One World

von Ocean, Billy
erschienen am 04.09.2020

One World
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    1-001We Gotta Find LoveKomponist: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy
    Textdichter: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy
    Ocean, Billy
    Gitarre: Barnes, Sherrod
    Sänger(in): Ocean, Billy; Bryant, Sharon; Mizelle, Cindy; Thomas, Vaneese
    Keyboards: Eastmond, Barry
    Schlagzeug (drums): Melius, Perry
    Kontrabaß: Nunes, Wayne
    1-002Love You MoreKomponist: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy
    Textdichter: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy
    Ocean, Billy
    Sänger(in): Ocean, Billy
    Keyboards: Eastmond, Barry
    Schlagzeug (drums): Melius, Perry
    Percussion: Ocean, Billy
    Gitarre (e): Barnes, Sherrod; Ocean, Billy
    Kontrabaß: Nunes, Wayne
    1-003Feel the LoveKomponist: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy
    Textdichter: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy
    Ocean, Billy
    Sänger(in): Ocean, Billy
    Keyboards: Eastmond, Barry
    Percussion: Johnson, Bashiri
    Kontrabaß: Nunes, Wayne
    1-004One WorldKomponist: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy; Melius, Perry; Nunes, Wayne
    Textdichter: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy; Melius, Perry; Nunes, Wayne
    Ocean, Billy
    Sänger(in): Mizelle, Cindy; Bryant, Sharon; Ocean, Billy; Thomas, Vaneese
    Keyboards: Ocean, Billy; Eastmond, Barry
    Schlagzeug (drums): Melius, Perry
    Percussion: Ocean, Billy; Melius, Perry
    Gitarre (e): Barnes, Sherrod
    1-005When I Saw YouKomponist: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy
    Textdichter: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy
    Ocean, Billy
    Gitarre: Barnes, Sherrod
    Sänger(in): Ocean, Billy; Bryant, Sharon; Mizelle, Cindy; Thomas, Vaneese
    Keyboards: Eastmond, Barry
    Schlagzeug (drums): Eastmond, Barry
    1-006MysteryKomponist: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy
    Textdichter: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy
    Ocean, Billy
    Gitarre: Barnes, Sherrod
    Sänger(in): Ocean, Billy
    Keyboards: Eastmond, Barry
    Percussion: Ocean, Billy
    Trompete: JS Williams
    Posaune: Williams, Mark
    Saxophon: Smith, Jeff
    2-001Missing You EverydayKomponist: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy; Melius, Perry; Nunes, Wayne
    Textdichter: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy; Melius, Perry; Nunes, Wayne
    Ocean, Billy
    Gitarre: Nunes, Wayne; Barnes, Sherrod
    Sänger(in): Mizelle, Cindy; Bryant, Sharon; Ocean, Billy; Thomas, Vaneese
    Keyboards: Eastmond, Barry
    Schlagzeug (drums): Melius, Perry
    Kontrabaß: Nunes, Wayne
    2-002Can't Stand the PainKomponist: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy
    Textdichter: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy
    Ocean, Billy
    Gitarre: Barnes, Sherrod
    Sänger(in): Ocean, Billy
    Keyboards: Eastmond, Barry
    Schlagzeug (drums): Melius, Perry
    Percussion: Ocean, Billy; Eastmond, Barry
    Kontrabaß: Nunes, Wayne
    Saxophon: Smith, Jeff
    2-003Betcha Don't KnowKomponist: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy
    Textdichter: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy
    Ocean, Billy
    Gitarre: Siegel, Ira
    Sänger(in): Ocean, Billy; Bryant, Sharon; Mizelle, Cindy; Thomas, Vaneese
    Keyboards: Eastmond, Barry
    Schlagzeug (drums): Eastmond, Barry
    2-004All Over the WorldKomponist: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy
    Textdichter: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy
    Ocean, Billy
    Sänger(in): Thomas, Vaneese; Mizelle, Cindy; Bryant, Sharon; Ocean, Billy
    Keyboards: Eastmond, Barry
    Schlagzeug (drums): Melius, Perry
    Gitarre (e): Barnes, Sherrod; Ocean, Billy
    Kontrabaß: Nunes, Wayne
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Eastmond, Barry
    2-005DaylightKomponist: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy
    Textdichter: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy
    Ocean, Billy
    Sänger(in): Thomas, Vaneese; Mizelle, Cindy; Bryant, Sharon; Ocean, Billy
    Keyboards: Eastmond, Barry
    Schlagzeug (drums): Eastmond, Barry
    Percussion: Ocean, Billy
    Trompete: JS Williams
    Posaune: Williams, Mark
    Saxophon: Smith, Jeff
    2-006Nothing Will Stand in Our WayKomponist: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy
    Textdichter: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy
    Ocean, Billy
    Gitarre: Siegel, Ira
    Keyboards: Eastmond, Barry
    Schlagzeug (drums): Melius, Perry
    Percussion: Johnson, Bashiri
    Kontrabaß: Nunes, Wayne

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