ODE 7803

Kullervo - Opera In Two Acts

von Sallinen, Aulis | Hynninen / Saarinen / Salminen / +
erschienen am 29.03.2010

Kullervo - Opera In Two Acts
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    1-001Kullvero (Oper in 2 Akten) (Gesamtaufnahme)Komponist: Sallinen, AulisSopran: Saarinen, Eeva-Liisa; Vihavainen, Satu
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Söderblom, Ulf
    1-001-001Untamoinen laid his netting (Einleitung) (1. Akt)00:07:33
    1-002-002What's the matter? (1. Szene)00:05:06
    1-003-003He was small, and lost his father00:01:48
    1-004-004If all the trees were one tree00:06:03
    1-005-005Never, dear God most gracious00:01:43
    1-006-006Kullervo! It was te who killed me in that nightmare00:03:24
    1-007-007Kalvervo's son he sold away to the smith00:02:40
    1-008-008I want to be fragrant and warm like new-baked bread (2. Szene)00:03:06
    1-009-009Greetings, the Smith's beautiful wife!00:08:03
    1-010-010I came to you in the night00:14:12
    2-001-011Once upon a time there was a man (Zwischenakt)00:07:55
    2-002-012Whose house is this? (3. Szene)00:14:27
    2-003-013Kullervo, don't go00:09:07
    2-004-014These are long endless days in my father's house (2. Akt, 4.Szene)00:04:32
    2-005-015The young man was travelling far and wide00:08:28
    2-007-017Something is bothering him (5. Szene)00:05:34
    2-008-018I met her in the forest00:05:20
    2-009-019Shall you weep for me, father, when you hear the I have perished00:02:22
    2-010-020Shall I weep for you?00:05:27
    3-001-021First we take the money from the house (6. Szene)00:11:18
    3-002-022To Kullervo, Kalervo's offspring, the sword he asked was granted00:03:24
    3-003-023It's all over00:06:45
    3-004-024The fire has nearly burned itself down00:03:52
    3-005-025Clip-clip-cli-pe-ty-clop! Run, my horse (Epilog)00:11:06

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