Flight NUC 310

Ukulele (Konzert, Mahagoni, inkl. Gigbag)

Flight NUC 310
Barpreis:79,00 €
Preise inkl. MwSt
Zum Barpreis von
79,00 €
Preis inkl. MwSt
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    Preise inkl. MwSt

    Flight Konzert-Ukulele NUC 310

    • Sapelli-Korpus
    • Griffbrett und Steg Palisander
    • Knochensattel, Knochensteg
    • 18 Bünde
    • inkl. Gigbag

    auf youtube sehen und hören

    Each year we are introducing new guitar and ukulele models, even the hybrids, echoing the brand’s true spirit. Playlux guitars were another breakthrough that we are very proud of. Special ergonomic body makes the playing so comfortable, that our Playlux guitars are sold out as soon as they arrive in shops.Flight Ukulule

    Our newest addition to the Flight’s repertoar are guitarlele and bass ukulele. The DU-BASS is a wonderful addition for both ukulele ensambles and pop bands alike, since it tunes just like a regular bass guitar – but it’s half the size! Crafted in mahogany and featuring an active pickup, Flight’s bass ukulele is a versatile little beast that will delight bass players of all ages. The guitarlele is another hybrid instrument that combines the range and versatility of the guitar with the voice and portability of the ukulele. Featuring six nylon strings on the body of a spruce baritone ukulele, Flight’s GUT350 guitalele is an exciting instrument for travelling, for those with small hands, and for seasoned ukulele players looking for new ways of extending their musical horizons.

    And with pride, Flight has partnered with Kremona North America to bring distinct ukuleles to the U.S. and Canadian markets. The North American offering will include soprano, concert, tenor, tenor acoustic/electric and high-tuned baritone configurations.


    Allgemeine Informationen

    Korpus: Sapeli

    Sapeli-Mahagoni  (Sapele) ist ein afrikanisches Tropenholz mit schöner Maserung, mittelhart, lässt sich gut bearbeiten und polieren. Es stammt nicht vom Mahagoni-Baum ab, sondern ist eine eigene Edelholzart. Das Kernholz ist zimtbraun bis rotbraun und glänzend.

    • Art: Konzert
    • Decke: Sapelli
    • Fabrikat: Flight
    • Korpus: Sapeli

    Partner bei Idealo.de Geizhals AT Unterhaltungselektronik auf Schottenland.de