A Life Less Ordinary -

von Original Soundtrack
erschienen am 16.09.2002

A Life Less Ordinary -
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    1-001Deadweight (from Original Soundtrack "A life less ordinary")Komponist: Hansen, Beck; King; Simpson
    Produzent: Line of Flight; Dusted; Ash; Sister Bliss; Dollar, Johnny; Baker, Arthur; Mangurian, Tony; Smith, Rick
    Solo: Darin, Bobby; Presley, Elvis
    Gitarre: Hopwood, Steve
    Keyboards: Rollo; Sister Bliss
    Pop / Rock - Gruppe: Sneaker Pimps; Cardigans, The; Ash; Folk Implosion; R.E.M.
    1-002Love is here (from Original Soundtrack "A life less ordinary")Komponist: Cunniff, Jill
    Produzent: Mangurian, Tony; Baker, Arthur; Dollar, Johnny; Dust Brothers; Collins, Peter; McLellan, Neil; Hansen, Beck; Cunniff, Jill; Rollo; Sister Bliss
    Solo: Presley, Elvis; Darin, Bobby
    Luscious Jackson
    Gitarre: Hopwood, Steve
    Keyboards: Sister Bliss; Rollo
    Pop / Rock - Gruppe: Underworld; Sneaker Pimps; Ash; Folk Implosion; R.E.M.
    1-003A Life Less Ordinary (From Original Soundtrack "A Life Less Ordinary")Komponist: Wheeler, T.
    Produzent: Mangurian, Tony; Baker, Arthur; Dollar, Johnny; Sister Bliss; Ash; Dusted; Line of Flight; Smith, Rick; Vaughan, Matthew "Boss Hog"; Dust Brothers
    Solo: Darin, Bobby; Presley, Elvis
    Gitarre: Hopwood, Steve
    Keyboards: Rollo; Sister Bliss
    Pop / Rock - Gruppe: Sneaker Pimps; Cardigans, The; Ash; Folk Implosion; R.E.M.
    1-004Velvet Divorce (from Original Soundtrack "A life less ordinary")Komponist: Howe, Liam; Pickering, Ian; Dayton, Kelli; Corner, Chris
    Produzent: Hansen, Beck; McLellan, Neil; Collins, Peter; Dust Brothers; Dollar, Johnny; Baker, Arthur; Mangurian, Tony
    Solo: Presley, Elvis; Darin, Bobby
    Sneaker Pimps
    Gitarre: Hopwood, Steve
    Keyboards: Sister Bliss; Rollo
    Pop / Rock - Gruppe: Underworld; Sneaker Pimps; Ash; Folk Implosion; R.E.M.
    1-005Kingdom of lies (from Original Soundtrack "A life less ordinary")Komponist: Barlow, L.; Davis, J.
    Produzent: Line of Flight; Dusted; Ash; Sister Bliss; Dollar, Johnny; Baker, Arthur; Mangurian, Tony; Smith, Rick; Vaughan, Matthew "Boss Hog"
    Solo: Darin, Bobby; Presley, Elvis
    Folk Implosion
    Gitarre: Hopwood, Steve
    Keyboards: Rollo; Sister Bliss
    Pop / Rock - Gruppe: Sneaker Pimps; Cardigans, The; Ash; Folk Implosion; R.E.M.
    1-006Leave (From Original Soundtrack "A Life Less Ordinary")Komponist: Berry; Stipe; Mills; Buck
    Produzent: Hansen, Beck; McLellan, Neil; Collins, Peter; Dust Brothers; Dollar, Johnny; Baker, Arthur; Mangurian, Tony
    Solo: Presley, Elvis; Darin, Bobby
    Gitarre: Hopwood, Steve
    Keyboards: Sister Bliss; Rollo
    Pop / Rock - Gruppe: Underworld; Sneaker Pimps; Ash; Folk Implosion; R.E.M.
    1-007Don't leave (from Original Soundtrack "A life less ordinary")Komponist: Rollo; Catto, Jamie; Sister Bliss
    Produzent: Line of Flight; Dusted; Ash; Sister Bliss; Dollar, Johnny; Baker, Arthur; Mangurian, Tony; Smith, Rick
    Solo: Darin, Bobby; Presley, Elvis
    Gitarre: Hopwood, Steve
    Keyboards: Rollo; Sister Bliss
    Pop / Rock - Gruppe: Sneaker Pimps; Cardigans, The; Ash; Folk Implosion; R.E.M.
    1-008Oh (from Original Soundtrack "A life less ordinary")Komponist: Underworld
    Produzent: Mangurian, Tony; Baker, Arthur; Dollar, Johnny; Dust Brothers; Collins, Peter; McLellan, Neil; Hansen, Beck; Cunniff, Jill; Rollo; Sister Bliss
    Solo: Presley, Elvis; Darin, Bobby
    Gitarre: Hopwood, Steve
    Keyboards: Sister Bliss; Rollo
    Pop / Rock - Gruppe: Underworld; Sneaker Pimps; Ash; Folk Implosion; R.E.M.
    1-009War (from Original Soundtrack "A life less ordinary")Komponist: Svensson, P.; Persson, N.
    Produzent: Line of Flight; Dusted; Ash; Sister Bliss; Dollar, Johnny; Baker, Arthur; Mangurian, Tony; Smith, Rick; Vaughan, Matthew "Boss Hog"
    Solo: Darin, Bobby; Presley, Elvis
    Cardigans, The
    Gitarre: Hopwood, Steve
    Keyboards: Rollo; Sister Bliss
    Pop / Rock - Gruppe: Sneaker Pimps; Cardigans, The; Ash; Folk Implosion; R.E.M.
    1-010Always On My Mind (from Original Soundtrack "A life less ordinary")Komponist: Christopher, John; Thompson, Wayne; James, Mark
    Produzent: Hansen, Beck; McLellan, Neil; Collins, Peter; Dust Brothers; Dollar, Johnny; Baker, Arthur; Mangurian, Tony; Cunniff, Jill
    Solo: Presley, Elvis; Darin, Bobby
    Presley, Elvis
    Gitarre: Hopwood, Steve
    Keyboards: Sister Bliss; Rollo
    Pop / Rock - Gruppe: Underworld; Sneaker Pimps; Ash; Folk Implosion; R.E.M.
    1-011(There'll be) Peace In The Valley (For Me) (From Original Soundtrack "A Life Less Ordinary")Komponist: Love; Thompson; Tonin; Love
    Produzent: Line of Flight; Dusted; Ash; Sister Bliss; Dollar, Johnny; Baker, Arthur; Mangurian, Tony
    Solo: Darin, Bobby; Presley, Elvis
    A3 / Thompson, Errol
    Gitarre: Hopwood, Steve
    Keyboards: Rollo; Sister Bliss
    Pop / Rock - Gruppe: Sneaker Pimps; Cardigans, The; Ash; Folk Implosion; R.E.M.
    1-012Beyond The SeaKomponist: Trenet, Charles; Lawrence, Jack
    Produzent: Cunniff, Jill; Hansen, Beck; McLellan, Neil; Collins, Peter; Dust Brothers; Dollar, Johnny; Baker, Arthur; Rollo; Sister Bliss
    Solo: Darin, Bobby; Presley, Elvis
    Taylor, Pauline
    Gitarre: Hopwood, Steve
    Keyboards: Sister Bliss; Rollo
    Pop / Rock - Gruppe: Cardigans, The; Underworld; Sneaker Pimps; Ash; Folk Implosion
    1-013Put a lid on it (from Original Soundtrack "A life less ordinary")Komponist: Maxwell, T.
    Produzent: Mangurian, Tony; Baker, Arthur; Dollar, Johnny; Sister Bliss; Ash; Dusted; Line of Flight; Smith, Rick; Vaughan, Matthew "Boss Hog"; Dust Brothers
    Solo: Darin, Bobby; Presley, Elvis
    Squirrel Nut Zippers
    Gitarre: Hopwood, Steve
    Keyboards: Rollo; Sister Bliss
    Pop / Rock - Gruppe: Sneaker Pimps; Cardigans, The; Ash; Folk Implosion; R.E.M.
    1-014Deeper River (from Original Soundtrack "A life less ordinary")Komponist: Rollo; Bates, M.; Catto, J.
    Produzent: Cunniff, Jill; Hansen, Beck; McLellan, Neil; Collins, Peter; Dust Brothers; Dollar, Johnny; Baker, Arthur; Rollo
    Solo: Presley, Elvis; Darin, Bobby
    Taylor, Pauline
    Gitarre: Hopwood, Steve
    Keyboards: Sister Bliss; Rollo
    Pop / Rock - Gruppe: Underworld; Sneaker Pimps; Ash; Folk Implosion; R.E.M.
    1-015Full Throttle (From Original Soundtrack "A Life Less Ordinary")Komponist: Howlett, L.
    Produzent: Mangurian, Tony; Baker, Arthur; Dollar, Johnny; Sister Bliss; Ash; Dusted; Line of Flight; Smith, Rick; Vaughan, Matthew "Boss Hog"; Dust Brothers
    Solo: Darin, Bobby; Presley, Elvis
    Prodigy, The
    Gitarre: Hopwood, Steve
    Keyboards: Rollo; Sister Bliss
    Pop / Rock - Gruppe: Sneaker Pimps; Cardigans, The; Ash; Folk Implosion; R.E.M.

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