REPUK 5022

Still Unrepentant [+bonus DVD] -

von Pretty Things, The
erschienen am 20.09.2008

Still Unrepentant [+bonus DVD] -
Zum Preis von
27,99 €
Preis inkl. MwSt
Nicht am Lager, nachbestellbar (verfügbar in 5-7 Werktagen) 
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Brief-Versand ins Ausland pauschal EUR 9,-
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    1-001RosalynPretty Things, The00:02:21
    1-002Don't bring me downPretty Things, The00:02:10
    1-003Get Yourself HomePretty Things, The00:02:16
    1-004RoadrunnerPretty Things, The00:03:10
    1-005Judgement DayPretty Things, The00:02:45
    1-006Honey, I NeedPretty Things, The00:01:58
    1-007You Don't Believe MePretty Things, The00:02:23
    1-008Buzz the jerkPretty Things, The00:01:55
    1-009Cry to mePretty Things, The00:02:50
    1-010Midnight to six manPretty Things, The00:02:19
    1-011Come see mePretty Things, The00:02:40
    1-012L.S.D.Pretty Things, The00:02:25
    1-013Death of a socialitePretty Things, The00:02:41
    1-014Growing in my mindPretty Things, The00:02:19
    1-015Defecting GreyPretty Things, The00:05:10
    1-016S.F. sorrow is bornPretty Things, The00:03:07
    1-017Private sorrowPretty Things, The00:03:50
    1-018Balloon burningPretty Things, The00:03:48
    1-019Old man goingPretty Things, The00:03:06
    1-020Loneliest personPretty Things, The00:01:25
    1-021Scene onePretty Things, The00:01:50
    1-022In the squarePretty Things, The00:01:54
    1-023The letterPretty Things, The00:01:38
    1-024RainPretty Things, The00:02:14
    1-025GrassPretty Things, The00:04:19
    1-026ParachutePretty Things, The00:03:48
    1-027October 26Pretty Things, The00:04:54
    1-028Summer TimePretty Things, The00:04:27
    2-001PeterPretty Things, The00:01:27
    2-002Rip off trainPretty Things, The00:03:18
    2-003Havana boundPretty Things, The00:03:51
    2-004Dream / JoeyPretty Things, The
    2-004-001DreamPretty Things, The00:06:46
    2-004-002JoeyPretty Things, The
    2-005Bridge of GodPretty Things, The00:04:56
    2-006Is it only lovePretty Things, The00:05:04
    2-007Singapore silk torpedoPretty Things, The00:05:11
    2-008Under the volcanoPretty Things, The00:05:58
    2-009Sad eyePretty Things, The00:04:33
    2-010Remember that boyPretty Things, The00:05:04
    2-011It's been so longPretty Things, The00:05:05
    2-012I'm callingPretty Things, The00:04:04
    2-013Office lovePretty Things, The00:04:11
    2-014She don'tPretty Things, The00:04:06
    2-015No futurePretty Things, The00:04:27
    2-016God give me this strength - to carry onPretty Things, The00:07:10
    2-017All light upPretty Things, The00:04:36
    3-001Pretty Thing (secret) (Excerpts from the 40th anniversary show at the Pressure Point)Pretty Things, The
    3-002Interviews with the bandPretty Things, The

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