1-001 | 1969 | Verleger: Paradox / Bug / Warner Tamerlane Komponist: Pop, Iggy / Asheton, Ron / Asheton, Scott / Alexander, David M. | Pop, Iggy | 00:04:06 |
1-002 | No fun | Verleger: Paradox Music Komponist: Stooge, Iggy / Asheton, Ron / Asheton, Scott / Alexander, David | Pop, Iggy | 00:05:15 |
1-003 | I Wanna Be Your Dog | Verleger: Paradox Music Komponist: Stooge, Iggy / Asheton, Ron / Asheton, Scott / Alexander, Dave | Pop, Iggy | 00:03:09 |
1-004 | Down On The Street | Verleger: Paradox Music/Stooges Staffel Music Komponist: Pop, Iggy / Alexander, Dave / Asheton, Ron / Asheton, Scott / Mackay, Steven Bearbeiter: Pop, Iggy / Alexander, Dave / Asheton, Ron / Asheton, Scott / Mackay, Steven | Pop, Iggy | 00:03:43 |
1-005 | I Got A Right | Verleger: Bug Komponist: Pop, Iggy / Williamson, James | Pop, Iggy | 00:03:22 |
1-006 | Gimme some skin | Verleger: Bug Komponist: Pop, Iggy / Williamson, James | Pop, Iggy | 00:02:44 |
1-007 | I'm sick of you | Komponist: Pop, Iggy / Williamson, James | Pop, Iggy | 00:06:52 |
1-008 | Search And Destroy | Verleger: Mainman Komponist: Pop, Iggy / Williamson, James | Pop, Iggy | 00:03:29 |
1-009 | Gimme Danger | Verleger: Mainman Komponist: Pop, Iggy / Williamson, James | Pop, Iggy | 00:03:33 |
1-010 | Raw Power | Verleger: Mainman Komponist: Pop, Iggy / Williamson, James | Pop, Iggy | 00:04:16 |
1-011 | Kill city | Verleger: 80-80 Music / James Osterberg / Cruisin Music / Bug Komponist: Pop, Iggy / Williamson, James | Pop, Iggy | 00:02:29 |
1-012 | Nightclubbing | Verleger: Bewlay Brothers / Fleur / James Osterberg Komponist: Pop, Iggy / Bowie, David Bearbeiter: Bowie, David | Pop, Iggy | 00:04:15 |
1-013 | Funtime | Verleger: Bewlay Brothers / Fleur / James Osterberg Komponist: Pop, Iggy / Bowie, David | Pop, Iggy | 00:02:54 |
1-014 | China Girl | Verleger: Bewlay Brothers / Fleur / James Osterberg Komponist: Pop, Iggy / Bowie, David Bearbeiter: Bowie, David | Pop, Iggy | 00:05:08 |
1-015 | Sister Midnight | Verleger: Bewlay Brothers / Fleur / James Osterberg / 100 MPH Komponist: Pop, Iggy / Bowie, David / Alomar, Carlos | Pop, Iggy | 00:04:20 |
1-016 | Tonight | Verleger: Bewlay Brothers/Fleur Music/Virgin Music Komponist: Bowie, David Textdichter: Pop, Iggy | Pop, Iggy | 00:03:38 |
1-017 | Success | Verleger: Bug Music/Jones Music/Screen Gems-EMI Music/Fleur Music/Ricky Gardiner Songs/Beway Brothers/Virgin Music Komponist: Bowie, David / Gardiner, Rick Textdichter: Pop, Iggy | Pop, Iggy | 00:04:24 |
1-018 | Lust For Life | Verleger: Bewlay Brothers/Fleur Music/Virgin Music Komponist: Bowie, David Textdichter: Pop, Iggy | Pop, Iggy | 00:05:12 |
1-019 | The Passenger | Verleger: Bewlay Brothers/James Osterberg Music/EMI Music/EMI Virgin Music/Ricky Gardiner Songs Komponist: Gardiner, Rick Textdichter: Pop, Iggy | Pop, Iggy | 00:04:40 |
2-001 | Some Weird Sin | Verleger: Bewlay Brothers / Fleur / Virgin Komponist: Bowie, David Textdichter: Pop, Iggy | Pop, Iggy | 00:03:40 |
2-002 | I'm Bored | Verleger: James Osterberg Komponist: Pop, Iggy Bearbeiter: Brock, David / Williamson, James Textdichter: Pop, Iggy | Pop, Iggy | 00:02:46 |
2-003 | Pleasure | Verleger: Dinsong / Virgin / April Musik Komponist: Kral, Ivan / Pop, Iggy | Pop, Iggy | 00:03:13 |
2-004 | Run like a Villain | Verleger: Bug Music Komponist: Pop, Iggy / DuPrey, Robert Textdichter: Pop, Iggy | Pop, Iggy | 00:03:01 |
2-005 | Cry for love | Verleger: Osterberg/Bug/Thousand Miles Long Komponist: Pop, Iggy / Bowie, David Bearbeiter: Kizilçay, Erdal | Pop, Iggy | 00:04:26 |
2-006 | Real Wild Child (Wild One) | Verleger: Wren Music Komponist: O'Keefe, John / Greenan, Johnny / Owens, David Bearbeiter: Kizilçay, Erdal | Pop, Iggy | 00:03:39 |
2-007 | Cold metal | Verleger: Osterberg Music/Bug Music Komponist: Pop, Iggy Textdichter: Pop, Iggy | Pop, Iggy | 00:03:27 |
2-008 | Home | Verleger: Virgin Music Komponist: Pop, Iggy Textdichter: Pop, Iggy | Pop, Iggy | 00:04:01 |
2-009 | Candy | Verleger: Virgin Music Komponist: Pop, Iggy Textdichter: Pop, Iggy | Pop, Iggy / Pierson, Kate | 00:04:14 |
2-010 | Well did you Evah! | Verleger: Chappell Komponist: Porter, Cole Textdichter: Porter, Cole | Harry, Deborah / Pop, Iggy | 00:03:28 |
2-011 | Wild America | Verleger: Tambora Music/Bug/Rocket Seed Music Komponist: Pop, Iggy / Schermerhorn, Eric Textdichter: Pop, Iggy | Pop, Iggy | 00:05:45 |
2-012 | T.V. Eye (Live At The Feile Festival, Ireland) | Verleger: Warner-Tamerlane / Stooge Staffel Komponist: Pop, Iggy / Asheton, Ron / Asheton, Scott / Alexander, David M. | Pop, Iggy | 00:05:30 |
2-013 | Look away | Verleger: Bug Music Komponist: Pop, Iggy Textdichter: Pop, Iggy | Pop, Iggy | 00:05:09 |
2-014 | I'll Be Seeing You | Verleger: Marlo Music Komponist: Fain, Sammy Textdichter: Kahal, Irving | Pop, Iggy / Hardy, Françoise | 00:04:06 |
2-015 | Corruption | Verleger: Bug / Hal Cragin Komponist: Kirst, Whitey / Cragin, Hal Textdichter: Pop, Iggy | Pop, Iggy | 00:04:24 |
2-016 | I felt the luxury | Verleger: James Osterberg Komponist: Medeski, John / Martin, William / Wood, Christopher Textdichter: Pop, Iggy | Pop, Iggy / Martin, Medesky / Wood | 00:06:30 |
2-017 | In the death car | Verleger: Polygram / Thousand Mile Komponist: Bregovic, Goran Bearbeiter: Bregovic, Goran Textdichter: Pop, Iggy | Pop, Iggy | 00:05:11 |
2-018 | Mask | Verleger: Bug / Thousand Mile Komponist: Pop, Iggy / Kirst, Whitey | Pop, Iggy | 00:02:54 |
2-019 | Skull Ring | Verleger: Bug Music Komponist: Pop, Iggy / Asheton, Ron / Asheton, Scott | Pop, Iggy | 00:03:51 |