CDA 67395


von Bantock, Granville | Connell / Begley / RPO
erschienen am 17.11.2003

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    1-001Overture to a Greek tragedy (Ouvertüre zu einer Griechischen Tragödie)Komponist: Bantock, GranvilleDirigent / Band Leader: Handley, Vernon
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Royal Philharmonic Orchestra London
    1-001-0011. (ohne Satzbezeichnung)00:04:00
    1-002-0022. (ohne Satzbezeichnung)00:02:20
    1-003-0033. (ohne Satzbezeichnung)00:05:31
    1-004-0044. (ohne Satzbezeichnung)00:06:07
    1-005The wilderness and the solitary placeKomponist: Bantock, GranvilleSopran: Connell, Elizabeth
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Handley, Vernon
    1-006Pierrot of the minuteKomponist: Bantock, GranvilleDirigent / Band Leader: Handley, Vernon
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Royal Philharmonic Orchestra London
    1-007The song of songs (Auszug)Komponist: Bantock, GranvilleSopran: Connell, Elizabeth
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Handley, Vernon
    1-007-001The second day: The voice of my beloved00:02:25
    1-008-002My beloved spake00:01:56
    1-009-003Arise, my love00:02:54
    1-010-004Take us the foxes00:03:15
    1-011-005She flings herself upon a divan in an ecstasy of passionate rapture00:02:30
    1-012-006By night in my dream I sought him00:03:11
    1-013-007But I found him whom my soul loveth00:03:25
    1-014-008The third day: The King's gifts00:01:05
    1-015-009The Shulamite00:02:17
    1-016-010The Shulamite is left alone00:01:00
    1-017-011The Shulamite reflects upon her absent shepherd-lover00:01:09
    1-018-012... and sees him in a vision on the mountainside00:01:34
    1-019-013The fifth day: Who is this that cometh up from the wilderness?00:02:00
    1-020-014Set me as a seal upon thy heart00:01:43
    1-021-015Many waters cannot quench love00:01:03
    1-022-016For love is strong as death00:02:32
    1-023-017We have a little sister00:03:56
    1-024-018Make haste, my beloved00:03:08

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