
von Händel, Georg Friedrich | Mackerras / Murray / Masterson
erschienen am 19.03.2012

Zum Preis von
21,99 €
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    1-001Serse HWV 40 (Xerxes, Oper in 3 Akten) (Gesamtaufnahme)Komponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichSolo: Booth-Jones, Christopher; Robson, Christopher; Rigby, Jean; Murray, Ann; Masterson, Valerie; Macann, Rodney; Garrett, Lesley
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Mackerras, Sir Charles
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Orchestra of the English National Opera
    Gemischter Chor: Chorus of the English National Opera
    1-002-002Gigue (1. Akt)00:01:18
    1-003-003May the fates be kind00:00:43
    1-004-004Under thy shade00:02:50
    1-005-005Elviro, Elviro,...00:00:20
    1-007-007O hark!00:02:20
    1-009-009Swift from the mountains00:02:28
    1-010-010Her singing has set my heart aflame00:01:24
    1-011-011I will declare my passion00:01:39
    1-012-012Go, make your declaration00:01:47
    1-014-014Ah, do not weep00:02:27
    1-015-015Quickly, my Lord00:01:20
    1-016-016Better far my departure00:02:31
    1-017-017Adorable Romilda00:00:42
    1-018-018Who has taught you disdain me00:02:44
    1-019-019Naught will persuade me00:00:13
    1-020-020No stain can blemish00:02:38
    1-021-021No man's apparel can change00:01:49
    1-022-022Our glorious victory00:00:16
    1-023-023Now the trumpet's shrill alarm00:00:37
    1-024-024Glorius Xerxes!00:00:56
    1-025-025I never seek to question00:01:45
    1-026-026Now the trumpet's shrill alarm00:00:40
    1-027-027This splendid victory00:01:35
    1-028-028When I see her00:08:40
    1-029-029Here is a letter00:00:56
    1-030-030My Lord, my Lord00:00:30
    1-031-031When grief and pain assail me00:04:48
    1-032-032And can he spurn a princess00:00:23
    1-033-033Vengeance on him who spurns me!00:05:17
    1-034-034I say you'll be persuaded00:01:10
    1-035-035If you'd seduce him00:05:05
    1-036-036If she thinks00:00:13
    1-037-037By stealing secret kisses00:03:57
    1-038-038May hope t hat springs eternal (2. Akt)00:00:42
    1-039-039Ah, who'll buy these flowers00:00:43
    1-040-040And who would ever guess00:02:24
    1-041-041Now 'tis plain that the traitor defiles me00:02:29
    1-042-042Devil take him for his questions00:00:19
    1-043-043My destiny wills me00:00:37
    1-044-044My friend, come here00:00:43
    1-045-045Ah, viperous evil00:00:13
    1-046-046Go now, the King is approaching00:00:16
    1-047-047He must suffer bitter torment00:01:23
    1-048-048May I know of you, Madam00:01:04
    1-049-049He'll say that love for me - He'll say I am deceived00:03:39
    1-050-050Poor deluded Romilda!00:00:42
    1-051-051Will you love him?00:01:19
    1-052-052If you'd worship the man00:06:29
    1-053-053Evermore doomed to love him?00:01:04
    1-054-054That ruthless tyrant jealousy racks me00:03:13
    1-055-055Since my grief has not killed me00:00:31
    1-056-056As you betray me00:01:56
    1-057-057He's out of his mind!00:00:39
    1-058-058Once we would kiss and play00:03:17
    1-059-059In this wonderful creation00:00:22
    1-061-061In this wonderful creation00:00:24
    1-062-062Must my days be spent00:01:23
    1-063-063Arsamenes, where are you going?00:01:35
    1-064-064Yes, I want her00:02:38
    1-065-065Your servant, most honoured King00:00:26
    1-066-066You advise me to forget him00:03:07
    1-067-067Every grief would be triftling00:00:24
    1-068-068The heart which love has captured00:06:26
    1-069-069Ah, devil take me00:01:41
    1-070-070If my dearest wish were granted me00:01:31
    1-071-071A jealous fiend has snared me00:01:49
    1-072-072Ruthless fortune!00:01:09
    1-073-073The heart that beats contented00:01:52
    1-074-074Say, will you have me?01:15:00
    1-075-075The love cross'd by fortune00:05:34
    1-076-076Sinfonia (3. Akt)00:02:58
    1-077-077All excuses are worthless00:01:37
    1-078-078No, no, though you detest me00:01:04
    1-079-079Clasp your hand to my heart00:01:21
    1-080-080I go in certain hope00:04:13
    1-081-081I will obey my king00:00:59
    1-082-082Ah love, tyrannic love00:04:48
    1-083-083As we previously told you00:00:57
    1-084-084Who'd have expected such an achievement00:02:11
    1-085-085I shall fear him no longer00:02:59
    1-086-086I am the cause of my ruin00:03:12
    1-087-087So, Madam, tell me why00:00:18
    1-088-088You insult a constant lover00:02:59
    1-089-089All things human must decay00:00:39
    1-090-090See there the bridegroom00:01:04
    1-091-091Desolation turns to bliss00:00:38
    1-092-092I'll delay it no longer00:02:20
    1-093-093Rise, ye furies from baleful abysses00:03:46
    1-094-094Criminals, you ahve betrayed me00:02:13
    1-095-095Sweetest and best of lovers00:01:53
    1-096-096So love bestows its blessing00:01:22

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