0001182 SCD

Music From The Films Of Steven -

von Original Soundtrack
erschienen am 02.11.2007

Music From The Films Of Steven -
Zum Preis von
23,99 €
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    1-001March Raiders of the lost ark (From Movie "Raiders of the lost ark")City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, The / Crouch End Festival Chorus00:05:26
    1-002The café / Truck attack (From Movie "Duel")City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, The / Crouch End Festival Chorus
    1-002-001The café ("Duel")City Of Prague Philarmonic Orchestra, The / Crouch End Festival Chorus00:05:08
    1-002-002Truck attack ("Duel")City Of Prague Philarmonic Orchestra, The / Crouch End Festival Chorus
    1-003Main title The sugarland express ("The sugarland express")City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, The / Crouch End Festival Chorus00:03:40
    1-004Main title Jaws (From Movie "Jaws")City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, The / Crouch End Festival Chorus00:02:17
    1-005Suite Close Encounters Of The Third Kind (From Movie "Close Encounters Of The Third Kind")City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, The / Crouch End Festival Chorus00:08:14
    1-006March 1941 (From Movie "1941")City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, The / Crouch End Festival Chorus00:04:14
    1-007The map room (From Movie "Raiders of the lost ark")City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, The / Crouch End Festival Chorus00:04:08
    1-008The basket game (From Movie "Raiders of the lost ark")City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, The / Crouch End Festival Chorus00:04:24
    1-009Adventures on Earth (From Movie "E.T. The extra terrestrial")City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, The / Crouch End Festival Chorus00:10:57
    1-010Main theme from Poltergeist (From Movie "Poltergeist")City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, The / Crouch End Festival Chorus00:04:19
    1-011Suite Twilight Zone: The movie ("Twilight Zone: The movie")City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, The / Crouch End Festival Chorus00:06:28
    1-012Finale The Color Purple (From Movie "The Color Purple")City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, The / Crouch End Festival Chorus00:05:15
    1-013Exsultate Justi (From Movie "Empire of the sun")City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, The / Crouch End Festival Chorus00:05:01
    1-014Finale Indiana Jones and the temple of the doom (From Movie "Indiana Jones and the temple of the doom")City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, The / Crouch End Festival Chorus00:06:29
    2-001Mine car chase (From Movie "Indiana Jones and the temple of the doom")City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, The / Crouch End Festival Chorus00:05:32
    2-002Indy's first adventure (From Movie "Indiana Jones and the last crusade")City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, The / Crouch End Festival Chorus00:08:28
    2-003Follow Me / Dorinda's Solo Flight (From Movie "Always")City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, The / Crouch End Festival Chorus
    2-003-001Follow me ("Always")City Of Prague Philarmonic Orchestra, The / Crouch End Festival Chorus00:03:44
    2-003-002Dorinda's solo flight ("Always")City Of Prague Philarmonic Orchestra, The / Crouch End Festival Chorus
    2-004Main themes Hook (From Movie "Hook")City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, The / Crouch End Festival Chorus00:04:05
    2-005When you're alone (From Movie "Hook")City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, The / Crouch End Festival Chorus00:03:01
    2-006Main themes Jurassic Park ("Jurassic Park")City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, The / Crouch End Festival Chorus00:06:00
    2-007Main theme from Schindler's list (From Movie "Schindler's list")City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, The / Crouch End Festival Chorus00:04:03
    2-008Dry your tears Afrika (From Movie "Amistad")City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, The / Crouch End Festival Chorus00:03:40
    2-009Hymn to the fallen (From Movie "Saving private Ryan")City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, The / Crouch End Festival Chorus00:06:04
    2-010Where dreams are born (From Movie "A.I. Artificial intelligence")City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, The / Crouch End Festival Chorus00:03:46
    2-011Minority Report (From Movie "Minority Report")City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, The / Crouch End Festival Chorus00:03:58
    2-012Catch me if you can (From Movie "Catch me if you can")City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, The / Crouch End Festival Chorus00:03:01
    2-013The tale of Viktor Navorski (From Movie "The terminal")City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, The / Crouch End Festival Chorus00:04:15
    2-014End credits suite Indiana Jones and the last crusade (From Movie "Indiana Jones and the last crusade")City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, The / Crouch End Festival Chorus00:11:36

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