The King of the Golden River

von Edgar - Wilson / Coull Quartet
erschienen am 21.12.2017

The King of the Golden River
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    1-001The King of the Golden River (für Streichquartett und Tenor)Komponist: Rodgers, SarahStreichquartett: Coull Quartet
    Tenor: Edgar-Wilson, Richard
    1-001-001Nr. 1: The treasure valley00:10:09
    1-002-002Nr. 2: The King of the Golden River00:06:28
    1-003-003Nr. 3: The black brothers00:12:13
    1-004O mistress mine (für Streichquartett und Tenor)Komponist: Bax, ArnoldStreichquartett: Coull Quartet
    Tenor: Edgar-Wilson, Richard
    1-005My eyes for beauty pine (für Streichquartett und Tenor)Komponist: Bax, ArnoldStreichquartett: Coull Quartet
    Tenor: Edgar-Wilson, Richard
    1-006Amoretti op. 43 Nr. 1-5 (5 Sonette nach Edmund Spenser)Komponist: Rubbra, EdmundStreichquartett: Coull Quartet
    Tenor: Edgar-Wilson, Richard
    1-006-001Nr. 1: Lackyng my love00:03:07
    1-007-002Nr. 2: Fresh spring00:01:37
    1-008-003Nr. 3: Lyke as the culver00:04:14
    1-009-004Nr. 4: What guyle is this00:03:30
    1-010-005Nr. 5: Mark when she smiles00:01:59
    1-011O my deir hert op. 5Komponist: Rubbra, EdmundStreichquartett: Coull Quartet
    Tenor: Edgar-Wilson, Richard
    1-012O excellent virgin princess op. 77Komponist: Rubbra, EdmundStreichquartett: Coull Quartet
    Tenor: Edgar-Wilson, Richard
    1-013On Wenlock Edge (6 Lieder)Komponist: Vaughan Williams, RalphKlavier: Lisney, James
    Tenor: Edgar-Wilson, Richard
    1-013-001Nr. 1: On wenlock edge00:04:01
    1-014-002Nr. 2: From far, from eve and morning00:02:08
    1-015-003Nr. 3: Is my team plouding00:03:43
    1-016-004Nr. 4: Oh, when I was in love with you00:00:44
    1-017-005Nr. 5: Bredon hill00:07:41
    1-018-006Nr. 6: Clun00:03:47

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