The Seeds Of Love (Dlx. 2CD)

von Tears For Fears
erschienen am 09.10.2020

The Seeds Of Love (Dlx. 2CD)
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    1-001Woman in chains (Album Version)Komponist: Orzabal, RolandSolo: Adams, Oleta; Orzabal, Roland
    Tears for Fears
    Gitarre: Smith, Curt
    Keyboards: Orzabal, Roland
    Schlagzeug (drums): Collins, Phil
    Gitarre (e): Orzabal, Roland
    1-002Badman's songKomponist: Holland, Nicky; Orzabal, RolandSolo: Adams, Oleta; Orzabal, Roland
    Tears for Fears
    Gitarre: Smith, Curt
    Sänger(in): Holland, Nicky; Kenyon, Carol; Niles, Tessa
    Keyboards: Orzabal, Roland; Adams, Oleta
    Schlagzeug (drums): Katché, Manu
    Percussion: Steele, Carol
    1-003Sowing the seeds of loveKomponist: Orzabal, Roland; Smith, CurtSolo: Orzabal, Roland
    Tears for Fears
    Gitarre: Smith, Curt
    Keyboards: Orzabal, Roland
    Schlagzeug (drums): Hughes, Chris
    Gitarre (e): Orzabal, Roland
    1-004Advice for the young at heartKomponist: Orzabal, Roland; Holland, NickySolo: Orzabal, Roland; Smith, Curt
    Tears for Fears
    Gitarre: Smith, Curt
    Sänger(in): Holland, Nicky; Ryder, Maggie
    Keyboards: Holland, Nicky; Orzabal, Roland
    Gitarre (e): Orzabal, Roland
    1-005Standing on the Corner of the Third WorldKomponist: Orzabal, RolandSolo: Orzabal, Roland
    Tears for Fears
    Gitarre: Smith, Curt; Palladino, Pino
    Klavier: Adams, Oleta
    Sänger(in): Kenyon, Carol; Niles, Tessa
    Keyboards: Orzabal, Roland
    Schlagzeug (drums): Katché, Manu
    Percussion: Steele, Carol
    Gitarre (e): Orzabal, Roland
    1-006Swords and KnivesKomponist: Holland, Nicky; Orzabal, RolandSolo: Orzabal, Roland; Niles, Tessa
    Tears for Fears
    Gitarre: Smith, Curt
    Klavier: Holland, Nicky
    Keyboards: Orzabal, Roland
    Gitarre (e): Orzabal, Roland
    Oboe / Englisch Horn: St. John, Kate
    Saxophon: St. John, Kate
    1-007Year of the KnifeKomponist: Orzabal, Roland; Holland, NickySolo: Caine, Andy; Kenyon, Carol; Holland, Nicky; Mcdonald, Dolette; Niles, Tessa; Orzabal, Roland
    Tears for Fears
    Gitarre: Smith, Curt
    Keyboards: Orzabal, Roland
    Gitarre (e): Orzabal, Roland
    1-008Famous Last WordsKomponist: Orzabal, Roland; Holland, NickySolo: Orzabal, Roland
    Tears for Fears
    Gitarre: Smith, Curt
    Klavier: Holland, Nicky
    Keyboards: Orzabal, Roland
    Gitarre (e): Orzabal, Roland
    Trompete: Hassell, Jon
    Synthesizer: Holland, Nicky
    2-001Sowing The Seeds Of Love (7" Version)Komponist: Orzabal, Roland; Smith, CurtSolo: Orzabal, Roland
    Tears for Fears
    Gitarre: Smith, Curt
    Klavier: Stanley, Ian
    Keyboards: Orzabal, Roland
    Schlagzeug (drums): Hughes, Chris
    Gitarre (e): Orzabal, Roland
    2-002Tears Roll DownKomponist: Bascombe, David; Orzabal, RolandSolo: Orzabal, Roland
    Tears for Fears
    Gitarre: Smith, Curt
    Keyboards: Orzabal, Roland
    Gitarre (e): Orzabal, Roland
    2-003Woman In Chains (7" Version)Komponist: Orzabal, RolandSolo: Adams, Oleta; Orzabal, Roland
    Tears for Fears
    Gitarre: Smith, Curt
    Keyboards: Orzabal, Roland
    Schlagzeug (drums): Collins, Phil
    Gitarre (e): Orzabal, Roland
    2-004Always In The PastKomponist: Orzabal, Roland; Stanley, IanSolo: Orzabal, Roland
    Tears for Fears
    Gitarre: Smith, Curt
    Sänger(in): Holland, Nicky; Ryder, Maggie
    Keyboards: Orzabal, Roland
    Gitarre (e): Orzabal, Roland
    2-005My Life In The Suicide RanksKomponist: Hughes, Christopher Merrick; Orzabal, Roland; Stanley, IanSolo: Orzabal, Roland
    Tears for Fears
    Gitarre: Smith, Curt
    Keyboards: Orzabal, Roland
    Gitarre (e): Orzabal, Roland
    2-006Woman In Chains (Instrumental Version / Previously Unreleased)Komponist: Orzabal, RolandTears for Fears
    Gitarre: Smith, Curt
    Keyboards: Orzabal, Roland
    Schlagzeug (drums): Collins, Phil
    Gitarre (e): Orzabal, Roland
    2-007Advice For The Young At Heart (7" Version)Komponist: Orzabal, Roland; Holland, NickySolo: Orzabal, Roland
    Tears for Fears
    Gitarre: Smith, Curt
    Sänger(in): Holland, Nicky; Ryder, Maggie
    Keyboards: Holland, Nicky; Orzabal, Roland
    Gitarre (e): Orzabal, Roland
    2-008Johnny Panic And The Bible Of Dreams (Instrumental Version)Komponist: Orzabal, RolandTears for Fears
    Gitarre: Smith, Curt
    Keyboards: Orzabal, Roland
    Gitarre (e): Orzabal, Roland
    2-009Music For TablesKomponist: Orzabal, RolandSolo: Orzabal, Roland
    Tears for Fears
    Gitarre: Smith, Curt
    Keyboards: Orzabal, Roland
    Gitarre (e): Orzabal, Roland
    2-010Johnny Panic And The Bible Of Dreams (Mix One)Komponist: Orzabal, RolandSolo: Orzabal, Roland
    Tears for Fears
    Gitarre: Smith, Curt
    Keyboards: Orzabal, Roland
    Gitarre (e): Orzabal, Roland
    2-011Johnny Panic And The Bible Of Dreams (Mix Two)Komponist: Orzabal, RolandSolo: Orzabal, Roland
    Tears for Fears
    Gitarre: Smith, Curt
    Keyboards: Orzabal, Roland
    Gitarre (e): Orzabal, Roland
    2-012Sowing The Seeds Of Love (US Radio Edit)Komponist: Orzabal, Roland; Smith, CurtSolo: Orzabal, Roland
    Tears for Fears
    Gitarre: Smith, Curt
    Keyboards: Orzabal, Roland
    Schlagzeug (drums): Hughes, Chris
    Gitarre (e): Orzabal, Roland
    2-013Woman In Chains (US Radio Edit)Komponist: Orzabal, RolandSolo: Adams, Oleta; Orzabal, Roland
    Tears for Fears
    Gitarre: Smith, Curt
    Keyboards: Orzabal, Roland
    Schlagzeug (drums): Collins, Phil
    Gitarre (e): Orzabal, Roland
    2-014Advice For The Young At Heart (Italian Radio Edit)Komponist: Orzabal, Roland; Holland, NickySolo: Orzabal, Roland
    Tears for Fears
    Gitarre: Smith, Curt
    Sänger(in): Holland, Nicky; Ryder, Maggie
    Keyboards: Holland, Nicky; Orzabal, Roland
    Gitarre (e): Orzabal, Roland
    2-015Year Of The Knife (Canadian Single Version)Komponist: Orzabal, Roland; Holland, NickySolo: Caine, Andy; Kenyon, Carol; Holland, Nicky; Mcdonald, Dolette; Niles, Tessa; Orzabal, Roland
    Tears for Fears
    Gitarre: Smith, Curt
    Keyboards: Orzabal, Roland
    Gitarre (e): Orzabal, Roland
    2-016Johnny Panic And The Bible Of DreamsKomponist: Orzabal, RolandSolo: Orzabal, Roland
    Tears for Fears
    Gitarre: Smith, Curt
    Keyboards: Orzabal, Roland
    Gitarre (e): Orzabal, Roland

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