Pines Of Rome / Pictures At An E

von Respighi, O. /Mussorgsky, M. | Slatkin, Leonard / BBCSO
erschienen am 22.08.2005

Pines Of Rome / Pictures At An E
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    1-001Pini di Roma (Die Pinien von Rom)Komponist: Respighi, OttorinoDirigent / Band Leader: Slatkin, Leonard
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): BBC Symphony Orchestra
    Männerchor: Men's Voices of BBC Symphony Chorus
    Chorleiter: Jackson, Stephen
    1-001-0011. I pini Villa Borghese: Allegretto vivace00:02:40
    1-002Respighi : Pines of Rome - The Pine-Trees near a catacombBBC - Worldwide Season 200400:07:05
    1-002-0022. Pini presso una catacomba: Lento00:07:05
    1-003Respighi : Pines of Rome - The Pine-Trees of the JaniculumBBC - Worldwide Season 200400:07:33
    1-003-0033. I pini del Gianicolo: Lento00:07:33
    1-004Respighi : Pines of Rome - The Pine-Trees of the Appian WayBBC - Worldwide Season 200400:04:58
    1-004-0044. I pini della Via Appia: Tempo di marcia00:05:02
    1-005Bilder einer Ausstellung (bearb. für Orchester)Komponist: Mussorgsky, Modest PeterDirigent / Band Leader: Slatkin, Leonard
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): BBC Symphony Orchestra
    Männerchor: Men's Voices of BBC Symphony Chorus
    Chorleiter: Jackson, Stephen
    1-005-001Promenade (Orchestrierung Ellison)00:01:32
    1-006Mussorgsky : Pictures at an Exhibition - Gnomus (arr. Gorchekov)BBC - Worldwide Season 200400:02:41
    1-006-002Gnomus (Orchestrierung Gorchakov)00:02:41
    1-007Mussorgsky : Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade No. 2 (arr. Goehr)BBC - Worldwide Season 200400:00:50
    1-007-003Promenade (Orchestrierung Goehr)00:00:50
    1-008Mussorgsky : Pictures at an Exhibition - The Old Castle (arr. Naoumoff)BBC - Worldwide Season 200400:04:27
    1-008-004Il vecchio castello (Orchestrierung Naoumoff)00:04:27
    1-009Mussorgsky : Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade No. 3 and Tuilleries (arr. Van Keulen)BBC - Worldwide Season 200400:01:32
    1-009-005Promenade - Tuileries (Orchestrierung van Keulen)00:01:32
    1-010Mussorgsky : Pictures at an Exhibition - Bydlo (arr. Ashkenazy)BBC - Worldwide Season 200400:02:52
    1-010-006Bydlo (Orchestrierung Ashkenazy)00:02:52
    1-011Mussorgsky : Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade No. 4 (Simpson)BBC - Worldwide Season 200400:00:49
    1-011-007Promenade (Orchestrierung Simpson)00:00:49
    1-012Mussorgsky : Pictures at an Exhibition - Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks (arr. Cailliet)BBC - Worldwide Season 200400:01:24
    1-012-008Ballet des poussins dans leurs coques (Orchestrierung Cailliet)00:01:24
    1-013Mussorgsky : Pictures at an Exhibition - Two Polish Jews, One Rich, One Poor (Goldenburg and Schmuyle) (arr. Wood)BBC - Worldwide Season 200400:02:14
    1-013-009Two Polish Jews, one rich, one poor (Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle) (Orchestrierung Wood)00:02:14
    1-014Mussorgsky : Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade No. 5 (arr. L. Leonard)BBC - Worldwide Season 200400:01:29
    1-014-010Promenade (Orchestrierung Leonard)00:01:29
    1-015Mussorgsky : Pictures at an Exhibition - Limoges: Le Marche (The Market Place) (arr. Funtek)BBC - Worldwide Season 200400:01:31
    1-015-011Limoges, le marché (Orchestrierung Funtek)00:01:31
    1-016Mussorgsky : Pictures at an Exhibition - Catacombae (Sepulcrum romanum) (arr. Boyd)BBC - Worldwide Season 200400:02:05
    1-016-012Catacombae (Sepulcrum romanum) (Orchestrierung Boyd)00:02:05
    1-017Mussorgsky : Pictures at an Exhibition - Con mortuis in lingua mortua (arr. Ravel)BBC - Worldwide Season 200400:01:52
    1-017-013Cum mortuis in lingua mortua (Orchestrierung Ravel)00:01:52
    1-018Mussorgsky : Pictures at an Exhibition - The Hut on Hen's Legs (Baba-Yaga) (arr. Stokowski)BBC - Worldwide Season 200400:03:26
    1-018-014La Cabane sur des pattes de poule (Baba Yaga) (Orchestrierung Stokowski)00:03:26
    1-019Mussorgsky : Pictures at an Exhibition - The Great Gate of Kiev (arr. Gamely)BBC - Worldwide Season 200400:07:09
    1-019-015La Grande Porte de Kiev (Orchestrierung Gamley)00:07:09

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