1-001 | We Gotta Find Love | Komponist: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy Textdichter: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy | Ocean, Billy Gitarre: Barnes, Sherrod Sänger(in): Ocean, Billy; Bryant, Sharon; Mizelle, Cindy; Thomas, Vaneese Keyboards: Eastmond, Barry Schlagzeug (drums): Melius, Perry Kontrabaß: Nunes, Wayne | 00:04:46 |
1-002 | Love You More | Komponist: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy Textdichter: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy | Ocean, Billy Sänger(in): Ocean, Billy Keyboards: Eastmond, Barry Schlagzeug (drums): Melius, Perry Percussion: Ocean, Billy Gitarre (e): Barnes, Sherrod; Ocean, Billy Kontrabaß: Nunes, Wayne | 00:04:27 |
1-003 | Feel the Love | Komponist: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy Textdichter: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy | Ocean, Billy Sänger(in): Ocean, Billy Keyboards: Eastmond, Barry Percussion: Johnson, Bashiri Kontrabaß: Nunes, Wayne | 00:04:40 |
1-004 | One World | Komponist: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy; Melius, Perry; Nunes, Wayne Textdichter: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy; Melius, Perry; Nunes, Wayne | Ocean, Billy Sänger(in): Mizelle, Cindy; Bryant, Sharon; Ocean, Billy; Thomas, Vaneese Keyboards: Ocean, Billy; Eastmond, Barry Schlagzeug (drums): Melius, Perry Percussion: Ocean, Billy; Melius, Perry Gitarre (e): Barnes, Sherrod | 00:04:10 |
1-005 | When I Saw You | Komponist: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy Textdichter: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy | Ocean, Billy Gitarre: Barnes, Sherrod Sänger(in): Ocean, Billy; Bryant, Sharon; Mizelle, Cindy; Thomas, Vaneese Keyboards: Eastmond, Barry Schlagzeug (drums): Eastmond, Barry | 00:04:53 |
1-006 | Mystery | Komponist: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy Textdichter: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy | Ocean, Billy Gitarre: Barnes, Sherrod Sänger(in): Ocean, Billy Keyboards: Eastmond, Barry Percussion: Ocean, Billy Trompete: JS Williams Posaune: Williams, Mark Saxophon: Smith, Jeff | 00:04:57 |
2-001 | Missing You Everyday | Komponist: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy; Melius, Perry; Nunes, Wayne Textdichter: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy; Melius, Perry; Nunes, Wayne | Ocean, Billy Gitarre: Nunes, Wayne; Barnes, Sherrod Sänger(in): Mizelle, Cindy; Bryant, Sharon; Ocean, Billy; Thomas, Vaneese Keyboards: Eastmond, Barry Schlagzeug (drums): Melius, Perry Kontrabaß: Nunes, Wayne | 00:04:57 |
2-002 | Can't Stand the Pain | Komponist: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy Textdichter: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy | Ocean, Billy Gitarre: Barnes, Sherrod Sänger(in): Ocean, Billy Keyboards: Eastmond, Barry Schlagzeug (drums): Melius, Perry Percussion: Ocean, Billy; Eastmond, Barry Kontrabaß: Nunes, Wayne Saxophon: Smith, Jeff | 00:04:54 |
2-003 | Betcha Don't Know | Komponist: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy Textdichter: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy | Ocean, Billy Gitarre: Siegel, Ira Sänger(in): Ocean, Billy; Bryant, Sharon; Mizelle, Cindy; Thomas, Vaneese Keyboards: Eastmond, Barry Schlagzeug (drums): Eastmond, Barry | 00:04:55 |
2-004 | All Over the World | Komponist: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy Textdichter: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy | Ocean, Billy Sänger(in): Thomas, Vaneese; Mizelle, Cindy; Bryant, Sharon; Ocean, Billy Keyboards: Eastmond, Barry Schlagzeug (drums): Melius, Perry Gitarre (e): Barnes, Sherrod; Ocean, Billy Kontrabaß: Nunes, Wayne Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Eastmond, Barry | 00:04:56 |
2-005 | Daylight | Komponist: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy Textdichter: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy | Ocean, Billy Sänger(in): Thomas, Vaneese; Mizelle, Cindy; Bryant, Sharon; Ocean, Billy Keyboards: Eastmond, Barry Schlagzeug (drums): Eastmond, Barry Percussion: Ocean, Billy Trompete: JS Williams Posaune: Williams, Mark Saxophon: Smith, Jeff | 00:05:09 |
2-006 | Nothing Will Stand in Our Way | Komponist: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy Textdichter: Eastmond, Barry; Ocean, Billy | Ocean, Billy Gitarre: Siegel, Ira Keyboards: Eastmond, Barry Schlagzeug (drums): Melius, Perry Percussion: Johnson, Bashiri Kontrabaß: Nunes, Wayne | 00:04:04 |