Komplette Lautenmusik

von Dowland, John | North, Nigel
erschienen am 12.10.2009

Komplette Lautenmusik
Zum Preis von
33,99 €
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    1-001Lord Strange's marchKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:01:37
    1-002Mrs. White's thingKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:02:13
    1-003Mrs. White's nothingKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:01:18
    1-004Tremolo fancy P 73Komponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:03:27
    1-005Mrs. Nichols' almainKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:01:33
    1-006Fantasie Nr. 1Komponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:04:27
    1-007PräludiumKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:01:06
    1-008Fantasie Nr. 5: A fancyKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:02:37
    1-009A dreamKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:05:05
    1-010Fantasie Nr. 7: A fancyKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:05:01
    1-011Mrs. Winter's jumpKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:01:39
    1-012Lady Clifton's spiritKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:01:48
    1-013Mrs. Vaux's gaillardKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:02:27
    1-014Mrs. Vaux's jigKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:01:15
    1-015Traleton's riserrectioneKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:02:55
    1-016Fantasie Nr. 6: A fancyKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:03:00
    1-017Fantasie Nr. 2: Forlorn hope fancyKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:03:54
    1-018The shoemaker's wife (A toy)Komponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:01:11
    1-019Lady Hunsdon's puffeKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:01:49
    1-020Orlando sleepethKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:02:54
    1-021Mr. Dowland's midnightKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:01:55
    1-022Fantasie Nr. 4: Farewell "In nomine"Komponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:04:33
    1-023Fantasie Nr. 3: FarewellKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:06:40
    2-001Lachrimae pavanKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:05:21
    2-002Gaillard to LachrimaeKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:02:41
    2-003Pavan P 16Komponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:05:12
    2-004The Earl of Essex, his gaillardKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:01:54
    2-005Pavan P 18Komponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:05:39
    2-006M. Giles Hobies's gaillardKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:01:57
    2-007Dowland's tears: I saw my Lady weep (bearb. von Nigel North)Komponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:02:07
    2-008Sir Henry Umpton's funeralKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:05:59
    2-009Sir John Langton's pavanKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:05:43
    2-010Langton's gaillardKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:02:36
    2-011Piper's pavanKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:05:16
    2-012Capitain Digorie Piper's gaillardKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:01:53
    2-013Dowland's adieuKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:04:58
    2-014Gaillard P 30Komponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:01:59
    2-015Mignarda (Henry Noel's Gaillard)Komponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:03:00
    2-016LachrimaeKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:05:15
    2-017Semper Dowland semper dolensKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:04:22
    3-001Pavan: Solus cum solaKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:04:37
    3-002Melancholy gaillardKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:02:36
    3-003Sir John Smith, his almainKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:02:38
    3-004The Lady Russell's pavanKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:04:52
    3-005Lady Rich, her gaillardKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:01:55
    3-006The Lady Laiton's almainKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:01:21
    3-007Pavan: Solus sine solaKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:05:48
    3-008Mr. Knight's gaillardKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:01:51
    3-009Mrs. Clifton's almainKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:01:25
    3-010Dr. Case's pavanKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:04:17
    3-011Sir Robert Sidney, his gaillardKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:02:38
    3-012Sir Henry Guilforde, his almainKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:02:11
    3-013Pavana doulantKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:03:24
    3-014The Earl of Derby, his gaillardKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:02:30
    3-015Almain P 51Komponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:02:39
    3-016Pavan: La mia BarbaraKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:05:48
    3-017The battle gaillardKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:02:49
    3-018Almain P 49Komponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:01:24
    3-019Pavana Johan DoulandKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:07:00
    3-020Gaillard on a gaillard of BachelarKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:02:50
    3-021AlmainKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:01:36
    4-001Queen Elizabeth, her gaillardKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:01:19
    4-002The Queen's gaillard P 97Komponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:01:43
    4-003Dowland's first gaillardKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:02:13
    4-004John Dowland's gaillard P 21Komponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:01:16
    4-005Complaint P 63Komponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:01:20
    4-006The frog gaillardKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:02:04
    4-007AloeKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:03:11
    4-008Gaillard on WalsinghamKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:02:04
    4-009WalsinghamKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:04:54
    4-010CorantoKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:01:43
    4-011Gaillard P 27Komponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:01:54
    4-012Come again, sweet love P 60Komponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:02:24
    4-013Sir John Souch's gaillardKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:01:41
    4-014Go from my windowKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:04:08
    4-015Gaillard: Awake sweet love, P 24Komponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:01:16
    4-016Gaillard: Awake sweet love (bearb. von Nigel North)Komponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:02:38
    4-017What if a dayKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:01:44
    4-018Gaillard P 35Komponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:01:50
    4-019Lord Willoughby's welcome homeKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:01:27
    4-020Gaillard: Can she excuseKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:01:53
    4-021RobinKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:03:42
    4-022Fortune my foeKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:02:31
    4-023Loth to departKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:06:28
    4-024Gaillard P 20Komponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:01:33
    4-025The King of Denmark's gaillardKomponist: Dowland, JohnLaute: North, Nigel00:03:05

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