HL 720590

50 Christmas Carols For All Harps

Woods Sylvia

50 Christmas Carols For All Harps
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    1.Angels We Have Heard On High
    2.Away In A Manger
    3.Away In A Manger
    4.Blessed Be That Maid Mary
    5.Boar'S Head Carol
    6.Bring A Torch Jeannette Isabella
    7.Deck The Halls
    8.Ding Dong Merrily On High
    9.Entre Le Boeuf Et L'Ane Gris
    10.God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
    11.Good Christian Men Rejoice
    12.Good King Wenceslas
    13.Go Tell It On The Mountain
    14.Hark The Herald Angels Sing
    15.Here We Come A Wassailing
    16.Ihr Kinderlein Kommet
    17.Il Est Ne Le Divin Enfant
    18.Infant Holy
    19.I Saw Three Ships
    20.It Came Upon The Midnight Clear
    21.Jingle Bells
    22.Joy To The World
    23.Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
    24.Lo How A Rose E'Er Blooming
    25.Masters In This Hall
    26.Miscellaneous Lyrics
    27.Miscellaneous Lyrics
    28.Noel Nouvelet
    29.O Come All Ye Faithful (adeste Fideles / Herbei O Ihr Glaeubigen)
    30.O Come O Come Emmanuel
    31.O Holy Night
    32.O Sanctissima
    33.O Tannenbaum
    34.Shepherds Hastened To Bethlehem
    35.Silent Night
    36.The Angels And The Shepherds
    37.The Cherry Tree Carol
    38.The First Noel
    39.The Gloucestershire Wassail
    40.The Holly And The Ivy
    41.The Snow Lay On The Ground
    42.The Twelve Days Of Christmas
    43.Up On The Housetop
    44.We Three Kings Of Orient Are
    45.We Wish You A Merry Christmas
    46.What Child Is This (greensleeves)
    47.Whence Is That Goodly Fragrance
    48.While By My Sheep
    49.While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks
    50.Willie Take Your Little Drum
    51.Willie Take Your Little Drum
    52.Willie Take Your Little Drum

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