A Legendary Christmas: Deluxe Edition

von Legend, John
erschienen am 08.11.2019

A Legendary Christmas: Deluxe Edition
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    1-001What Christmas means to meKomponist: Gordy, George; Story, Allen; Gaye, Anna Gordy
    Textdichter: Gordy, George; Story, Allen; Gaye, Anna Gordy
    Legend, John / Wonder, Stevie
    Horn: Adisa, Jamelle
    Gitarre: Chapman, Brandon
    Klavier: Wiggins, Dylan
    Sänger(in): Smith, Sy; Colley, LaVance; Lee, Briana
    Schlagzeug (drums): Hampden, Iajhi
    Percussion: Garcia, Roland Gajate
    Trompete: Adisa, Jamelle
    Posaune: Guillary, Lemar
    1-002Bring me loveKomponist: Trainor, Meghan; Stephens, John; Nelson, Steve; Rollins, Jack
    Textdichter: Trainor, Meghan; Stephens, John; Nelson, Steve; Rollins, Jack
    Legend, John
    Horn: Adisa, Jamelle
    Gitarre: Wiggins, Dylan; Chapman, Brandon
    Sänger(in): Smith, Sy; Colley, LaVance; Lee, Briana
    Schlagzeug (drums): Hampden, Iajhi
    Percussion: Garcia, Roland Gajate
    Trompete: Adisa, Jamelle
    Posaune: Guillary, Lemar
    1-003This ChristmasKomponist: Hathaway, Donny; McKinnor, Nadine
    Textdichter: Hathaway, Donny; McKinnor, Nadine
    Streichinstrument: Matt Jones Orchestra; Jones, Matt
    Legend, John
    Horn: Adisa, Jamelle
    Violine: Tixier, Scott; Matthews, Stephanie; Hill, Alexandria; Penrose-Whitmore, Clayton; Urban, Arianne; Sharpe, Chelsea; Wiggins, Teddy
    1-004My favorite thingsKomponist: See Sub-songs
    Textdichter: See Sub-songs
    Legend, John
    Horn: Adisa, Jamelle
    Gitarre: Cooney, Errol; Cornish, Paul
    Schlagzeug (drums): Hampden, Iajhi
    Percussion: Garcia, Roland Gajate
    Trompete: Adisa, Jamelle; Phillips, Brandyn
    Posaune: Richards, Lasim; Guillary, Lemar
    Kontrabaß: Shaw, Lawrence
    1-004-001My Favorite Things
    1-004-002A Taste of Honey
    1-005Baby, it's cold outsideKomponist: Loesser, Frank
    Textdichter: Loesser, Frank
    Legend, John / Clarkson, Kelly
    Horn: Adisa, Jamelle
    Gitarre: Cooney, Errol
    Klavier: Cornish, Paul
    Schlagzeug (drums): Hampden, Iajhi
    Trompete: Adisa, Jamelle; Phillips, Brandyn
    Posaune: Richards, Lasim; Guillary, Lemar
    Kontrabaß: Shaw, Lawrence
    Saxophon: Scesney, Jacob
    1-006Christmas in New OrleansKomponist: van Winkle, Joe; Sherman, Richard M.
    Textdichter: van Winkle, Joe; Sherman, Richard M.
    Legend, John
    Horn: Adisa, Jamelle
    Gitarre: Cooney, Errol
    Klavier: Cornish, Paul
    Schlagzeug (drums): Hampden, Iajhi
    Percussion: Garcia, Roland Gajate
    Trompete: Phillips, Brandyn; Adisa, Jamelle
    Posaune: Miller, Jeffery; Guillary, Lemar; Richards, Lasim
    1-007Silver bellsKomponist: Livingston, Jay
    Textdichter: Evans, Ray
    Streichinstrument: The Matt Jones Orchestra
    Legend, John
    Flöte: Mayo, Scott
    Horn: Adisa, Jamelle
    Gitarre: Chapman, Brandon; Wiggins, Dylan
    Sänger(in): Lee, Briana; Smith, Sy; Colley, LaVance
    Schlagzeug (drums): Hampden, Iajhi
    Percussion: Garcia, Roland Gajate
    1-008Have yourself a Merry little ChristmasKomponist: Blane, Ralph
    Textdichter: Martin, Hugh
    Streichinstrument: The Matt Jones Orchestra
    Legend, John / Spalding, Esperanza
    Gitarre: Wiggins, Dylan; Chapman, Brandon
    Schlagzeug (drums): Hampden, Iajhi
    Posaune: Miller, Jeffery
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Jones, Matt
    1-009No place like homeKomponist: Stephens, John; Cunningham, Ruth Anne
    Textdichter: Stephens, John; Cunningham, Ruth Anne
    Legend, John
    Flöte: Mayo, Scott
    Horn: Adisa, Jamelle
    Gitarre: Wiggins, Dylan; Chapman, Brandon; Saadiq, Raphael
    Sänger(in): Smith, Sy; Colley, LaVance; Lee, Briana
    Flügelhorn: Adisa, Jamelle
    Schlagzeug (drums): Hampden, Iajhi
    1-010Merry Christmas Baby / Give love on Christmas day (Medley)Komponist: See Sub-songs
    Textdichter: See Sub-songs
    Legend, John
    Horn: Adisa, Jamelle
    Gitarre: Chapman, Brandon; Saadiq, Raphael
    Sänger(in): Randolph, Lenesha; Lee, Briana; Smith, Sy; Colley, LaVance; Wilson, Jessy
    Keyboards: Wiggins, Dylan
    Schlagzeug (drums): Hampden, Iajhi
    1-010-001Merry Christmas Baby
    1-010-002Give Love on Christmas Day
    1-011Christmas time is hereKomponist: Guaraldi, Vince
    Textdichter: Mendelson, Lee
    Legend, John
    Horn: Adisa, Jamelle
    Klavier: Turner, Ernest
    Schlagzeug (drums): Hampden, Iajhi
    Trompete: Adisa, Jamelle; Phillips, Brandyn
    Posaune: Floyd, J.P.; Guillary, Lemar
    Saxophon: Woodard, Rickey; Gist, Randy; Mayo, Scott
    1-012By Christmas EveKomponist: Wadge, Amy; Evans, Daniel John; Stephens, John
    Textdichter: Wadge, Amy; Evans, Daniel John; Stephens, John
    Legend, John
    Klavier: Legend, John
    Sänger(in): Colley, LaVance; Smith, Sy; Lee, Briana
    1-013Purple snowflakesKomponist: Hamilton, Dave; Paul, Clarence
    Textdichter: Hamilton, Dave; Paul, Clarence
    Streichinstrument: The Matt Jones Orchestra
    Legend, John
    Flöte: Mayo, Scott
    Horn: Mayo, Scott
    Gitarre: Wiggins, Dylan; Chapman, Brandon
    Sänger(in): Smith, Sy; Colley, LaVance; Lee, Briana
    Schlagzeug (drums): Hampden, Iajhi
    Percussion: Garcia, Roland Gajate
    1-014The Christmas song (Chestnuts roasting on an open fire)Komponist: Torme, Mel; Wells, Robert
    Textdichter: Torme, Mel; Wells, Robert
    Streichinstrument: The Matt Jones Orchestra
    Legend, John
    Gitarre: Chapman, Brandon
    Klavier: Turner, Ernest
    Flügelhorn: Adisa, Jamelle
    Schlagzeug (drums): Hampden, Iajhi
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Jones, Matt
    1-015Please come home for ChristmasKomponist: Brown, Charles; Redd, Gene
    Textdichter: Brown, Charles; Redd, Gene
    Legend, John
    Horn: Adisa, Jamelle
    Gitarre: Saadiq, Raphael; Chapman, Brandon; Wiggins, Dylan
    Schlagzeug (drums): Hampden, Iajhi
    Percussion: Garcia, Roland Gajate
    Trompete: Adisa, Jamelle; Phillips, Brandyn
    Posaune: Floyd, J.P.; Guillary, Lemar
    1-016Wrap me up in your loveKomponist: Stephens, John; Hector, Wayne; Saadiq, Raphael
    Textdichter: Stephens, John; Hector, Wayne; Saadiq, Raphael
    Streichinstrument: The Matt Jones Orchestra
    Legend, John
    Gitarre: Chapman, Brandon
    Klavier: Wiggins, Dylan
    Sänger(in): Smith, Sy; Colley, LaVance; Lee, Briana
    Schlagzeug (drums): Hampden, Iajhi
    Percussion: Garcia, Roland Gajate
    Kontrabaß: Saadiq, Raphael
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Jones, Matt
    1-017Waiting for ChristmasKomponist: Stephens, John; Wilson, Dan; Saadiq, Raphael
    Textdichter: Stephens, John; Wilson, Dan; Saadiq, Raphael
    Legend, John
    Klavier: Legend, John
    1-018Merry Merry ChristmasKomponist: Stephens, John; Saadiq, Raphael; King, Earl
    Textdichter: Stephens, John; Saadiq, Raphael; King, Earl
    Legend, John
    Horn: Paulin, Roderick
    Gitarre: Wiggins, Dylan; Chapman, Brandon
    Sänger(in): Legend, John; Lee, Briana; Smith, Sy; Colley, LaVance; Saadiq, Raphael
    Schlagzeug (drums): Hampden, Iajhi
    Percussion: Riley, Herlin

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