Purse
    409.The Irish Washerwoman
    410.The Iron Man
    411.The Kerryman'S Daughter
    412.The Kerry Reel
    413.The Kesh Jig
    414.The Kid On The Mountain
    415.The Killarney Boys Of Pleasure
    416.The Kitchen Girl
    417.The Laird O'Drumblair
    418.The Lark In The Morning
    419.The Last Of Callahan
    420.The Maid Behind The Bar
    421.The Maid On The Green
    422.The Merry Sister
    423.The Morning Dew
    424.The Mouth Of The Tobique
    425.The Mullingar Races
    426.The Munster Buttermilk
    427.The Musical Priest
    428.The Nine Points Of Roguery
    429.The Oak Tree
    430.The Pipe On The Hob
    431.The Queen'S Jig
    432.The Rakes Of Kildare
    433.There'S A Brown Skin Gal
    434.The Road To Lisdoonvarna 1
    435.The Road To Lisdoonvarna 2
    436.The Route
    437.The Sailor'S Hornpipe
    438.The Silver Spire
    439.The Star Above The Garter
    440.The Star Of Munster
    441.The Swallow'S Tail Reel
    442.The Swallow Tail Jig
    443.The Weavers
    444.The Wheels Of The World
    445.The White Cockade
    446.The Wind That Shakes The Barley
    447.The Wise Maid
    448.Three In One Two Step
    449.Timour The Tartar
    450.Tobin'S Jig
    451.Tom Und Jerry
    452.Too Young To Marry
    453.Toss The Feathers
    454.Trip To Sligo
    455.Trude Evans
    456.Turkey In The Straw
    457.Twenty Eighty Of January
    458.Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
    459.Twin Sisters 1
    460.Up Jumped The Devil
    462.Wake Up Susan 1
    463.Walking In My Sleep
    464.Walkin'In The Parlor
    465.Washington County
    466.Ways Of The World
    467.Wedding March From Unst
    468.Wednesday Night Waltz
    469.Western Country
    470.West Fork Gals
    471.Westphalia Waltz
    472.Whiskey Before Breakfast
    473.Whistling Rufus
    474.White Horse Breakdown
    475.Wild Rose Of The Mountain
    476.Woodchopper'S Reel
    477.Year Of The Jubilo
    478.You Married My Daughter And Yet You Didn'T
    479.You Married My Daughter And Yet You Didn'T

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