I 217265

Stravinsky Conducts Stravinsky -

von Stravinsky, I.
erschienen am 08.05.2007

Stravinsky Conducts Stravinsky -
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    1-001Le sacre du printemps (Das Frühlingsopfer) (Ballett)Komponist: Strawinsky, IgorDirigent / Band Leader: Stravinsky, Igor
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Columbia Symphony Orchestra
    1-002-002Les augures printanières00:03:03
    1-003-003Jeu du rapt00:01:17
    1-004-004Rondes printanières00:03:05
    1-005-005Jeux des cités rivales00:01:59
    1-006-006Cortège du sage00:00:43
    1-007-007Adoration de la terre00:00:25
    1-008-008Danse de la terre00:01:14
    1-010-010Cercles mysterieux des adolescentes00:02:51
    1-011-011Glorification de l'elue00:01:35
    1-012-012Évocation des ancetres00:00:42
    1-013-013Action rituelle des ancetres00:03:19
    1-014-014Danse sacrale00:04:39
    2-001Der Feuervogel (Ballett)Komponist: Strawinsky, IgorDirigent / Band Leader: Stravinsky, Igor
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Columbia Symphony Orchestra
    2-002-002Le Jardin enchanté de Kastchei00:01:36
    2-003-003Apparition de L'Oiseau de feu00:02:17
    2-004-004Danse de L'Oiseau de feu00:01:26
    2-005-005Capture de l'OIseau de feu par Ivan Tsarévitch00:01:01
    2-006-006Supplication de l'Oiseau de feu00:05:15
    2-007-007Apparition des treize princesses enchantées00:02:24
    2-008-008Jeu des princesses avel les pommes d'or00:02:23
    2-009-009Brusque apparition d'IVan Tsarévitsch00:01:01
    2-010-010Corovod des princesses00:03:59
    2-011-011Lever du jour (Morgendämmerung)00:01:35
    2-012-012Carillon féerque, apparition des monstres- Gardiens des Kastchei et capture d'Ivan Tsarévitsch00:01:24
    2-013-013Arrivée de Kastchei L'Immortel00:01:12
    2-014-014Dialogue de Kastchei avec Ivan Tsarévitch00:01:03
    2-015-015Intercession des princesses00:01:00
    2-016-016Apparition de l'Oiseau de feu00:00:35
    2-017-017Danse de la suite de kastchei enchantée par l'Oiseau de feu00:00:49
    2-018-018Danse infernale de tous les sujets de Kastchei00:04:40
    2-019-019Berceuse (l'Oiseau de feu)00:02:32
    2-020-020Reveil de Kastchei00:01:07
    2-021-021Mort de Kastchei - Profonds ténèbres00:01:20
    2-022-022Disparition du palais et des sortilègees de Kastchei, animation des chevaliers pétrifiés, allegresse00:02:50
    3-001Psalmen-SinfonieKomponist: Strawinsky, IgorDirigent / Band Leader: Stravinsky, Igor
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): CBC Symphony Orchestra
    Gemischter Chor: Festival Singers of Toronto
    Chorleiter: Iseler, Elmer
    3-001-001Part I00:03:22
    3-002-002Part II00:06:16
    3-003-003Part III00:12:03
    3-004Sinfonie C-DurKomponist: Strawinsky, IgorDirigent / Band Leader: Stravinsky, Igor
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): CBC Symphony Orchestra
    3-004-0011. Moderato alla breve00:09:24
    3-005-0022. Larghetto concertante00:05:42
    3-006-0033. Allegretto00:04:35
    3-007-0044. Largo - Tempo giusto - alla breve00:07:19
    4-001Der Feuervogel (Ballett): Suite Nr. 2Komponist: Strawinsky, IgorDirigent / Band Leader: Stravinsky, Igor
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Columbia Symphony Orchestra
    4-002-002Prelude and Dance of the Firebird00:00:17
    4-004-004Pantomime I00:00:26
    4-005-005Pas de deux: Firebird and Ivan Tsarevitch00:04:21
    4-006-006Pantomime II00:00:22
    4-007-007Scherzo : Dance of the Princesses00:02:31
    4-008-008Pantomime III00:01:01
    4-010-010Infernal Dance00:04:34
    4-012-012Final Hymn00:03:31
    4-013Petruschka (Burleske in 4 Szenen) (Ballett): SuiteKomponist: Strawinsky, IgorDirigent / Band Leader: Stravinsky, Igor
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Columbia Symphony Orchestra
    4-013-001The Shrove-tide Fair00:00:50
    4-014-002The Crowds00:04:17
    4-015-003The Charlatan's Booth00:01:51
    4-016-004The Russian Dance00:02:40
    4-017-005Petrushka's Room00:04:10
    4-018-006Grand Carnival00:01:10
    4-019-007Dance of the Wet Nurses00:02:38
    4-020-008Dance of the Peasant and Bear00:01:15
    4-021-009Dance of the Gypsy Girls00:01:08
    4-022-010Dance of the Coachmen00:02:10
    4-023-011the Masqueraders00:01:51
    5-001Fanfare für ein neues Theater (für zwei Trompeten)Komponist: Strawinsky, IgorTrompete: Heinrich, Robert; Nagel, Robert00:00:38
    5-002The Owl and the Pussy-Cat (Die Eule und das Kätzchen)Komponist: Strawinsky, IgorSopran: Albert, Adrienne
    Klavier: Craft, Robert
    5-003SeptettKomponist: Strawinsky, IgorDirigent / Band Leader: Stravinsky, Igor
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Columbia Chamber Ensemble
    5-003-001Quarter note = 8800:03:20
    5-006Mouvements (Bewegungen) (für Klavier und Orchester)Komponist: Strawinsky, IgorKlavier: Rosen, Charles
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Stravinsky, Igor
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Columbia Symphony Orchestra
    5-006-001Eighth note = 11000:01:56
    5-007-002Quarter note = 5200:01:34
    5-008-003Eighth note = 7200:01:07
    5-009-004Eighth note = 8000:01:36
    5-010-005Eighth note = 10400:02:05
    5-011Anthem (The dove descending breaks the air)Komponist: Strawinsky, IgorGemischter Chor: Festival Singers of Toronto
    Chorleiter: Iseler, Elmer
    5-012Double Canon Raoul Dufy in memoriamKomponist: Strawinsky, IgorVioline: Baker, Israel; Iglemam, Otis
    Viola: Schonbach, Sanford
    Violoncello: Neikrug, Kalman
    5-013Epitaphium für das Grabmal des Prinzen Max Egon zu FürstenbergKomponist: Strawinsky, IgorFlöte: Gleghorn, Arthur
    Harfe: Remsen, Dorothy
    Klarinette: Bloch, Kalman
    5-014Elegie für John F. KennedyKomponist: Strawinsky, IgorMezzosopran: Berberian, Cathy
    Klarinette: Howland, Paul E.; Kreiselman, Jack; Russo, Charles
    5-015A Sermon, a Narrative and a Prayer (Kantate)Komponist: Strawinsky, IgorDirigent / Band Leader: Stravinsky, Igor
    Mezzosopran: Verret, Shirley
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Columbia Symphony Orchestra
    Tenor: Driscoll, Loren
    Sprecher / Erzähler: Horton, John
    5-015-001A sermon00:04:01
    5-016-002A narrative; The stoning of St. Stephen00:07:28
    5-017-003A prayer00:03:47
    6-001Die Geschichte vom Soldaten (L'histoire du soldat): SuiteKomponist: Strawinsky, IgorHorn: Christlieb, Don
    Violine: Baker, Isreal
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Stravinsky, Igor
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Columbia Chamber Ensemble
    Kornett: Brady, Charles
    Percussion: Kraft, William
    Trompete: Marsteller, Robert
    Klarinette: d'Antonio, Roy
    Kontrabaß: Kelly, Richard
    6-001-001Marche du soldat - Airs de marche00:01:39
    6-002-002Premiére tableau - Airs by a stream00:02:28
    6-003-003Deuxième tableau - Pastorale00:02:36
    6-004-004Marche Royale00:02:38
    6-005-005Petit concert00:02:58
    6-006-006Trois danses - Tango, Valse, Ragtime00:05:50
    6-007-007Danse du Diable00:01:24
    6-008-008Grand Choral00:02:28
    6-009-009Marche Triomphale du Diable00:02:17
    6-010Pulcinella (Ballett): SuiteKomponist: Strawinsky, IgorDirigent / Band Leader: Stravinsky, Igor
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Columbia Symphony Orchestra
    6-017-008Gavotta con due variazioni00:04:16
    6-018-009Vivo (Duetto)00:01:37
    7-001Präludium für Jazz-EnsembleKomponist: Strawinsky, IgorDirigent / Band Leader: Stravinsky, Igor
    Combo (kleine Jazzband): Columbia Jazz Combo
    7-002Pastorale (Lied ohne Worte)Komponist: Strawinsky, IgorVioline: Baker Israel
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Stravinsky, Igor
    Kammerensemble: Columbia Chamber Ensemble
    7-003Ragtime (für 11 Instrumente)Komponist: Strawinsky, IgorDirigent / Band Leader: Stravinsky, Igor
    Kammerensemble: Columbia Chamber Ensemble
    Sonstige Zupfinstrumente: Koves, Toni
    7-004Oktett (für Blasinstrumente)Komponist: Strawinsky, IgorDirigent / Band Leader: Stravinsky, Igor
    Blasorchester: Columbia Chamber Ensemble
    7-004-0011. Sinfonia00:03:57
    7-005-0022. Tema con variazioni00:07:12
    7-006-0033. Finale00:03:33
    7-007TangoKomponist: Strawinsky, IgorDirigent / Band Leader: Stravinsky, Igor
    Combo (kleine Jazzband): Columbia Jazz Combo
    7-008Concertino (für 12 Instrumente)Komponist: Strawinsky, IgorDirigent / Band Leader: Stravinsky, Igor
    Kammerensemble: Columbia Chamber Ensemble
    7-009Ebony Concerto (Konzert für Klarinette und Orchester)Komponist: Strawinsky, IgorDirigent / Band Leader: Stravinsky, Igor
    Klarinette: Goodman, Benny
    Combo (kleine Jazzband): Columbia Jazz Combo
    7-009-001Allegro moderato00:03:02
    7-011-003Moderato, con moto00:03:42
    8-001The Star Spangled BannerKomponist: Strawinsky, IgorDirigent / Band Leader: Stravinsky, Igor
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): CBC Symphony Orchestra
    8-002Russische Lieder Nr. 1-4Komponist: Strawinsky, IgorFlöte: Di Tullio, Louise
    Gitarre: Almeida, Laurindo
    Mezzosopran: Albert, Adrienne
    Harfe: Remsen, Dorothy
    8-002-001The drake00:01:17
    8-003-002A russian spiritual00:01:44
    8-004-003Gesse and swans00:00:35
    8-006Russische Bauernlieder Nr. 1-4Komponist: Strawinsky, IgorGemischter Chor: Gregg Smith Singers
    Chorleiter: Smith, Gregg
    8-006-001On saints' days in Chigisakh00:01:21
    8-008-003The pike00:00:57
    8-009-004Master Portly00:01:09
    8-010Renard (Reineke Fuchs, Burleske in 1 Akt) (Gesamtaufnahme)Komponist: Strawinsky, IgorDirigent / Band Leader: Stravinsky, Igor
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Columbia Chamber Ensemble
    Tenor: Driscoll, Loren; Shirley, George
    Baß: Murphy, William
    Sonstige Zupfinstrumente: Koves, Toni
    8-011Le Roi des étoiles (Zvetdoliki)Komponist: Strawinsky, IgorDirigent / Band Leader: Stravinsky, Igor
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): CBC Symphony Orchestra
    Gemischter Chor: Festival Singers of Toronto
    Chorleiter: Iseler, Elmer
    8-012Babel (Kantate)Komponist: Strawinsky, IgorDirigent / Band Leader: Stravinsky, Igor
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): CBC Symphony Orchestra
    Gemischter Chor: Festival Singers of Toronto
    Chorleiter: Iseler, Elmer
    8-013Ave Maria (Motette)Komponist: Strawinsky, IgorGemischter Chor: Festival Singers of Toronto
    Chorleiter: Iseler, Elmer
    8-014Credo (Motette)Komponist: Strawinsky, IgorGemischter Chor: Gregg Smith Singers
    Chorleiter: Smith, Gregg
    8-015Pater noster (Motette)Komponist: Strawinsky, IgorGemischter Chor: Festival Sigers of Toronto
    Chorleiter: Iseler, Elmer
    8-016Vom Himmel hoch da komm ich her (Choralvariationen nach Johann Sebastian Bach)Komponist: Strawinsky, IgorDirigent / Band Leader: Stravinsky, Igor
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): CBC Symphony Orchestra
    Gemischter Chor: Festival Singers of Toronto
    Chorleiter: Iseler, Elmer
    8-017-002Variation I00:01:17
    8-018-003Variation II00:01:10
    8-019-004Variation III00:02:17
    8-020-005Variation IV00:02:33
    8-021-006Variation V00:02:42
    9-001Feuerwerk (Feu d'artifice) op. 4 (Fantasie für Orchester)Komponist: Strawinsky, IgorDirigent / Band Leader: Stravinsky, Igor
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Herman, Woody and his Orchestra
    9-002Ode (Trauergesang) (Triptychon)Komponist: Strawinsky, IgorDirigent / Band Leader: Stravinsky, Igor
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Herman, Woody and his Orchestra
    9-005Norwegian Moods (4 Norwegische Impressionen)Komponist: Strawinsky, IgorDirigent / Band Leader: Stravinsky, Igor
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Herman, Woody and his Orchestra
    9-007-003Wedding Dance00:01:07
    9-009Circus-Polka für einen jungen ElefantenKomponist: Strawinsky, IgorDirigent / Band Leader: Stravinsky, Igor
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Herman, Woody and his Orchestra
    9-010Ebony Concerto (Konzert für Klarinette und Orchester)Komponist: Strawinsky, IgorDirigent / Band Leader: Stravinsky, Igor
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Herman, Woody and his Orchestra
    9-010-001Allegro moderato00:03:02
    9-012-003Moderato, con moto00:03:26
    9-013-004Russian maiden's songVioline: Szigeti, Joseph
    Klavier: Stravinsky, Igor

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