Ultimate Collection, The -

von Level 42 [+bonus DVD]
erschienen am 01.02.2007

Ultimate Collection, The -
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26,99 €
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    1-001Love Meeting LoveKomponist: Level 42; King, Mark; Gould, R.
    Produzent: Pike, Jerry; Sojka, Andy; Pike, Jerry; Sojka, Andy
    King, Mark / Level 42 / Lindup, Mike
    Gitarre: Gould, Boon
    Keyboards: Lindup, Mike
    Schlagzeug (drums): Gould, Phil
    Percussion: Williams, Leroy; Gould, Phil
    Synthesizer: Badarou, Wally
    Saxophon: Chambers, Dave; Chambers, Dave; Gould, Boon
    Baß: King, Mark
    1-002Flying On The Wings Of LoveKomponist: Lindup, Mike; King, Mark; Gould, Phil; Badarou, Wally
    Produzent: Pike, Jerry; Sojka, Andy; Pike, Jerry; Sojka, Andy
    King, Mark / Level 42 / Lindup, Mike
    Gitarre: Gould, Boon
    Keyboards: Lindup, Mike
    Schlagzeug (drums): Gould, Phil
    Percussion: Gould, Phil; Williams, Leroy
    Synthesizer: Badarou, Wally
    Saxophon: Chambers, Dave; Gould, Boon; Chambers, Dave
    Baß: King, Mark
    1-003Love GamesKomponist: King, M.; Gould, P.Level 42
    1-004Turn It OnKomponist: Level 42; Gould, R.; Badarou, W.; King, Mark; Gould, PhilLevel 42
    1-005StarchildKomponist: Gould, P.; Badarou, W.; King, M.; King, M.
    Produzent: Vernon, Mike; Vernon, Mike
    King, Mark / Level 42 / Lindup, Mike
    Gitarre: Gould, Boon
    Keyboards: Badarou, Wally; Lindup, Mike
    Schlagzeug (drums): Gould, Phil
    Percussion: Williams, Leroy; Gould, Phil
    Baß: King, Mark
    Sonstige Schlaginstrumente: Gould, Phil
    1-006Are You Hearing (What I Hear)?Komponist: King, Mark; Gould, Philip; Gould, R.Level 42
    1-007Weave Your SpellKomponist: Lindup, M.; King, M.; Gould, P.; King, M.; Gould, P.
    Produzent: Vernon, Mike; Vernon, Mike
    King, Mark / Level 42 / Lindup, Mike / Gould, Phil
    Gitarre: Gould, Boon
    Klavier: Lindup, Mike
    Schlagzeug (drums): Gould, Phil
    Streichorchester: Badarou, Wally
    Percussion: Gould, Phil; King, Mark; Lindup, Mike
    Synthesizer: Lindup, Mike
    Kontrabaß: King, Mark
    1-008The Chinese WayKomponist: King, M.; Gould, P.; Badarou, Wally; Gould, P.; Badarou, Wally
    Produzent: Vernon, Mike; Vernon, Mike
    Level 42
    Gitarre: Gould, Boon
    Klavier: Lindup, Mike
    Schlagzeug (drums): Gould, Phil
    Streichorchester: Badarou, Wally
    Percussion: Gould, Phil; King, Mark; Lindup, Mike
    Synthesizer: Lindup, Mike
    Kontrabaß: King, Mark
    1-009Out Of Sight Out Of MindKomponist: Gould, P.; Gould, R.; Lindup, Mike; King, M.; King, M.
    Produzent: Badarou, Wally; Badarou, Wally
    King, Mark / Level 42 / Lindup, Mike
    Gitarre: Gould, Boon
    Klavier: Lindup, Mike
    Schlagzeug (drums): Gould, Phil
    Percussion: King, Mark; DaCosta, Paulinho
    Synthesizer: Lindup, Mike
    Kontrabaß: King, Mark
    Xylophon: Gould, Phil
    Saxophon: Woolfolk, Andrew
    1-010The Sun Goes Down (Living It Up)Komponist: Badarou, Wally; King, M.; Lindup, M.; Gould, P.Level 42
    1-011Micro-KidKomponist: Badarou, Wally; King, M.; Gould, P.; Willis, A.; Taylor, B.Level 42
    1-012Hot Water (Remix)Komponist: Badarou, W.; Gould, Philip; Gould, R.Level 42
    1-013The Chant Has BegunKomponist: Gould, P.; King, M.Level 42
    1-014Something About YouLevel 42
    Sonstige Instrumente: Graham Mikey; New Howard
    1-015Leaving Me Now (Extended Version)Komponist: King, Mark; Badarou, W.; Gould, PhilipLevel 42
    2-001Lessons In LoveKomponist: Badarou, Wally; King, Mark
    Textdichter: Gould, R.
    Level 42
    2-002Running In The FamilyKomponist: Gould, Phil; Badarou, Wally; King, MarkLevel 42
    2-003To Be With You AgainKomponist: King, Mark; Gould, R.
    Textdichter: Gould, R.
    Level 42
    2-004It's OverKomponist: Gould, R.; Badarou, W.; King, M.Level 42
    2-005Children SayKomponist: King, Mark; Lindup, Mike; Gould, Phil
    Textdichter: Gould, Phil
    Level 42
    2-006Heaven In My HandsKomponist: Gould; King, M.Level 42
    2-007Take A LookKomponist: Badarou, Wally; Gould, Phil; Lindup, Mike; King, MarkLevel 42
    2-008TracieKomponist: King, Mark; Husband, GaryLevel 42
    2-009Take Care Of YourselfKomponist: King, M.Level 42
    2-010OvertimeKomponist: Lindup, Mike; King, Mark; Barfield, D.Level 42
    2-011OvertimeKomponist: Lindup, Mike; King, Mark; Barfield, D.Level 42
    2-012Forever NowKomponist: Musker , Frank; King, Mark; Darbyshire, RichardLevel 42
    2-013I Feel FreeKomponist: Bruce, Jack; Brown, PeterKing, Mark
    Bass (e): King, Mark
    2-014Bitter MoonKomponist: King, Mark; Gould, R.King, Mark
    Bass (e): King, Mark
    3-001Love Games (Video)Komponist: King, Mark; Gould, Philip GabrielLevel 42
    3-002The Sun Goes Down (Living It Up) (Video)Komponist: Badarou, Wally; Gould, Philip Gabriel; King, MarkLevel 42 / Omar
    3-003Micro-Kid (Video)Komponist: Willis, Allee; Taylor, Brian; King, MarkLevel 42
    3-004Hot Water (Video)Komponist: Gould, Philip Gabriel; Badarou, Wally; King, MarkLevel 42
    3-005The Chant Has Begun (Video)Komponist: Gould, Philip Gabriel; King, MarkLevel 42
    3-006Something About You (Video)Komponist: Lindup, Michael David; King, Mark; Gould, Philip GabrielLevel 42
    3-007Leaving Me Now (Video)Komponist: Gould, Philip Gabriel; King, Mark; Badarou, WallyLevel 42
    3-008Lessons In Love (Video)Komponist: Badarou, Wally; King, MarkLevel 42
    3-009Running In The Family (Video)Komponist: Badarou, Wally; King, MarkLevel 42
    3-010To Be With You Again (Video)Komponist: King, MarkLevel 42
    3-011It's Over (Video)Komponist: Badarou, Wally; King, Mark; Gould, Rowland CharlesLevel 42
    3-012Children Say (Video)Komponist: Lindup, Michael David; King, Mark; Gould, Philip GabrielLevel 42
    3-013Heaven In My Hands (Video)Komponist: Gould, Rowland Charles; King, MarkLevel 42
    3-014Take A Look (Video)Komponist: Badarou, Wally; Gould, Rowland Charles; King, MarkLevel 42
    3-015Tracie (Video)Komponist: Husband, Peter Gary; King, MarkLevel 42
    3-016Take Care Of Yourself (Video)Komponist: King, MarkLevel 42

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