► | 1-001 | If You Love Me | Komponist: Carvalho, Dadi; Gardot, Melody | Solo: Gardot, Melody Gardot, Melody Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Schlagzeug (drums): Staab, Chuck Trompete: Brönner, Till | 00:04:36 |
► | 1-002 | C'est Magnifique | Komponist: Dadi Carvalho; Gardot, Melody; Aderne, Pierre | Solo: Zambujo, António; Gardot, Melody Holzblasinstrument: Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Streichinstrument: Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Gardot, Melody Schlagzeug (drums): Colaiuta, Vinnie Percussion: Da Costa, Paulinho | 00:04:53 |
► | 1-003 | There Where He Lives In Me | Komponist: Gardot, Melody; Powell, Phillipe Baden; Aderne, Pierre | Solo: Gardot, Melody Holzblasinstrument: Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Streichinstrument: Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Gardot, Melody Klavier: Powell, Phillippe Baden Schlagzeug (drums): Colaiuta, Vinnie Percussion: Da Costa, Paulinho | 00:05:49 |
► | 1-004 | Love Song | Komponist: Duncan, Lesley | Solo: Gardot, Melody Streichinstrument: Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Gardot, Melody Schlagzeug (drums): Staab, Chuck | 00:03:58 |
► | 1-005 | You Won't Forget Me | Komponist: Speilmann, Fred Textdichter: Goell, Kermit | Solo: Gardot, Melody Streichinstrument: Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Gardot, Melody Klavier: de Aquino, Phillippe Baden Powell Schlagzeug (drums): Staab, Chuck Percussion: Da Costa, Paulinho Saxophon: McCaslin, Donny | 00:06:05 |
► | 1-006 | Sunset In The Blue | Komponist: Harris, Jesse; Gardot, Melody | Solo: Gardot, Melody Streichinstrument: Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Gardot, Melody Schlagzeug (drums): Colaiuta, Vinnie | 00:04:33 |
► | 1-007 | Um Beijo | Komponist: Gardot, Melody | Solo: Gardot, Melody Streichinstrument: Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Gardot, Melody Schlagzeug (drums): Colaiuta, Vinnie Percussion: Da Costa, Paulinho Trompete: Brönner, Till | 00:04:06 |
► | 1-008 | Ninguém, Ninguém | Komponist: Gardot, Melody | Solo: Gardot, Melody Gardot, Melody Gitarre: Duarte, Nando Schlagzeug (drums): Colaiuta, Vinnie Percussion: Da Costa, Paulinho | 00:03:38 |
► | 1-009 | From Paris With Love (Single Version) | Komponist: Gardot, Melody; Aderne, Pierre | Gardot, Melody Flöte: Kujala, Stephen; Fox, Oliver Horn: Todd, Richard Violine: Weisse, Isabelle; Papoyan, Gohar; Deblonde, Gaelle; Majou, Gabriel; Sun, Emily; Electra, Marie; Voldsdal, Lise Sorensen | 00:04:50 |
► | 1-010 | Ave Maria | Komponist: Gardot, Melody; Richardson, Reese | Solo: Gardot, Melody Gardot, Melody Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Schlagzeug (drums): Colaiuta, Vinnie Percussion: Da Costa, Paulinho | 00:04:28 |
► | 1-011 | Moon River | Komponist: Mancini, Henry; Mancini, Henry; Mercer, Johnny Textdichter: Mercer, Johnny | Solo: Gardot, Melody Streichinstrument: Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Gardot, Melody Schlagzeug (drums): Colaiuta, Vinnie | 00:03:48 |
► | 1-012 | I Fall In Love Too Easily | Komponist: Cahn, Sammy; Styne, Jule | Solo: Gardot, Melody Gardot, Melody | 00:03:10 |
► | 1-013 | Little Something | Komponist: Gardot, Melody; Chatenet, Antoine; Miller, Dominic; Stenmalm, Hilda; Blake, Conor; Abakar, Nora; Sting | Solo: Gardot, Melody; Sting Gardot, Melody / Sting Schlagzeug (drums): Chatenet, Antoine Synthesizer: Chatenet, Antoine; Chatenet, Antoine | 00:02:42 |
► | 1-014 | From Paris With Love (Acoustic) | Komponist: Gardot, Melody; Aderne, Pierre | Gardot, Melody Gitarre: Klein, Larry Sänger(in): Donavon, Heather Schlagzeug (drums): Staab, Chuck | 00:04:22 |
► | 1-015 | Love Song | Komponist: Duncan, Lesley | Solo: Gardot, Melody Gardot, Melody Schlagzeug (drums): Staab, Chuck Trompete: Maalouf, Ibrahim | 00:05:26 |
► | 1-016 | Trav'lin' Light | Komponist: Mundy, Jimmy; Mundy, Jimmy; Mercer, Johnny; Mercer, Johnny; Young, Trummy | Solo: Gardot, Melody Gardot, Melody Schlagzeug (drums): Staab, Chuck | 00:04:07 |
► | 1-017 | What Is This Thing Called Love | Komponist: Porter, Cole | Solo: Gardot, Melody Gardot, Melody Schlagzeug (drums): Staab, Chuck Saxophon: Johnson, Joshua | 00:03:27 |
► | 1-018 | C'est Magnifique (Live In Namouche Studios) | Komponist: Carvahlo, Dadi; Gardot, Melody; Aderne, Pierre | Solo: Zambujo, António Gardot, Melody Gitarre: Harris, Jesse Percussion: Salgueiro, José | 00:04:55 |