Saul (ga)

von Händel, Georg Friedrich | Gardiner / Ebs
erschienen am 26.08.1991

Saul (ga)
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    1-001Saul HWV 53Komponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichChor: Monteverdi Choir, The
    Kammermusik / Ensemble: English Baroque Soloists, The
    Sopran: Brown, Donna; Dawson, Lynne; Holton, Ruth
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Gardiner, Sir John Eliot
    Countertenor: Ragin, Derek Lee
    Tenor: Ainsley, John Mark; Mackie, Neil
    Baß: Miles, Alastair
    1-001-0011. Allegro
    1-002-0022. Larghetto
    1-003-0033. Allegro
    1-004-0044. Andante larghetto
    1-005-005How excellent Thy name, o Lord
    1-006-006An infant raised - Along the monster atheist strode
    1-007-007The youth inspir'd by Thee, oh Lord
    1-008-008How excellent Thy name, o Lord
    1-009-009He comes, he comes! - Oh god-like youth
    1-010-010Behold, oh king, the brave, victorious youth
    1-011-011Oh king, your favours with delight - Oh early piety!
    1-012-012What abjects thoughts - Yet think on whom this honour
    1-013-013Birth and fortune I despise
    1-014-014Go on, illustrious pair! - While yet thy tide of blood
    1-015-015Thou, Merab, first in birth - My soul rejects - See, with what a scornful air - Ah, love
    1-016-016Symphony - Already see the daughters - Welcome, welcome, mighty king!
    1-017-017What do I hear? - David his ten thousands slew - To him ten thousands
    1-018-018With rage I shall burst his praises to hear!
    1-019-019Imprudent women!
    1-020-020Fell rage and black despair possess'd
    1-021-021This but the smallest part of Harmony - By thee this universal frame
    1-022-022Rack'd with infernal pains, ev'n now the king comes forth
    1-023-023Oh Lord, whose mercies numberless - Symphony
    1-024-024'Tis all in vain - A serpent, in my bosom warmed - Has he escaped my rage?
    1-025-025Capricious man, in humour lost
    1-026-026Oh filial piety! oh sacred friendship!
    1-027-027No, cruel father, no!
    1-028-028Oh Lord!, whose providence ever wakes
    1-029-029Preserve him for the glory of thy name
    2-001-031Envy! eldest born of hell!
    2-002-032Ah! dearest friend, undone by too much virtue!
    2-003-033But sooner Jordan's stream, I swear
    2-004-034Oh strange vicissitude
    2-005-035Such haughty beauties rather move aversion
    2-006-036My father comes - Hast thou obeyed my orders
    2-007-037Sin not, oh king, against the youth
    2-008-038As great Jehovah lives, I swear
    2-009-039From cities storm'd, and battles won
    2-010-040Appear, my friend
    2-011-041Your words, o king - Yes, he shall wed my daughter
    2-012-042A father's will has authoriz'd my love
    2-013-043Oh fairest of ten thousand fair - Is there a man
    2-015-045Thy father is as cruel, and as false, as thou art kind and true
    2-016-046At persecution I can laugh
    2-017-047Whom dost thou seek?
    2-018-048No, no, let the guilty tremble
    2-019-049Mean as he was, he is my brother now
    2-020-050Author of peace, who canst controul ev'ry passion of the soul
    2-022-052The time at length is come - Where is the son of Jesse?
    2-023-053Oh fatal consequences of rage
    3-001-054Wretch that I am - 'Tis said, here lives a woman - With me what would'st thou?
    3-002-055Infernal spirits, by whose pow'r
    3-003-056Why hast thou forc'd me from the realms of peace
    3-005-058Whence comest thou - Impious wretch
    3-006-059Dead March
    3-007-060Mourn, Israel, mourn, thy beauty lost
    3-008-061Oh let it not in Gath be heard
    3-009-062From this unhappy day no more
    3-010-063Brave Jonathan his bow ne'er drew
    3-011-064Eagles were not so swift as they
    3-012-065In sweetest harmony they liv'd
    3-013-066Oh fatal day! how low the mighty lie!
    3-014-067Ye men of Judah, weep no more!
    3-015-068Gird on they sword, thou man of might

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