Big Bamboo:let S Dance With. .. -

von Saragossa Band
erschienen am 29.01.2007

Big Bamboo:let S Dance With. .. -
Zum Preis von
10,99 €
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    1-001Saragossa Medley Dance Mix
    1-001-001Big Bamboo
    1-001-003Chico Cipita
    1-001-004Samba Ole, Rumba OK
    1-001-005Rasta Man
    1-001-006Aiko Aiko
    1-001-008Big Bamboo
    1-001-009Big Bamboo
    1-002ZabadakKomponist: Blaikley, Howard
    Textdichter: Blaikley, Howard
    Saragossa Band
    1-002-001Saragossa Soul Medley
    1-002-003Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa (Sad Song)
    1-002-004On The Dock Of The Bay (Sittin' On)
    1-002-005In The Midnight Hour
    1-002-007Funky Broadway
    1-003Saragossa Soul MedleyKomponist: Rudek, A.; Diamé, A.
    Textdichter: Rudek, A.; Diamé, A.; Monn, A.
    Saragossa Band
    1-003-002Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa (Sad Song)
    1-003-003On The Dock Of The Bay (Sittin' On)
    1-003-004In The Midnight Hour
    1-003-006Funky Broadway
    1-003-008Do Wah Diddy Diddy
    1-003-009Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye
    1-003-010Dance With The Saragossa Band Part II
    1-003-011Gimme Gimme Good Lovin'
    1-003-012Ob La Di, Ob La Da
    1-003-013Rivers Of Babylon
    1-003-014Yesterday Man
    1-003-015Pretty Maid
    1-003-016Dance With The Saragossa Band Part III
    1-003-017Beautiful Sunday
    1-003-019Hitchin' A Ride
    1-003-020Ha! Ha! Said The Clown
    1-003-021Mighty Quinn
    1-003-022I Did What I Did For Maria
    1-004Saragossa Caribian MedleyKomponist: Blaikley, Howard
    Textdichter: Blaikley, Howard
    Saragossa Band00:04:24
    1-004-004Chico Cipita00:00:48
    1-005Dance With The Saragossa Band (Big Bamboo)Komponist: Rudek, A.; Diamé, A.
    Textdichter: Rudek, A.; Diamé, A.; Monn, A.
    Saragossa Band
    1-005-005Samba Ole, Rumba OK00:01:04
    1-006Dance With The Saragossa Band Part IKomponist: Rudek, A.; Diamé, A.
    Textdichter: Rudek, A.; Diamé, A.; Monn, A.
    Saragossa Band
    1-006-002Wolly Bully
    1-006-004Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep
    1-006-005Yummy Yummy
    1-006-006Sha La La La Lee
    1-006-007Do Wah Diddy Diddy
    1-006-008Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye
    1-006-009Stop! In The Name Of Love
    1-006-010You Keep Me Hangin' On
    1-006-012Dancing In The Street
    1-006-013Reach Out I'll Be There
    1-007Dance With The Saragossa Band Part 2Komponist: Bruhn, Christian; Deutscher, Drafi; Loose, R. Günter
    Textdichter: Bruhn, Christian; Deutscher, Drafi; Loose, R. Günter
    Saragossa Band
    1-007-001Gimme Gimme Good Lovin'
    1-007-002Ob La Di, Ob La Da
    1-007-003Rivers Of Babylon
    1-007-004Yesterday Man
    1-007-005Pretty Maid
    1-007-007Aiko Aiko00:01:11
    1-008Dance With The Saragossa Band Part 3Komponist: McLean, Don
    Textdichter: McLean, Don
    Saragossa Band
    1-008-001Beautiful Sunday
    1-008-003Hitchin' A Ride
    1-008-004Ha! Ha! Said The Clown
    1-008-005Mighty Quinn
    1-008-006I Did What I Did For Maria
    1-008-007Aiko Aiko
    1-008-009Big Bamboo
    1-008-010Saragossa Caribian Medley
    1-009ZabadakKomponist: Blaikley, Howard
    Textdichter: Blaikley, Howard
    Saragossa Band00:03:58
    1-009-009Big Bamboo00:00:48
    1-010Have A Good TimeKomponist: Monn, A.
    Textdichter: Palmer-James, R.
    Saragossa Band00:04:33
    1-010-001Saragossa Soul Medley00:04:06
    1-011Dance With The Saragossa Band (Big Bamboo)Komponist: Rudek, A.; Diamé, A.
    Textdichter: Rudek, A.; Diamé, A.; Monn, A.
    Saragossa Band
    1-011-002a.) Soulfinger00:00:50
    1-012Dance With The Saragossa Band Part II
    1-012-001Midnight Special
    1-012-002Oh Happy Day
    1-012-003He's Got The Whole World In His Hands
    1-012-004Michael Row The Boat Ashore
    1-012-005Sweet Cielito Lindo
    1-012-006Olé Le - Olá La
    1-013Dance With The Saragossa Band Part IX
    1-013-001Stop! In The Name Of Love
    1-013-002You Keep Me Hangin' On
    1-013-004Dancing In The Street
    1-013-005Reach Out I'll Be There
    1-014Marmor, Stein und Eisen brichtKomponist: Bruhn, Christian; Deutscher, Drafi; Loose, R. Günter
    Textdichter: Bruhn, Christian; Deutscher, Drafi; Loose, R. Günter
    Saragossa Band00:00:38
    1-014-005d.) In The Midnight Hour00:00:43
    1-015American PieKomponist: McLean, Don
    Textdichter: McLean, Don
    Saragossa Band
    1-015-006e.) Soulfinger00:00:04
    1-016Saragossa Medley Radio Cut
    1-016-001Big Bamboo
    1-016-003Chico Cipita
    1-016-004Samba Ole, Rumba OK
    1-016-005Rasta Man
    1-016-006Aiko Aiko
    1-016-008Big Bamboo
    1-016-009Saragossa Caribian Medley
    1-017-008g.) Soulfinger00:00:05
    1-018-009Saragossa Caribian Medley00:04:24
    1-019-010a.) Dance With The Saragossa Band00:00:15
    1-020-011b.) Hey Amigo Charly00:00:30
    1-021-012c.) Adalita00:00:57
    1-022-013d.) Guantanamera00:00:49
    1-023-014e.) Brown Girl In The Ring00:00:30
    1-024-015f.) Sloop John B.00:01:08
    1-025-016g.) Dance With The Saragossa Band00:00:15
    1-026Dance With The Saragossa Band (Big Bamboo)Komponist: Rudek, A.; Diamé, A.
    Textdichter: Rudek, A.; Diamé, A.; Monn, A.
    Saragossa Band00:00:15
    1-026-001Dance With The Saragossa Band Part I00:06:10
    1-028-003Wolly Bully00:00:47
    1-030-005Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep00:00:47
    1-031-006Yummy Yummy00:00:47
    1-032-007Sha La La La Lee00:00:47
    1-033-008Do Wah Diddy Diddy00:00:47
    1-034-009Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye00:00:41
    1-035-010Dance With The Saragossa Band Part II00:04:12
    1-036-011Gimme Gimme Good Lovin'00:00:49
    1-037-012Ob La Di, Ob La Da00:00:49
    1-038-013Rivers Of Babylon00:00:49
    1-039-014Yesterday Man00:00:49
    1-040-015Pretty Maid00:00:46
    1-041-016Dance With The Saragossa Band Part III00:04:46
    1-042-017Beautiful Sunday00:00:48
    1-044-019Hitchin' A Ride00:00:48
    1-045-020Ha! Ha! Said The Clown00:00:48
    1-046-021Mighty Quinn00:00:47
    1-047-022I Did What I Did For Maria00:00:47
    1-048ZabadakKomponist: Blaikley, Howard
    Textdichter: Blaikley, Howard
    Saragossa Band00:03:58
    1-049Have A Good TimeKomponist: Monn, A.
    Textdichter: Palmer-James, R.
    Saragossa Band00:04:33
    1-050Dance With The Saragossa Band (Big Bamboo)Komponist: Rudek, A.; Diamé, A.
    Textdichter: Rudek, A.; Diamé, A.; Monn, A.
    Saragossa Band00:00:14
    1-050-001Dance With The Saragossa Band Part XI00:04:08
    1-051-002Midnight Special00:00:42
    1-052-003Oh Happy Day00:00:42
    1-053-004He's Got The Whole World In His Hands00:00:42
    1-054-005Michael Row The Boat Ashore00:00:42
    1-055-006Sweet Cielito Lindo00:00:42
    1-056-007Olé Le - Olá La00:00:38
    1-057-008Dance With The Saragossa Band Part IX00:05:06
    1-058-009Stop! In The Name Of Love00:01:02
    1-059-010You Keep Me Hangin' On00:01:02
    1-061-012Dancing In The Street00:01:02
    1-062-013Reach Out I'll Be There00:00:58
    1-063Marmor, Stein und Eisen brichtKomponist: Bruhn, Christian; Deutscher, Drafi; Loose, R. Günter
    Textdichter: Bruhn, Christian; Deutscher, Drafi; Loose, R. Günter
    Saragossa Band00:00:38
    1-064American PieKomponist: McLean, Don
    Textdichter: McLean, Don
    Saragossa Band00:01:03
    1-064-001Saragossa Medley Radio Cut00:03:49
    1-065-002a.) Big Bamboo00:00:32
    1-066-003b.) Agadou00:00:48
    1-067-004c.) Chico Cipita00:00:25
    1-068-005d.) Samba Ole, Rumba OK00:00:16
    1-069-006e.) Rasta Man00:00:25
    1-070-007f.) Aiko Aiko00:00:37
    1-071-008g.) Malaika00:00:25
    1-072-009h.) Big Bamboo00:00:21

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