Yeoman Of The Guard - Compl. -

von Marriner, Neville
erschienen am 02.08.2002

Yeoman Of The Guard - Compl. -
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    1-001The Yeomen of the GuardKomponist: Sullivan, Sir Arthur SeymourChor: Academy of St. Martin-in-the-Fields' Chorus
    Sopran: Howarth, Judith
    1-002-002When maiden loves
    1-003-003Mistress Meryll!
    1-004-004Tower warders under orders
    1-005-005A good day to you!
    1-006-006When our gallant Norman foes
    1-007-007Father! Has no reprieve arrived
    1-008-008Alas! I waver to and fro
    1-009-009Nay, lass, be of good cheer
    1-010-010Nay, pretty one
    1-011-011And now, Sir Richard
    1-012-012Here's a man of jollity
    1-013-013I have a song to sing, oh!
    1-014-014Well sung and well danced!
    1-015-015How say you, maiden
    1-016-016And so, good fellow
    1-017-017But I trust you are very careful
    1-018-018'Tis done! I am a bride
    1-019-019'Tis an odd freak
    1-020-020Oh, how I would love thee!
    1-021-021The deed is, so far, safely accomplished
    1-022-022Oh, Seargant Meryll
    2-001-023Night has spread her pall once more
    2-002-024The merry jests of Hugh Ambrose
    2-003-025Oh! a private buffoon
    2-004-026And so thou wouldst be a jester, eh?
    2-005-027Hereupon we're both agreed
    2-006-028Two days gone
    2-007-029Free from his fetters grim
    2-008-030Well, Sergeant Meryll
    2-009-031Strange adventure!
    2-010-032So my mysterious bride
    2-011-033Hark! What was that, sir?
    2-012-034Nay, sweetheart, be comforted
    2-013-035A man who would woo a fair maid
    2-014-036Now listen to me
    2-015-037When a wooer goes a-wooing
    2-016-038Before I pretend to be a sister to anybody again
    2-017-039Rapture, rapture!
    2-018-040Comes the pretty young bride

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