Prince Of The Mists

von Scotish Fiddle Orchestra
erschienen am 02.10.2009

Prince Of The Mists
Zum Preis von
20,99 €
Preis inkl. MwSt
Nicht am Lager, nachbestellbar (verfügbar in 5-7 Werktagen) 
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Pianos und Flügel liefern wir deutschlandweit frei Haus! Ins EU-Ausland liefern wir Pianos und Flügel für pauschal 250,- EUR. Kleinere Speditionsware ansonsten pauschal 50,- EUR, EU-Ausland pauschal 100,- EUR. Lieferungen darüber hinaus (z.B. ins nicht EU-Ausland) erfolgen zum Selbstkostenpreis.

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Briefeinschreiben in Deutschland EUR 4,-,
Paket-Versand ins EU-Ausland bis 5 kg EUR 15,-
Paket-Versand ins Ausland pauschal EUR 25,-,
Brief-Versand ins Ausland pauschal EUR 9,-
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Bei Kauf von Digitalpianos und größeren Keyboards liefern wir deutschlandweit mit eigenem Transporter (bis 50km) oder Spedition frei Haus, Ausland pauschal 150,- EUR.
Pianos und Flügel liefern wir deutschlandweit frei Haus! Ins EU-Ausland liefern wir Pianos und Flügel für pauschal 250,- EUR. Kleinere Speditionsware ansonsten pauschal 50,- EUR, EU-Ausland pauschal 100,- EUR. Lieferungen darüber hinaus (z.B. ins nicht EU-Ausland) erfolgen zum Selbstkostenpreis.

Bei Selbstabholung legen wir die Ware (außer Tickets!) bis zu einer Woche zurück. Ticket-Reservierungen sind bis zu 3 Tage möglich.

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    1-001Setting the scene in ErisbayScotish Fiddle Orchestra, The00:02:47
    1-002Over the water & call to armsScotish Fiddle Orchestra, The00:00:40
    1-003Glenfinnan-raising of the standardScotish Fiddle Orchestra, The00:01:24
    1-004The march SouthScotish Fiddle Orchestra, The00:00:48
    1-005Welcome to EdingburghScotish Fiddle Orchestra, The00:00:27
    1-006Proclamation of James as kingScotish Fiddle Orchestra, The00:00:15
    1-007The Holyrood ballScotish Fiddle Orchestra, The00:00:34
    1-008Battle of prestonpansScotish Fiddle Orchestra, The00:00:26
    1-009March South into England to Derby & the retreat NorthScotish Fiddle Orchestra, The00:01:21
    1-010The fall of the carliste GarrisonScotish Fiddle Orchestra, The00:00:53
    1-011Arrival of the argyll militia and the revival of highland spirits to the battle of falkirkScotish Fiddle Orchestra, The00:00:44
    1-012Governement troops & the highland army march northScotish Fiddle Orchestra, The00:01:26
    1-013Battle of cullodenScotish Fiddle Orchestra, The00:01:32
    1-014Afternath, the decimation of the highland army, the retreat to uist, thence to skye & back to FranceScotish Fiddle Orchestra, The00:02:44
    1-015The romantic image and concept of a return to claim the clownScotish Fiddle Orchestra, The00:02:31
    1-016Am muileann (Uisge) / The old water (Mill)Scotish Fiddle Orchestra, The00:04:37
    1-017The spirit of Starthisla (Suite)Scotish Fiddle Orchestra, The00:13:06
    1-018Whistling rufusScotish Fiddle Orchestra, The00:02:49
    1-019The butterfly polka / The primrose polkaScotish Fiddle Orchestra, The00:03:41
    1-020The northlands / The fire (Horse reel)Scotish Fiddle Orchestra, The00:03:05
    2-001Setting the scene in ErisbayScotish Fiddle Orchestra, The
    2-002Over the water & call to armsScotish Fiddle Orchestra, The
    2-003Glenfinnan-raising of the standardScotish Fiddle Orchestra, The
    2-004The march SouthScotish Fiddle Orchestra, The
    2-005Welcome to EdingburghScotish Fiddle Orchestra, The
    2-006Proclamation of James as kingScotish Fiddle Orchestra, The
    2-007The Holyrood ballScotish Fiddle Orchestra, The
    2-008Battle of prestonpansScotish Fiddle Orchestra, The
    2-009March South into England to Derby & the retreat NorthScotish Fiddle Orchestra, The
    2-010The fall of the carliste GarrisonScotish Fiddle Orchestra, The
    2-011Arrival of the argyll militia and the revival of highland spirits to the battle of falkirkScotish Fiddle Orchestra, The
    2-012Governement troops & the highland army march northScotish Fiddle Orchestra, The
    2-013Battle of cullodenScotish Fiddle Orchestra, The
    2-014Afternath, the decimation of the highland army, the retreat to uist, thence to skye & back to FranceScotish Fiddle Orchestra, The
    2-015The romantic image and concept of a return to claim the clownScotish Fiddle Orchestra, The
    2-016My love is like a red red roseNicol, James
    2-017The bluebell polkaScotish Fiddle Orchestra, The
    2-018Scotland againSandeman, Mary
    2-019Scotland the braveScotish Fiddle Orchestra, The
    2-020Road to the islesNicol, James
    2-021Salute to J Scott SkinnerScotish Fiddle Orchestra, The
    2-022She moved through the fairSandeman, Mary
    2-023Rowan treeSandeman, Mary / Nicol, James
    2-024Canadian reelsSFO Folk Symphony, The
    2-025Last of the lairdsScotish Fiddle Orchestra, The

    Partner bei Idealo.de Geizhals AT Unterhaltungselektronik auf Schottenland.de