SUP 082582

Mother (ga)

von Haba, Alois | Opnt
erschienen am 01.04.1993

Mother (ga)
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    1-001Die Mutter (Oper in 10 Szenen) (Gesamtaufnahme)Komponist: Hába, AloisSopran: Lemariová, Marcela; Polívková, Jana; Urbanová, Vlasta
    Klavier: Pokorn, Jirí
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Jirous, Jirí
    Mezzosopran: Sandtnerová, Marta
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Prague National Theatre Orchestra
    Tenor: Spisar, Oldrich
    Gemischter Chor: Prague National Theatre Chorus
    Chorleiter: Mal, Milan
    1-002-002Well, now she's with God, poor soul (1.Szene)00:06:38
    1-003-003May God console you, neighbour00:05:43
    1-004-004Give her eternal rest, O Lord00:02:12
    1-005-005Funeral March00:03:03
    1-006-006Nanka, fetch some water (2. Szene)00:02:10
    1-007-007Good morning, cook!00:07:07
    1-008-008Aha, it's long journey on foot (3. Szene)00:06:30
    1-009-009The last number, who still wants to dance? (4. Szene)00:01:56
    1-010-010Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah! - Hey, best man, sing a farewell song00:08:15
    1-011-011We've been together two years now (5. Szene)00:05:25
    1-012-012Drudge alone? Aren't older children nearly fit for work?00:03:09
    2-001-013Overture to Scene VI (6. Szene)00:01:59
    2-002-014Rock-a-bye baby, my little baby-faced Tonecek!00:06:16
    2-003-015Has she gone?00:02:12
    2-004-016Rock-a-bye baby, my Tonecek00:02:05
    2-005-017You damned, lazy devils! (7. Szene)00:03:46
    2-006-018You're a thankless creature00:05:34
    2-007-019What kind of food is this? (8. Szene)00:03:13
    2-008-020Another day gone00:08:31
    2-009-021Overture to Scene IX (9. Szene)00:01:40
    2-010-022Get up, you! Get up, you!00:03:57
    2-011-023You see, old man, they've all left us (10. Szene)00:06:50

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