Lieder Für Laute Und Gesang

von Dowland, John | Rickards, Steven / Linell, Dorothy
erschienen am 17.11.1997

Lieder Für Laute Und Gesang
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    1-001Book of Songs, Book 1: Come again, sweet love doth now invite: Come again: Sweet love doth now inviteKomponist: Dowland, JohnDorothy Linell; Steven Rickards; Dorothy Linell; Steven Rickards
    1-002Book of Songs, Book 2: Flow, my tears, fall from your springs: Flow my tearsKomponist: Dowland, JohnDorothy Linell; Steven Rickards; Dorothy Linell; Steven Rickards
    1-003Book of Songs, Book 4, "A Pilgrimes Solace": Lady if you so spite me: Lady, If you so spite meKomponist: Dowland, John; Henry Lea; Dowland, John; Henry Lea; Dowland, John; Henry Lea; Dowland, John; Henry LeaSteven Rickards; Steven Rickards; Dorothy Linell; Dorothy Linell; Steven Rickards; Dorothy Linell; Dorothy Linell; Steven Rickards; Steven Rickards
    1-004Book of Songs, Book 4, "A Pilgrimes Solace": In Darkness Let Me Dwell: In darkness let me dwellKomponist: Dowland, JohnDorothy Linell; Steven Rickards; Dorothy Linell; Steven Rickards
    1-005Melancholy GalliardKomponist: Dowland, JohnDorothy Linell
    1-006Book of Songs, Book 3: Say, Love, if ever thou didst find: Say Love if ever thou did'st findKomponist: Dowland, JohnDorothy Linell; Steven Rickards; Dorothy Linell; Steven Rickards
    1-007Book of Songs, Book 1: His golden locks Time hath to silver turned: His golden locksKomponist: Dowland, JohnDorothy Linell; Steven Rickards; Dorothy Linell; Steven Rickards
    1-0084 Divisions on popular tunes: Greensleeves DivisionsKomponist: Cutting, FrancisDorothy Linell
    1-009Book of Songs, Book 1: If my complaints could passions move: If my complaints could passions moveKomponist: Dowland, JohnDorothy Linell; Steven Rickards; Dorothy Linell; Steven Rickards; Dorothy Linell
    1-010Book of Songs, Book 3: Time stands still: Time stands stillKomponist: Dowland, JohnDorothy Linell; Steven Rickards; Dorothy Linell
    1-011Book of Songs, Book 1: Can she excuse my wrongs: Can she excuse my wrongs?Komponist: Dowland, JohnDorothy Linell; Steven Rickards
    1-012Fortune my foeKomponist: Dowland, JohnDorothy Linell
    1-013Book of Songs, Book 2: I saw my lady weep: I saw my lady weepKomponist: Dowland, JohnDorothy Linell; Steven Rickards; Dorothy Linell; Steven Rickards
    1-014Book of Songs, Book 1: Wilt thou unkind thus reave me of my heart: Wilt thou unkind thus reave me?Komponist: Dowland, JohnDorothy Linell; Steven Rickards; Dorothy Linell; Steven Rickards; Dorothy Linell
    1-015Book of Songs, Book 4, "A Pilgrimes Solace": Stay, Time, awhile thy flying: Stay time awhile thy flyingKomponist: Dowland, JohnDorothy Linell; Steven Rickards; Dorothy Linell; Steven Rickards
    1-016Bonny Sweet RobinKomponist: Shakespeare, WilliamDorothy Linell
    1-017Book of Songs, Book 3: Me, me and none but me: Me, me, and none but meKomponist: Dowland, JohnDorothy Linell; Steven Rickards
    1-018Book of Songs, Book 2: Sorrow, stay, lend true repentant tears: Sorrow, stayKomponist: Dowland, JohnDorothy Linell; Steven Rickards; Dorothy Linell; Steven Rickards
    1-019Book of Songs, Book 2: Fine Knacks for Ladies: Fine knacks for ladiesKomponist: Dowland, JohnDorothy Linell; Steven Rickards; Dorothy Linell
    1-020Kemp's JigDorothy Linell
    1-021CallinoDorothy Linell
    1-022Book of Songs, Book 3: When Phoebus first did Daphne love: When Phoebus first did Daphne loveKomponist: Dowland, JohnDorothy Linell; Steven Rickards; Dorothy Linell; Steven Rickards
    1-023Book of Songs, Book 1: Think'st thou then by thy feigning: Think's thou then by thy feigning?Komponist: Dowland, JohnSteven Rickards; Dorothy Linell
    1-024Galliards by Mary, Queen of ScotsKomponist: Dowland, JohnDorothy Linell
    1-025Book of Songs, Book 1: Now, O Now I Needs Must Part: Now, o now I needs must partKomponist: Dowland, JohnDorothy Linell; Steven Rickards; Dorothy Linell; Steven Rickards
    1-026Book of Songs, Book 1: Come, heavy sleep: Come, heavy sleepKomponist: Dowland, JohnDorothy Linell; Steven Rickards

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