SBK 91129

The Seven Deadly Sins And Litt

von Weill, K | Tilson - Thomas, Michael
erschienen am 18.08.2003

The Seven Deadly Sins And Litt
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    1-001Die sieben Todsünden (Ballett mit Gesang)Komponist: Weill, KurtSopran: Migenes, Julia
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Tilson-Thomas, Michael
    1-001-0011. Introduction: Andante sostenuto00:03:23
    1-001-002Sloth (Allegro vivace)
    1-001-003Pride (Allegretto, quasi andantino, -- Schneller Walzer)
    1-001-004Anger (Molto agitato)
    1-001-005Gluttony (Largo)
    1-001-006Lechery (Moderato)
    1-001-007Avarice (Allegro giusto)
    1-001-008Envy (Allegro non troppo -- Alla marcia, un poco tenuto)
    1-001-009Finaletto (Andante sostenuto)
    1-002Kleine Dreigroschenmusik (Little Threepenny Music) - InstrumentalKomponist: Kurt Weill (1900-1950)Instrument: Goedicke, Kurt
    Flöte: Nolan, Frank
    1-002-001Overture (Maestoso)
    1-002-0022. Sloth: Allegro vivace00:04:28
    1-002-003The Instead-of Song (Moderato)
    1-002-004The Ballad Of The Easy Life (Foxtrot: Molto leggiero)
    1-002-005Polly's Song (Andante con moto)
    1-002-007Cannon Song (Charleston Tempo)
    1-002-008Threepenny Finale
    1-003-0033. Pride: Allegretto, quasi andantino - Schneller Walzer00:04:29
    1-004-0044. Anger: Molto agitato00:04:08
    1-005-0055. Gluttony: Largo00:03:30
    1-006-0066. Lechery: Moderato00:05:15
    1-007-0077. Avarice: Allegro giusto00:02:57
    1-008-0088. Envy: Allegro non troppo - Alla marcia, un poco tenuto00:04:16
    1-009-0099. Finaletto: Andante sostenuto00:01:32
    1-010Die Dreigroschenoper (Oper in 3 Akten): Kleine DreigroschenmusikKomponist: Weill, KurtDirigent / Band Leader: Tilson-Thomas, Michael
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): London Symphony Orchestra
    1-010-0011. Ouvertüre: Maestoso00:01:58
    1-011-0022. The Moritat of Mack the Knife: Moderato assai00:01:58
    1-012-0033. The Instead-of Song: Moderato00:01:54
    1-013-0044. The Ballad of the Easy Life: Foxtrot: Molto leggiero00:03:08
    1-014-0055. Polly's Song00:02:45
    1-015-0066. Tango-Ballad00:02:45
    1-016-0077. Cannon Song: Charleston Tempo00:02:36
    1-017-0088. Threepenny Finale00:04:13

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