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COR 16121
von Händel, Georg Friedrich | Christophers / Gilchrist / Bickley / Sixteen, The / +
erschienen am 05.09.2014
Zum Preis von
33,99 €
Preis inkl. MwSt
Nicht am Lager,
nachbestellbar (verfügbar in 5-7 Werktagen)
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Reinhören | Track | Titel | Komponist | Interpret | Dauer |
► | 1-001 | Jephta HWV 70 (Oratorium) (Gesamtaufnahme) | Komponist: Händel, Georg Friedrich | Sopran: Bevan, Sophie; Davidson, Grace Dirigent / Band Leader: Christophers, Harry Mezzosopran: Bickley, Susan Countertenor: Blaze, Robin Tenor: Gilchrist, James Baßbariton: Brook, Matthew Sonstiges Ensemble: Sixteen, The | |
1-001-001 | Overture (1. Teil) | 00:07:30 | |||
1-002-002 | Accompagnato: It must be so, or these vile Ammonites - Arie: Pour forth no more unheeded pray'rs | 00:04:17 | |||
1-003-003 | Chor: No more to Ammon's God and King | 00:02:43 | |||
1-004-004 | Rezitativ: But Jephtha comes - Kind Heaven, assist our plea - Arie: Virtue my soul shall stille embrace | 00:04:45 | |||
1-005-005 | Rezitativ: 'Twill be a painful separation, Jephtha - Arie: In gentle murmurs will I mourn | 00:05:01 | |||
1-006-006 | Rezitativ: Happy this embassy, my charming Iphis - Arie: Dull delay, in piercing anguish | 00:03:44 | |||
1-007-007 | Rezitativ: Ill suits the voice of love when glory calls - Arie: Take the heart you fondly gave | 00:03:36 | |||
1-008-008 | Rezitativ: I go; my soul, inspir'd by thy command - Duett: These labours past, how happy we! | 00:06:40 | |||
1-009-009 | Rezitativ: What mean these doubtful fancies of the brain? - Accompagniato: If, Lord, sustain'd by thy almighty pow'r | 00:02:00 | |||
1-010-010 | Chor: O God, behold our sore distress | 00:04:16 | |||
1-011-011 | Rezitativ: Some dire event hangs o'er our heads - Arie: Scenes of horror, scenes of woe | 00:04:57 | |||
1-012-012 | Rezitativ: Say, my dear mother, whence these piercing cries - Arie: The smiling dawn of happy days | 00:03:43 | |||
1-013-013 | Rezitativ: Such, Jephtha, was the haughty king's reply - Chor: When his loud voice in thunder spoke | 00:05:14 | |||
2-001-014 | Rezitativ: Glad tidings of great joy to thee, dear Iphis (2. Teil) | 00:01:18 | |||
2-002-015 | Chor: Cherub and Seraphim, unbodied forms | 00:03:16 | |||
2-003-016 | Arie: Up the dreadful steep ascending | 00:04:07 | |||
2-004-017 | Rezitativ: 'Tis well - Arie: Tune the soft melodiuos lute | 00:05:13 | |||
2-005-018 | Rezitativ: Heav'n smiles once more on His repentant people - Arie: His mighty arm, with sudden blow | 00:05:55 | |||
2-006-019 | Chor: In glory high, in might serene | 00:02:31 | |||
2-007-020 | Sinfonie | 00:01:08 | |||
2-008-021 | Rezitativ: Hail, glorious conqueror! much-lov'd father, hail! - Arie: Welcome, as the cheerful light - Chor: Welcome... | 00:04:18 | |||
2-009-022 | Rezitativ: Horror! confusion! - Arie: Open thy marble jaws, o tomb | 00:04:52 | |||
2-010-023 | Rezitativ: Why is my brother thus afflicted? | 00:01:08 | |||
2-011-024 | Accompagnato und Arie: First perish thou, and perish all the world! | 00:02:18 | |||
2-012-025 | Rezitativ: If such thy cruel purpose, lo! your friend! - Arie: On me let blind mistaken zeal | 00:02:10 | |||
2-013-026 | Quartett: O spare your daughter! | 00:03:12 | |||
2-014-027 | Rezitativ: Such news flies swift. I've heard the mournful cause - Accompagniato: For joys so vast, too little is the... | 00:01:15 | |||
2-015-028 | Arie: Happy they; This vital breath | 00:03:50 | |||
2-016-029 | Accompagniato: Deeper and deeer still, thy goodness, child | 00:03:17 | |||
2-017-030 | Chor: How dark, O Lord, are Thy decrees | 00:07:26 | |||
3-001-031 | Arie: Hide thou thy hated beams. O Sun, in clouds (3. Teil) | 00:02:42 | |||
3-002-032 | Accompagnato: A father, off'ring up his only child - Arie: Waft her, angels, through the skies | 00:05:18 | |||
3-003-033 | Accompagniato: Ye sacred priests, whose hands ne'er yet were stain'd - Arie: Farewell, ye limpid springs and floods | 00:05:33 | |||
3-004-034 | Chor: Doubtful fear and rev'rent awe | 00:03:55 | |||
3-005-035 | SInfonie | 00:02:39 | |||
3-006-036 | Rezitativ: Rise, Jephtha, and ye rev'rend prests, withhold - Arie: Happy, Iphis, shalt thou live | 00:05:15 | |||
3-007-037 | Arie: For ever blessed be Thy holy name | 00:01:01 | |||
3-008-038 | Chor: Theme sublime of endless praise | 00:03:16 | |||
3-009-039 | Rezitativ: Let me congratulate this happy turn - Arie: Laud her, all ye virgin train | 00:02:38 | |||
3-010-040 | Rezitativ: O, let me fold thee in a mother's arms - Arie: Sweet as sight to the blind | 00:02:46 | |||
3-011-041 | Rezitativ: With transport, Iphis, I behold thy safety - Arie: 'Tis Heaven's all-ruling pow'r | 00:05:26 | |||
3-012-042 | Rezitativ: My faithful Hamor, may that Providence - Quintett: All that is in Hamor is mine | 00:03:50 | |||
3-013-043 | Chor: Ye house of Gilead, with one voice | 00:03:49 | |||
3-014-044 | Rezitativ: Again Heav'n smiles - Arie: Freedom now (Appendix) | 00:04:01 |