CHA 009026


von Suk, Josef | Fingerhut, Margaret
erschienen am 01.05.1992

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    1-001Klavierstück op. 7Komponist: Suk, JosefKlavier: Fingerhut, Margaret
    1-001-001Love Songs: Adagio non troppo lento00:06:25
    1-002-002Humoresque: Allegretto grazioso00:01:28
    1-003-003Little Idylls Nr. 2: Tempo comodo00:03:29
    1-004-004Dumka: Andante - Allegro ma non troppo - Andante00:05:37
    1-005Frühling op. 22aKomponist: Suk, JosefKlavier: Fingerhut, Margaret
    1-005-001Spring: Allegro con brio00:04:37
    1-006-002The Breeze: Andante, quasi Allegretto00:01:52
    1-007-003In Expectation: Andante vcon moto ed espressivo00:03:54
    1-009-005Longing: Allegro non troppo00:03:37
    1-010Summer Impressions op. 22bKomponist: Suk, JosefKlavier: Fingerhut, Margaret
    1-010-001At Noon: Moderato00:04:22
    1-011-002Children at Play: Allegretto00:02:19
    1-012-003Evening Mood: Andante espressivo00:06:54
    1-013Über Mutter op. 28Komponist: Suk, JosefKlavier: Fingerhut, Margaret
    1-013-001When mother was still a little girl: Allegetto molto moderato00:03:00
    1-014-002Once in Springtime: Adagio - Allegro non troppo - Adagio00:05:02
    1-015-003How mother sang at night to the sick child: Andante00:03:42
    1-016-004About mother's heart: Andante sostenuto00:04:46
    1-017-005Remembering: Andante00:05:08
    2-001Was ich gelebt und getrräumt op. 30Komponist: Suk, JosefKlavier: Fingerhut, Margaret
    2-001-001With wit and irony, in places fuming: Allegretto moderato (1. Teil)00:02:32
    2-002-002Restlessly and shyly, without strong expression: Allegro vivo00:01:52
    2-003-003Mysteriously and very light: Andante sostenuto00:04:11
    2-004-004Conteemplatively, then increasingly aggressive: Poco allegretto00:04:01
    2-005-005On the recovery of my son. Calmy, with deep emotion: Adagio00:05:43
    2-006-006With expression of quiet, carefree good power: Moderato quasi allegertto (2. Teil)00:03:58
    2-007-007Simply, later with expression of oppressive power: Adagio non tanto00:04:11
    2-008-008Gently, chipingly: Vivace00:02:11
    2-009-009Whisperingly and mysteriously: Poco andante00:04:05
    2-010-010To the forgotten graves in the corner of the Krecovice cemetery. Dreamly: Adagio00:06:06
    2-011Wiegenlieder op. 33Komponist: Suk, JosefKlavier: Fingerhut, Margaret
    2-011-001Over sleeping children: Andante sostenuto00:03:18
    2-012-002Ditty: Andante00:01:37
    2-013-003Sentimental Self-parody on a Street Song: Andante quasi Adagio00:02:50
    2-014-004Return to Health: Andante moderato00:03:22
    2-015-005A child's christmas dream: Moderato con moto00:02:56
    2-016-006Death, come but softly: Andante con moto00:06:03

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