CR 413

Good Friday in Jerusalem

von Various | Lingas, Alexander / Cappella Romana
erschienen am 07.05.2021

Good Friday in Jerusalem
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    1-001In procession to the mount of olives (Rulers of the peoples - They laid a lawless charge - Let us bring our senses)Komponist: LiturgieSolo: Stutz, David; Antonopoulos, Spyridon; Boyer, John Michael; Dumitrescu, Theodor; Kokenes, Constantine; Kontakiotis, Stelios; Krueger, David; Lingas, Alexander; Powell, Mark; Steele, Adam
    Sonstiges Ensemble: Cappella Romana
    1-002At the pavement (Lithostroton) in Hagia Sophia (Today he who hung the earth upon the waters is hung upon a tree)Komponist: LiturgieSolo: Stutz, David; Antonopoulos, Spyridon; Boyer, John Michael; Dumitrescu, Theodor; Kokenes, Constantine; Kontakiotis, Stelios; Krueger, David; Lingas, Alexander; Powell, Mark; Steele, Adam
    Sonstiges Ensemble: Cappella Romana
    1-003In procession to Golgotha (the place of the skull) (The paradise in Eden) (Prozessionales Sticheron)Komponist: LiturgieSolo: Stutz, David; Antonopoulos, Spyridon; Boyer, John Michael; Dumitrescu, Theodor; Kokenes, Constantine; Kontakiotis, Stelios; Krueger, David; Lingas, Alexander; Powell, Mark; Steele, Adam
    Sonstiges Ensemble: Cappella Romana
    1-004At Golgotha (Ode 5)Komponist: Kosmas the MonkSolo: Stutz, David; Antonopoulos, Spyridon; Boyer, John Michael; Dumitrescu, Theodor; Kokenes, Constantine; Kontakiotis, Stelios; Krueger, David; Lingas, Alexander; Powell, Mark; Steele, Adam
    Sonstiges Ensemble: Cappella Romana
    1-005Kontakion on the Passion of the LordKomponist: Romanos the MelodistSolo: Stutz, David; Antonopoulos, Spyridon; Boyer, John Michael; Dumitrescu, Theodor; Kokenes, Constantine; Kontakiotis, Stelios; Krueger, David; Lingas, Alexander; Powell, Mark; Steele, Adam
    Sonstiges Ensemble: Cappella Romana
    1-005-001Syllabic melody00:01:42
    1-006-002Psaltikon melody00:05:38
    1-007Ode 8Komponist: LiturgieSolo: Stutz, David; Antonopoulos, Spyridon; Boyer, John Michael; Dumitrescu, Theodor; Kokenes, Constantine; Kontakiotis, Stelios; Krueger, David; Lingas, Alexander; Powell, Mark; Steele, Adam
    Sonstiges Ensemble: Cappella Romana
    1-008Ode 9Komponist: LiturgieSolo: Stutz, David; Antonopoulos, Spyridon; Boyer, John Michael; Dumitrescu, Theodor; Kokenes, Constantine; Kontakiotis, Stelios; Krueger, David; Lingas, Alexander; Powell, Mark; Steele, Adam
    Sonstiges Ensemble: Cappella Romana
    1-009O Lord, who on that very day (Exaposteilarion automelon)Komponist: LiturgieSolo: Stutz, David; Antonopoulos, Spyridon; Boyer, John Michael; Dumitrescu, Theodor; Kokenes, Constantine; Kontakiotis, Stelios; Krueger, David; Lingas, Alexander; Powell, Mark; Steele, Adam
    Sonstiges Ensemble: Cappella Romana
    1-010Psalmen 148-150, ausgewählte VerseKomponist: LiturgieSolo: Stutz, David; Antonopoulos, Spyridon; Boyer, John Michael; Dumitrescu, Theodor; Kokenes, Constantine; Kontakiotis, Stelios; Krueger, David; Lingas, Alexander; Powell, Mark; Steele, Adam
    Sonstiges Ensemble: Cappella Romana
    1-011You have given us a sign - When all creation saw you crucified (Sticheron prosomoion im 4. Ton)Komponist: LiturgieSolo: Stutz, David; Antonopoulos, Spyridon; Boyer, John Michael; Dumitrescu, Theodor; Kokenes, Constantine; Kontakiotis, Stelios; Krueger, David; Lingas, Alexander; Powell, Mark; Steele, Adam
    Sonstiges Ensemble: Cappella Romana
    1-012Stichera idiomelaKomponist: Protothronos, TheophanesSolo: Stutz, David; Antonopoulos, Spyridon; Boyer, John Michael; Dumitrescu, Theodor; Kokenes, Constantine; Kontakiotis, Stelios; Krueger, David; Lingas, Alexander; Powell, Mark; Steele, Adam
    Sonstiges Ensemble: Cappella Romana
    1-012-001All creation was changed00:02:20
    1-013-002Impious and lawless people00:04:06
    1-014When she saw you (hanging on a cross) (Sticheron idiomelon)Komponist: Leo VI the WiseSolo: Stutz, David; Antonopoulos, Spyridon; Boyer, John Michael; Dumitrescu, Theodor; Kokenes, Constantine; Kontakiotis, Stelios; Krueger, David; Lingas, Alexander; Powell, Mark; Steele, Adam
    Sonstiges Ensemble: Cappella Romana
    1-015Israel my firstborn son (Sticheron idiomelon)Komponist: ByzantiosSolo: Stutz, David; Antonopoulos, Spyridon; Boyer, John Michael; Dumitrescu, Theodor; Kokenes, Constantine; Kontakiotis, Stelios; Krueger, David; Lingas, Alexander; Powell, Mark; Steele, Adam
    Sonstiges Ensemble: Cappella Romana
    1-016Each member of your holy fleshKomponist: LiturgieSolo: Stutz, David; Antonopoulos, Spyridon; Boyer, John Michael; Dumitrescu, Theodor; Kokenes, Constantine; Kontakiotis, Stelios; Krueger, David; Lingas, Alexander; Powell, Mark; Steele, Adam
    Sonstiges Ensemble: Cappella Romana
    1-017May you, Lord, guard us (Prokeimenon)Komponist: LiturgieSolo: Stutz, David; Antonopoulos, Spyridon; Boyer, John Michael; Dumitrescu, Theodor; Kokenes, Constantine; Kontakiotis, Stelios; Krueger, David; Lingas, Alexander; Powell, Mark; Steele, Adam
    Sonstiges Ensemble: Cappella Romana

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