SUP 021852

Dalibor (ga)

von Smetana, Friedrich Bedrich | Krombholc / Opnt U. Chor
erschienen am 18.05.1994

Dalibor (ga)
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    1-001Dalibor (Oper in 3 Akten) (Gesamtaufnahme)Komponist: Smetana, Friedrich BedrichSopran: Kniplova, Nadezda
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Krombholc, Jaroslav
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Prague National Theatre Orchestra
    Tenor: Pribyl, Vilem; Svehla, Zdenek
    Bariton: Jindrak, Jindrich; Svorc, Antonin
    Gemischter Chor: Prague National Theatre Chorus
    Chorleiter: Maly, Milan
    Baß: Horacek, Jaroslav
    1-001-001Ouvertüre (Akt 1)00:03:28
    1-002-002An orphan, abandoned (Szene 1 "Today the judegement will be passed")00:05:03
    1-004-004You know by now how our kingdom fair (Szene 2)00:03:22
    1-005-005Step forward without fear (Szene 3)00:03:19
    1-006-006The sun did set00:06:23
    1-007-007Ah, what a sight! (Szene 4)00:01:24
    1-008-008I won't deny it, lies are not my province!00:05:34
    1-009-009Committing crime thou hast thus helped thyself!00:02:57
    1-010-010Thus, Dalibor, reads judgement unanimous00:04:43
    1-011-011Here do you see me bending low (Szene 5)00:03:27
    1-012-012What storm here in my bosom is raging (Szene 6)00:03:21
    1-013-013Oh, yes, the gayest is this our world (Akt 2, Szene 1)00:03:24
    1-014-014By this gay song00:02:35
    1-015-015Of Dalibor's fate didst thou surely hear!00:02:17
    1-016-016Oh, yes, the gayest is this our world (Szene 2)00:05:00
    1-017-017Here greatest vigilance is needed (Change of Stage 1, Szene 1)00:05:59
    1-018-018Oh, how saddening is a jailer's life, how hard (Szene 2)00:02:40
    1-019-019Everything's ready (Szene 3)00:04:45
    1-020-020Oh, goodness (Szene 4)00:02:47
    1-021-021Here is the violin! (Szene 5)00:02:15
    2-001-022(Change of Scene 2)00:05:40
    2-002-023It was he again (Szene 1)00:04:14
    2-003-024Accept, I beg, this trifle from my hand! (Szene 2)00:03:13
    2-004-025Dalibor, I beg your pardon00:03:24
    2-005-026Oh, unspeakable charm of love00:05:33
    2-006-027Ouvertüre (Akt 3)00:03:18
    2-007-028It will be near to forty years (Szene 1 "Glorious King")00:04:02
    2-008-029At this late hour (Szene 2)00:05:31
    2-009-030Are now you ready?00:05:23
    2-010-031It's the third night (Change of Stage 1, Szene 3)00:03:19
    2-011-032Oh, heaven! He shook his chains! (Szene 4)00:05:30
    2-012-033Let so it be!00:03:39
    2-013-034(Change of Stage 2)00:01:52
    2-014-035No trace as yet of our convened signal? (Szene 5)00:04:55
    2-015-036Milada (Szene 6)00:03:09
    2-016-037Oh, behold this tender rosebud (Szene 7 "Enemy troops")00:04:16

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