The Virgin Years

von Motors, The
erschienen am 23.10.2015

The Virgin Years
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    1-001Dancing The Night AwayKomponist: Garvey, Nick; Nick Garvey; McMaster, AndrewMotors, The
    Gitarre: Andy McMaster
    Schlagzeug (drums): Slaughter, Ricky
    1-002FreezeKomponist: Gordon Hann; McMaster, Andrew; Garvey, Nick; Nick GarveyMotors, The00:04:29
    1-003Cold LoveKomponist: Garvey, Nick; Nick Garvey; Gordon Hann; McMaster, AndrewMotors, The00:04:42
    1-004Phoney HeavenKomponist: Garvey; McMaster, Andrew; HannMotors, The00:04:08
    1-005Bring In The Morning LightKomponist: Garvey; McMaster, Andrew; HannMotors, The00:03:31
    1-006EmergencyKomponist: Garvey, Nick; Nick Garvey; McMaster, AndrewMotors, The00:06:15
    1-007Whiskey And WineKomponist: Hann; Garvey; McMaster, AndrewMotors, The00:03:05
    1-008Summertime (Is Calling)Komponist: Garvey; McMaster, Andrew; HannMotors, The00:05:06
    1-009Dancing The Night Away (7" Version)Komponist: Garvey, Nick; Nick Garvey; McMaster, AndrewMotors, The
    Gitarre: Andy McMaster
    Sänger(in): Tchaikovsky, Bram; Andy McMaster; Slaughter, Ricky
    Schlagzeug (drums): Slaughter, Ricky
    1-010Be What You Gotta BeKomponist: Garvey; McMaster, AndrewMotors, The00:03:55
    1-011You Beat The Hell Outta Me (Single Version)Komponist: McMaster, Andrew; Garvey, Nick; Nick GarveySolo: Garvey, Nick; Andy McMaster; Slaughter, Rick; Tchaikovsky, Bram
    Motors, The
    Gitarre: Andy McMaster
    Schlagzeug (drums): Slaughter, Rick
    1-012Cold Love (U.S.A. 7" Remix)Komponist: Garvey, Nick; Nick Garvey; Gordon Hann; McMaster, AndrewMotors, The00:03:45
    1-013Dancing The Night Away (12" Version)Komponist: Garvey, Nick; Nick Garvey; McMaster, AndrewMotors, The00:05:27
    2-001AirportKomponist: Mac Master, AndrewMotors, The
    Gitarre: Andy McMaster
    Schlagzeug (drums): Slaughter, Rick
    Synthesizer: Andy McMaster
    2-002Mamma Rock 'N' RollerKomponist: Garvey, Nick; Nick Garvey; Gordon Hann; Tchaikovsky, Bram; McMaster, AndrewMotors, The00:04:03
    2-003Forget About YouKomponist: McMaster, AndrewMotors, The
    Gitarre: Garvey, Nick
    Schlagzeug (drums): Slaughter, Rick
    2-004Do You Mind?Komponist: McMaster, AndrewMotors, The00:03:24
    2-005You Beat The Hell Outta MeKomponist: McMaster, Andrew; Garvey, Nick; Nick GarveyMotors, The00:03:28
    2-006BreathlessKomponist: Garvey, Nick; Nick Garvey; McMaster, Andrew; Gordon HannMotors, The00:04:42
    2-007Soul RedeemerKomponist: McMaster, AndrewMotors, The00:02:40
    2-008Dreaming Your Life AwayKomponist: Gordon Hann; McMaster, Andrew; Garvey, Nick; Nick GarveyMotors, The00:04:50
    2-009SensationKomponist: Garvey, Nick; Nick Garvey; Gordon Hann; McMaster, Andrew; Tchaikovsky, BramMotors, The00:03:24
    2-010TodayKomponist: McMaster, AndrewMotors, The00:04:01
    2-011Day I Found A FiverKomponist: McMaster, Andrew; Garvey, Nick; Nick GarveyMotors, The00:03:19
    2-012Cold Love (Live From United Kingdom/1977)Komponist: Garvey, Nick; Nick Garvey; Gordon Hann; McMaster, AndrewMotors, The00:05:01
    2-013Be What You Gotta Be (Live From United Kingdom/1977)Komponist: Garvey; McMaster, AndrewMotors, The00:04:04
    2-014Picturama / The Middle Bit / Soul SurrenderKomponist: McMaster, Andrew; Garvey, Nick; Nick Garvey; Gordon Hann; Sean TylerMotors, The00:08:21
    2-015TodayKomponist: McMaster, AndrewMotors, The00:04:01
    3-001Love And LonelinessKomponist: Gordon Hann; Garvey, Nick; Nick GarveyMotors, The00:04:51
    3-002MetropolisKomponist: McMaster, AndrewMotors, The00:04:46
    3-003Modern ManKomponist: Hann; GarveyMotors, The00:03:23
    3-004That's What John SaidKomponist: Garvey, Nick; Nick Garvey; Jenny Ward; McMaster, Andrew; Gordon HannMotors, The00:05:08
    3-005Tenement StepsKomponist: McMaster, AndrewMotors, The00:04:42
    3-006Slum PeopleKomponist: Garvey, Nick; Nick Garvey; Andy McMasterMotors, The00:04:34
    3-007Here Comes The HustlerKomponist: Garvey, Nick; Nick Garvey; McMaster, AndrewMotors, The00:03:37
    3-008Nightmare ZeroKomponist: Garvey, Nick; Nick Garvey; Andy McMasterMotors, The00:03:22
    3-009Love And Loneliness (Single Version)Komponist: Gordon Hann; Garvey, Nick; Nick GarveyMotors, The00:04:21
    3-010Time For Make UpKomponist: McMaster, AndrewMotors, The00:03:27
    3-011Crazy AliceKomponist: Garvey; HannMotors, The00:01:38
    3-012That's What John Said (7" Version)Komponist: Garvey, Nick; Nick Garvey; Jenny Ward; McMaster, Andrew; Gordon HannMotors, The00:03:28
    3-013Love Round The CornerKomponist: Angela Topping; Garvey, Nick; Nick GarveyMotors, The00:02:42
    3-014Tenement Steps (7" Version)Komponist: McMaster, AndrewMotors, The00:03:52
    3-015Dancing The Night Away (Remix)Komponist: Garvey, Nick; Nick Garvey; McMaster, AndrewMotors, The
    Sonstige Instrumente: Garvey, Nick; Hallesy, Trevor
    3-016Emergency (Remix)Komponist: Garvey, Nick; Nick Garvey; McMaster, AndrewMotors, The
    Sonstige Instrumente: Garvey, Nick; Hallesy, Trevor
    3-017Sensation (Remix)Komponist: Garvey, Nick; Nick Garvey; Gordon Hann; McMaster, Andrew; Tchaikovsky, BramMotors, The
    Sonstige Instrumente: Garvey, Nick; Hallesy, Trevor
    4-001Emergency (John Peel Session/April 1977)Komponist: Garvey, Nick; Nick Garvey; McMaster, AndrewSolo: Garvey, Nick; Tchaikovsky, Bram; Andy McMaster
    Motors, The
    Gitarre: Andy McMaster
    Schlagzeug (drums): Slaughter, Rick
    4-002Bring In The Morning Light (John Peel Session/April 1977)Komponist: Garvey; McMaster, Andrew; HannSolo: Garvey, Nick; Tchaikovsky, Bram; Andy McMaster
    Motors, The
    Gitarre: Andy McMaster
    Schlagzeug (drums): Slaughter, Rick
    4-003Dancing The Night Away (John Peel Session/April 1977)Komponist: Garvey, Nick; Nick Garvey; McMaster, AndrewSolo: Garvey, Nick; Tchaikovsky, Bram; Andy McMaster
    Motors, The
    Gitarre: Andy McMaster
    Schlagzeug (drums): Slaughter, Rick
    4-004Phoney Heaven (John Peel Session/Sept 1977)Komponist: Garvey; McMaster, Andrew; HannSolo: Garvey, Nick; Tchaikovsky, Bram; Andy McMaster
    Motors, The
    Gitarre: Andy McMaster
    Schlagzeug (drums): Slaughter, Rick
    4-005Freeze (John Peel Session/Sept 1977)Komponist: Gordon Hann; McMaster, Andrew; Garvey, Nick; Nick GarveySolo: Garvey, Nick; Tchaikovsky, Bram; Andy McMaster
    Motors, The
    Gitarre: Andy McMaster
    Schlagzeug (drums): Slaughter, Rick
    4-006You Beat The Hell Outta Me (John Peel Session/Sept 1977)Komponist: McMaster, Andrew; Garvey, Nick; Nick GarveySolo: Garvey, Nick; Tchaikovsky, Bram; Andy McMaster
    Motors, The
    Gitarre: Andy McMaster
    Schlagzeug (drums): Slaughter, Rick
    4-007Dancing The Night Away (John Peel Session/Sept 1977)Komponist: Garvey, Nick; Nick Garvey; McMaster, AndrewSolo: Garvey, Nick; Tchaikovsky, Bram; Andy McMaster
    Motors, The
    Gitarre: Andy McMaster
    Schlagzeug (drums): Slaughter, Rick

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