Tom Jones

von German, Edward | Hulme / Staykov / Morrison / Shipp
erschienen am 27.07.2009

Tom Jones
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    1-001Tom Jones: Act I, "The lawn at Squire Western's": IntroductionRichard Morrison; Rachel Chapman; Catrine Kirkman; Suart, Richard; Ashley Bremner; Elizabeth Menezes; Karen Wise; Rachel Chapman; Catrine Kirkman; Giles Davies; Ashley Bremner
    1-002Tom Jones: Act I: Don't you find the weather charming? (Chorus)Karen Wise; Gaynor Keeble; Paul Carey Jones; Paul Carey Jones; Iestyn Morris; Timothy Ochala-Greenough; Rachel Chapman; Catrine Kirkman; Giles Davies; Annette Stein; Suart, Richard
    1-003Tom Jones: Act I: Song: On a Januairy morning (Squire Western, Chorus)Gaynor Keeble; Gaynor Keeble; Paul Carey Jones; Rachel Harland; Karen Wise; Heather Shipp; Catrine Kirkman; Giles Davies; Annette Stein; Richard Morrison; Suart, Richard
    1-004Tom Jones: Act I: Song: West Country lad (Tom, Chorus)Suart, Richard; Catrine Kirkman; Giles Davies; Annette Stein; Paul Carey Jones; Richard Morrison; Gaynor Keeble; Paul Carey Jones; Rachel Harland; Richard Morrison; Rachel Chapman
    1-005Tom Jones: Act I: Song: To-day my spinet (Sophia)Timothy Ochala-Greenough; Gaynor Keeble; Maxwell, Donald; Suart, Richard; Paul Carey Jones; Maxwell, Donald; Marianne Hellgren Staykov; Suart, Richard; Timothy Ochala-Greenough; Richard Morrison; Catrine Kirkman
    1-006Tom Jones: Act I: Interlude: I gave your message, Miss (Sophia, Honour, Tom)Timothy Ochala-Greenough; Marianne Hellgren Staykov; Rachel Harland; Catrine Kirkman; Giles Davies; Annette Stein; Catrine Kirkman; Giles Davies; Butteriss, Simon; Ashley Bremner; Maxwell, Donald
    1-007Tom Jones: Act I: Trio: Wisdom says, Festina lente (Sophia, Honour, Tom)Iestyn Morris; Catrine Kirkman; Giles Davies; Annette Stein; Maxwell, Donald; Marianne Hellgren Staykov; Suart, Richard; Ashley Bremner; Elizabeth Menezes; Iestyn Morris; Rachel Chapman
    1-008Tom Jones: Act I: Sextet: The Barley Mow (Honour, Gregory, Peggy, Betty, Grizzle, Dobbin)Richard Morrison; Suart, Richard; Iestyn Morris; Timothy Ochala-Greenough; Rachel Chapman; Catrine Kirkman; Giles Davies; Annette Stein; Suart, Richard; Butteriss, Simon; Marianne Hellgren Staykov
    1-009Tom Jones: Act I: Madrigal Quartet: Here's a paradox for lovers (Sophia, Honour, Tom, Allworthy)Iestyn Morris; Rachel Harland; Karen Wise; Heather Shipp; Maxwell, Donald; Maxwell, Donald; Marianne Hellgren Staykov; Suart, Richard; Annette Stein; Rachel Chapman; Richard Morrison
    1-010Tom Jones: Act I: Finale: For aye, my love (Sophia, Tom, Squire Western, Blifil, Allworthy, Chorus)Butteriss, Simon; Rachel Harland; Karen Wise; Maxwell, Donald; Giles Davies; Annette Stein; Butteriss, Simon; Ashley Bremner; Elizabeth Menezes; Richard Morrison; Paul Carey Jones
    1-011Tom Jones: Act II, "The Inn at Upton": Hurry! Bustle! (Hostess, Officer, Chorus)Karen Wise; Paul Carey Jones; Rachel Harland; Karen Wise; Heather Shipp; Catrine Kirkman; Giles Davies; Annette Stein; Butteriss, Simon; Ashley Bremner; Gaynor Keeble
    1-012Tom Jones: Act II: Song: A Person of Parts (Partridge, Chorus)Ashley Bremner; Giles Davies; Annette Stein; Butteriss, Simon; Ashley Bremner; Suart, Richard; Iestyn Morris; Timothy Ochala-Greenough; Paul Carey Jones; Rachel Harland; Catrine Kirkman
    1-013Tom Jones: Act II: Song: Dream o' Day Jill (Sophia)Karen Wise; Rachel Chapman; Catrine Kirkman; Richard Morrison; Gaynor Keeble; Paul Carey Jones; Rachel Harland; Karen Wise; Heather Shipp; Catrine Kirkman; Timothy Ochala-Greenough
    1-014Tom Jones: Act II: Song: Gurt-Uncle Jan Tappit (Gregory, Chorus)Suart, Richard; Richard Morrison; Annette Stein; Butteriss, Simon; Ashley Bremner; Elizabeth Menezes; Paul Carey Jones; Rachel Harland; Iestyn Morris; Timothy Ochala-Greenough; Elizabeth Menezes
    1-015Tom Jones: Act II: Jig: With a fal la la (Chorus)Giles Davies; Iestyn Morris; Timothy Ochala-Greenough; Rachel Chapman; Rachel Harland; Karen Wise; Heather Shipp; Maxwell, Donald; Marianne Hellgren Staykov; Suart, Richard; Rachel Chapman
    1-016Tom Jones: Act II: My lady's coach (Hostess, Chorus)Karen Wise; Annette Stein; Butteriss, Simon; Elizabeth Menezes; Iestyn Morris; Timothy Ochala-Greenough; Rachel Chapman; Maxwell, Donald; Marianne Hellgren Staykov; Suart, Richard; Giles Davies
    1-017Tom Jones: Act II: Song: As all the maids (Honour)Suart, Richard; Elizabeth Menezes; Iestyn Morris; Maxwell, Donald; Marianne Hellgren Staykov; Rachel Harland; Karen Wise; Paul Carey Jones; Rachel Chapman; Ashley Bremner; Butteriss, Simon
    1-018Tom Jones: Act II: Laughing Trio: You have a pretty wit (Honour, Partridge, Gregory)Marianne Hellgren Staykov; Paul Carey Jones; Rachel Harland; Karen Wise; Heather Shipp; Catrine Kirkman; Giles Davies; Annette Stein; Butteriss, Simon; Ashley Bremner; Gaynor Keeble
    1-019Tom Jones: Act II: Song: A Soldier's Scarlet Coat (Tom, Chorus) (lyrics: Harry Beswick)Karen Wise; Paul Carey Jones; Gaynor Keeble; Rachel Chapman; Catrine Kirkman; Giles Davies; Timothy Ochala-Greenough; Rachel Chapman; Marianne Hellgren Staykov; Suart, Richard; Gaynor Keeble
    1-020Tom Jones: Act II: Song: Love maketh the heart a garden fair (Sophia, Chorus)Elizabeth Menezes; Timothy Ochala-Greenough; Rachel Chapman; Rachel Harland; Karen Wise; Heather Shipp; Maxwell, Donald; Marianne Hellgren Staykov; Suart, Richard; Butteriss, Simon; Iestyn Morris
    1-021Tom Jones: Act II: Finale: Where be my daughter? (Lady Bellaston, Tom, Squire Western, Partridge, Officer, Hostess, ChorRachel Harland; Paul Carey Jones; Maxwell, Donald; Giles Davies; Gaynor Keeble; Paul Carey Jones; Iestyn Morris; Butteriss, Simon; Ashley Bremner; Elizabeth Menezes; Gaynor Keeble
    2-001Tom Jones: Act III, "Ranelagh Gardens": Morris DanceIestyn Morris; Annette Stein; Suart, Richard; Giles Davies; Annette Stein; Gaynor Keeble; Paul Carey Jones; Iestyn Morris; Timothy Ochala-Greenough; Rachel Chapman; Rachel Harland
    2-002Tom Jones: Act III: Gavotte: Glass of fashion (Chorus)Giles Davies; Ashley Bremner; Elizabeth Menezes; Richard Morrison; Gaynor Keeble; Paul Carey Jones; Maxwell, Donald; Marianne Hellgren Staykov; Suart, Richard; Rachel Harland; Butteriss, Simon
    2-003Tom Jones: Act III: Song: The Green Ribbon (Honour, Chorus of Men)Annette Stein; Rachel Chapman; Rachel Harland; Paul Carey Jones; Rachel Harland; Karen Wise; Maxwell, Donald; Marianne Hellgren Staykov; Heather Shipp; Maxwell, Donald; Karen Wise
    2-004Tom Jones: Act III: Song: If love's content (Tom)Suart, Richard; Elizabeth Menezes; Richard Morrison; Gaynor Keeble; Suart, Richard; Paul Carey Jones; Rachel Harland; Karen Wise; Heather Shipp; Butteriss, Simon; Ashley Bremner
    2-005Tom Jones: Act III: Barcarolle: Beguile, beguile, with music sweet (Chorus, Chapman, Wise, Stein)Maxwell, Donald; Heather Shipp; Maxwell, Donald; Ashley Bremner; Maxwell, Donald; Ashley Bremner; Rachel Harland; Karen Wise; Rachel Harland; Ashley Bremner; Butteriss, Simon
    2-006Tom Jones: Act III: Recitative: Which is my own true self? (Sophia) - Waltz Song: For to-night (Sophia)Catrine Kirkman; Iestyn Morris; Timothy Ochala-Greenough; Rachel Chapman; Iestyn Morris; Timothy Ochala-Greenough; Rachel Chapman; Rachel Harland; Karen Wise; Heather Shipp; Paul Carey Jones
    2-007Tom Jones: Act III: Trio: Says a well-worn saw (Honour, Partridge, Gregory)Iestyn Morris; Marianne Hellgren Staykov; Giles Davies; Catrine Kirkman; Rachel Chapman; Timothy Ochala-Greenough; Rachel Chapman; Butteriss, Simon; Ashley Bremner; Elizabeth Menezes; Maxwell, Donald
    2-008Tom Jones: Act III: MelosRachel Chapman; Maxwell, Donald; Marianne Hellgren Staykov; Catrine Kirkman; Giles Davies; Annette Stein; Butteriss, Simon; Ashley Bremner; Elizabeth Menezes; Iestyn Morris; Heather Shipp
    2-009Tom Jones: Act III: Finale: Hark, the merry marriage bells! (Sophia, Honour, Tom, Chorus)Iestyn Morris; Richard Morrison; Elizabeth Menezes; Gaynor Keeble; Butteriss, Simon; Ashley Bremner; Elizabeth Menezes; Richard Morrison; Gaynor Keeble; Paul Carey Jones; Elizabeth Menezes
    2-010Tom Jones: Additional Song: A Foundling Boy (Tom)Iestyn Morris; Giles Davies; Annette Stein; Butteriss, Simon; Ashley Bremner; Elizabeth Menezes; Richard Morrison; Gaynor Keeble; Paul Carey Jones; Rachel Harland; Catrine Kirkman
    2-011Tom Jones: Additional Song: By night and day (Sophia)Marianne Hellgren Staykov; Elizabeth Menezes; Suart, Richard; Marianne Hellgren Staykov; Suart, Richard; Marianne Hellgren Staykov; Maxwell, Donald; Marianne Hellgren Staykov; Suart, Richard; Ashley Bremner; Iestyn Morris
    2-012Tom Jones: Additional Trio: Come away with me my deary (Sophia, Honour, Tom)Richard Morrison; Giles Davies; Annette Stein; Elizabeth Menezes; Annette Stein; Butteriss, Simon; Ashley Bremner; Elizabeth Menezes; Karen Wise; Heather Shipp; Catrine Kirkman

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