I'm Not Dead

von P!nk
erschienen am 31.03.2006

I'm Not Dead
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    1-001Stupid Girls - Main VersionVerleger: EMI Blackwood Music / Pink Inside Publ. / Sony/ATV / Sounds LLC / Turtle Victory / WB Music / Fishhead Music
    Komponist: Mortensen Lynch, Robin; P!nk; Olovson, Niklas; Mann, Billy
    Textdichter: Mann, Billy; P!nk; Mortensen Lynch, Robin; Mortensen Lynch, Robin; Olovson, Niklas
    Streichinstrument: Olovson, Niklas
    P!nk / Molecules
    Gitarre: Mann, Billy; Mortensen Lynch, Robin
    1-002Who Knew - Main VersionVerleger: EMI Blackwood / P!nk Inside Publ. / Maratone AB / Kobalt Music / Kasz Money Publ.
    Komponist: Gottwald, Lukasz; Martin, Max; P!nk
    Bearbeiter: Pendarvis, Leon
    Textdichter: Gottwald, Lukasz; Martin, Max; P!nk
    Schlagzeug (drums): Mårtén, Lasse
    1-003Long Way To Happy - Main VersionVerleger: EMI Blackwood Music Inc. o/b/o itself and P!nk Inside Publishing BMI EMI Blackwood Music o/b/o itself and Sonotrock...
    Komponist: P!nk; Walker, Butch
    Textdichter: P!nk; Walker, Butch
    Gitarre: Walker, Butch
    Keyboards: Walker, Butch
    Schlagzeug (drums): Johnson, Mylious
    Bass (e): Walker, Butch
    1-004Nobody Knows - Main VersionVerleger: EMI Blackwood Music Inc. o/b/o itself and P!nk Inside Publishing BMI Sony/ATV Sounds LLC/Tuttle Victory SESAC
    Komponist: Mann, Billy; P!nk
    Textdichter: Mann, Billy; P!nk
    Gitarre: Warner, Dan
    Klavier: Mann, Billy; Wallace, Pete
    Sänger(in): Cohen, Beth; Mann, Billy
    Keyboards: Mann, Billy; Wallace, Pete
    Schlagzeug (drums): Levin, Lee
    1-005Dear Mr. President Featuring Indigo Girls - Main VersionVerleger: EMI Blackwood Music Inc. o/b/o itself and P!nk Inside Publishing BMI Sony/ATV Sounds LLC/Tuttle Victory SESAC
    Komponist: Mann, Billy; P!nk
    Textdichter: Mann, Billy; P!nk
    P!nk featuring Indigo Girls
    Gitarre: Saliers, Emily
    Sänger(in): Saliers, Emily; Ray, Amy
    1-006I'm Not Dead - Main VersionVerleger: EMI Blackwood Music Inc. o/b/o itself and P!nk Inside Publishing BMI Sony/ATV Sounds LLC/Tuttle Victory SESAC
    Komponist: Mann, Billy; P!nk
    Textdichter: Mann, Billy; P!nk
    Gitarre: Malouf, Brian; Mann, Billy; Zanelli, Geoff
    Schlagzeug (drums): Johnson, Mylious
    Bass (e): Zanelli, Geoff
    Synthesizer: Zanelli, Geoff
    1-007'Cuz I Can - Main VersionVerleger: EMI Blackwood Music Inc. o/b/o itself and P!nk Inside Publishing BMDA Maratone AB ASCAP administered by Kobalt Mu...
    Komponist: Gottwald, Lukasz; Martin, Max; P!nk
    Bearbeiter: Pendarvis, Leon
    Textdichter: Gottwald, Lukasz; Martin, Max; P!nk
    P!nk / Gottwald, Lukasz / Martin, Max; Gottwald, Lukasz; Martin, Max00:03:43
    1-008Leave Me Alone (I'm Lonely) - Main VersionVerleger: EMI Blackwood Music Inc. o/b/o itself and P!nk Inside Publishing BMI EMI Blackwood Music o/b/o itself and Sonotrock...
    Komponist: P!nk; Walker, Butch
    Textdichter: P!nk; Walker, Butch
    Gitarre: Walker, Butch
    Sänger(in): P!nk; Walker, Butch
    Keyboards: Walker, Butch
    Schlagzeug (drums): Johnson, Mylious
    Bass (e): Walker, Butch
    1-009U + Ur Hand - Main VersionVerleger: EMI Blackwood Music Inc. o/b/o itself and P!nk Inside Publishing BMDA Maratone AB ASCAP administered by Kobalt Mu...
    Komponist: Gottwald, Lukasz; Martin, Max; P!nk
    Bearbeiter: Pendarvis, Leon
    Textdichter: Gottwald, Lukasz; Martin, Max; P!nk
    Instrument: Wolf, Steven; Wolf, Steven
    P!nk / Gottwald, Lukasz / Martin, Max / Raida, Roc; Raida, Roc
    Schlagzeug (drums): Pelton, Shawn; Pelton, Shawn
    1-010Runaway - Main VersionVerleger: EMI Blackwood Music Inc. o/b/o itself and P!nk Inside Publishing BMI Sony/ATV Sounds LLC/Tuttle Victory SESAC
    Komponist: Mann, Billy; P!nk
    Textdichter: Mann, Billy; P!nk
    Gitarre: Mann, Billy; Moreira, Rafael; Phillips, Jeff; Timmons, Andy
    Klavier: Mann, Billy
    Schlagzeug (drums): Waronker, Joey
    Kontrabaß: Meldal-Johnson, Justin
    1-011The One That Got Away - Main VersionVerleger: EMI Blackwood Music Inc. o/b/o itself and P!nk Inside Publishing BMI Sony/ATV Sounds LLC/Tuttle Victory SESAC
    Komponist: Mann, Billy; P!nk
    Arrangeur: Mann, Billy; P!nk
    Textdichter: Mann, Billy; P!nk
    Gitarre: Mann, Billy
    Sänger(in): Mann, Billy
    1-012I Got Money Now - Main VersionVerleger: EMI Blackwood Music Inc. o/b/o itself and P!nk Inside Publishing BMI Blotter Music ASCAP administered by Music Of...
    Komponist: P!nk; Elizondo, M.
    Textdichter: P!nk; Elizondo, M.
    Gitarre: Elizondo, Mike
    Keyboards: Elizondo, Mike; P!nk
    1-013Conversations With My 13 Year Old Self - Main versionVerleger: EMI Blackwood Music Inc. o/b/o itself and P!nk Inside Publishing BMI Sony/ATV Sounds LLC/Tuttle Victory SESAC
    Komponist: Mann, Billy; P!nk
    Textdichter: Mann, Billy; P!nk
    Violine: Rojas, Chris
    Klavier: Mann, Billy
    Sänger(in): Mann, Billy
    1-014Fingers - w/30 sec. of silenceVerleger: EMI Blackwood Music Inc. o/b/o itself and P!nk Inside Publishing BMI Sony/ATV/Tree Publishing Co., Inc. SESAC
    Komponist: Mann, Billy; P!nk
    Textdichter: Mann, Billy; P!nk
    Gitarre: Mann, Billy; Rojas, Chris
    Schlagzeug (drums): Rojas, Chris
    1-015I Have Seen The Rain (Main Version)Komponist: Moore, James; P!nk
    Textdichter: Moore, James; P!nk
    Pink / Moore, James T.00:03:30

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