Page - Complete US Hits 1948-62

von Page, Patti
erschienen am 14.08.2015

Page - Complete US Hits 1948-62
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    1-001ConfessPage, Patti00:02:48
    1-002Say something sweet ot your sweetheartPage, Patti00:03:05
    1-003So in lovePage, Patti00:03:06
    1-004Money, marbles and chalkPage, Patti00:02:44
    1-005I'll keep the love light burning (in my heart)Page, Patti00:03:14
    1-006With my eyes wide open I'm dreamingPage, Patti00:03:10
    1-007I don't care if the sun don't shinePage, Patti00:02:43
    1-008All my love (Bolero)Page, Patti00:03:13
    1-009Back in your own backyardPage, Patti00:02:27
    1-010The Tennessee waltzPage, Patti00:03:02
    1-011Would I love you (Love you, love you)Page, Patti00:02:53
    1-012Down the trail of achin' heartsPage, Patti00:02:54
    1-013Ever true evermorePage, Patti00:02:31
    1-014Mockin' bird hillPage, Patti00:02:58
    1-015Mister and MississippiPage, Patti00:03:09
    1-016These things I offer youPage, Patti00:02:19
    1-017DetourPage, Patti00:02:47
    1-018And so to sleep againPage, Patti00:02:55
    1-019Retreat (Cries my heart)Page, Patti00:02:07
    1-020Come what mayPage, Patti00:02:10
    1-021Whispering windsPage, Patti00:02:46
    1-022Once in a whilePage, Patti00:02:48
    1-023I went to your weddingPage, Patti00:03:15
    1-024You belong to mePage, Patti00:02:49
    1-025Why don't you believe mePage, Patti00:02:45
    1-026ConquestPage, Patti00:02:26
    2-001(How much is that) Doggie in the window?Page, Patti00:02:28
    2-002My jealous eyesPage, Patti00:02:46
    2-003Now that I'm in lovePage, Patti00:02:22
    2-004Oo what you do to mePage, Patti00:03:09
    2-005ButterfliesPage, Patti00:02:43
    2-006This is my song (Patti's theme)Page, Patti00:02:52
    2-007Father, fatherPage, Patti00:03:20
    2-008Milkwaukee polkaPage, Patti00:02:35
    2-009Changing partnersPage, Patti00:02:57
    2-010Cross over the bridgePage, Patti00:02:33
    2-011My restless loverPage, Patti00:03:01
    2-012Steam heatPage, Patti00:02:18
    2-013Lonely daysPage, Patti00:02:30
    2-014What a dreamPage, Patti00:02:50
    2-015I criedPage, Patti00:02:44
    2-016The mama doll songPage, Patti00:02:41
    2-017I can't tell a waltz from a tangoPage, Patti00:02:17
    2-018Let me go, lover!Page, Patti00:02:23
    2-019Everlovin'Page, Patti00:02:15
    2-020Keep me in mindPage, Patti00:02:19
    2-021Near to youPage, Patti00:02:59
    2-022I love to dance with youPage, Patti00:02:38
    2-023Piddily patter patterPage, Patti00:02:07
    2-024Every dayPage, Patti00:02:23
    2-025Croce di oro (Cross of gold)Page, Patti00:02:45
    2-026Go on with the weddingPage, Patti00:02:55
    2-027My first formal gownPage, Patti00:01:59
    2-028Too young to go steadyPage, Patti00:02:44
    3-001AlleghenyPage, Patti00:02:51
    3-002The strangest romancePage, Patti00:02:09
    3-003Mama from the trainPage, Patti00:02:52
    3-004Every time I feel his spiritPage, Patti00:02:08
    3-005Repeat after mePage, Patti00:02:21
    3-006Poor man's roses (or a rich man's gold)Page, Patti00:02:29
    3-007The wallPage, Patti00:01:50
    3-008Old cape codPage, Patti00:02:36
    3-009WonderingPage, Patti00:02:45
    3-010I'll remember todayPage, Patti00:02:42
    3-011Belonging to someonePage, Patti00:02:08
    3-012Another time, another placePage, Patti00:02:27
    3-013Left right out of your heart (Hi Lili hi lo hi lup up up)Page, Patti00:02:17
    3-014Fibbin'Page, Patti00:01:52
    3-015Trust in mePage, Patti00:02:25
    3-016Under the sun valley moonPage, Patti00:02:37
    3-017The walls have earsPage, Patti00:02:15
    3-018With my eyes wide open I'm dreamingPage, Patti00:03:09
    3-019Goodbye CharliePage, Patti00:02:38
    3-020The sound of MusicPage, Patti00:02:33
    3-021Two thousand, two hundred and twenty-three milesPage, Patti00:02:09
    3-022One of us (will weep tonight)Page, Patti00:02:30
    3-023I wish I'd never been bornPage, Patti00:02:22
    3-024Don't read the letterPage, Patti00:02:31
    3-025A city girl stole my country boyPage, Patti00:02:35
    3-026Mom and dad's waltzPage, Patti00:02:34
    3-027You'll answer to mePage, Patti00:02:47
    3-028A broken heart (and a pillow filled with tears)Page, Patti00:02:01
    3-029Go on homePage, Patti00:02:30
    3-030Most people get marriedPage, Patti00:02:00
    3-031The boy's night outPage, Patti00:01:49

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