CDA 067009

Music For St Paul'S

von Händel / Blow / Boyce | Scott / Paoi / +
erschienen am 02.06.1998

Music For St Paul'S
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    1-001Utrechter Te Deum HWV 278Komponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichDirigent / Band Leader: Scott, John
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Parley of Instruments
    Gemischter Chor: Choir of St. Paul's Cathedral, The
    1-001-001We praise thee, o God00:03:35
    1-002-002To thee all angels cry aloud00:00:39
    1-003-003To thee Cherubin and Seraphin00:01:06
    1-004-004The glorious company of the apostles00:04:29
    1-005-005When thou took'st upon thee00:02:37
    1-006-006We believe that thou shalt come00:02:17
    1-007-007Day by day we magnify thee00:01:11
    1-008-008And we worship thy name00:00:45
    1-009-009Vouchsafe, o Lord00:02:33
    1-010-010O Lord, in thee have I trusted00:01:16
    1-011Jubilate HWV 279Komponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichDirigent / Band Leader: Scott, John
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Parley of Instruments
    Gemischter Chor: Choir of St. Paul's Cathedral, The
    1-011-001O be joyful in the Lord00:04:06
    1-012-002Be ye sure that the Lord is God00:02:19
    1-013-003O go your way into his gate00:02:39
    1-014-004For the Lord is gracious00:02:50
    1-015-005Glory to be the father00:04:40
    1-016I was glad when they said unto meKomponist: Blow, JohnDirigent / Band Leader: Scott, John
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Parley of Instruments
    Gemischter Chor: Choir of St. Paul's Cathedral, The
    1-016-001I was glad when they said unto me00:04:36
    1-017-002One thing have I desired of the Lord00:03:18
    1-018-003They shall prosper that love thee00:02:32
    1-019-004THe king shall rejoice in thy strength00:02:05
    1-020-005As for his enemies00:01:43
    1-021Lord, thou hast been our refuge (Anthem for the Festival Clergy 1755)Komponist: Boyce, WilliamDirigent / Band Leader: Scott, John
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Parley of Instruments
    Gemischter Chor: Choir of St. Paul's Cathedral, The
    1-021-001Lord, thou hast been our refuge00:05:07
    1-022-002Our fathers hoped in thee - Show us thy mercy, o Lord00:03:57
    1-023-003Yea, like as a father pitieh his own children00:03:20
    1-024-004Remember, o Lord, what is come upon us00:03:54
    1-025-005The eyes of all wait upon thee. o Lord - O let not the simple go away ashamed00:03:14
    1-026-006Blessed be the name of the Lord00:03:13

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