PTC 5187008

The Lord of Cries

von Adamo, Mark / Corigliano, John | Rose, Gil / Boston Modern Orchestra Project
erschienen am 08.09.2023

The Lord of Cries
Zum Preis von
37,99 €
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    1-001The Lord of Cries (Oper in 2 Akten) (Gesamtaufnahme)Komponist: Corigliano, JohnSopran: Henry, Kathryn; Brzyski, Leah; Blaustein, Rachel
    1-001-001Prelude: I, Dionysus, son of Zeus (1. Akt)00:03:35
    1-002-002London in chaos00:04:23
    1-003-003He flies tonight, on dragons' wings00:03:22
    1-004-004Jonathan in madness00:05:58
    1-005-005My God! Jonathan!00:04:31
    1-006-006And oh, how new! How pure we felt!00:04:20
    1-007-007Hush: no more now00:02:13
    1-008-008Weakness! Weakness!00:07:09
    1-010-010Intermezzo: Lightning over London00:00:52
    1-011-011The stranger in chains00:05:58
    1-012-012His temple. How you profane it00:05:13
    1-013-013He casts no reflection00:03:42
    1-014-014Give him what he wants, Seward00:02:50
    1-015-015So I shall tend to him00:02:43
    1-016-016July twelve: midnight...00:06:50
    1-018-018Bacchanale (Finale)00:05:56
    2-001-019The beauty of it (2. Akt)00:03:48
    2-002-020Listen a moment00:02:47
    2-003-021Seward fails a third time00:01:27
    2-004-022I ask00:09:10
    2-005-023Hush, darling: hush00:08:14
    2-007-025Your husband seems subdued tonight00:04:17
    2-008-026Who is Lucy tonight?00:07:26
    2-009-027I cannot say it!00:01:11
    2-010-028Oh, Father, gaze upon me!00:05:24
    2-011-029Look at the sky00:03:10
    2-012-030Vengeance of the Lord of Cries00:04:27
    2-013-031The lure of frenzy00:03:04

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