A Child Of Our Time

von Tippett, Michael | Tippett, Michael / Birmingham SO
erschienen am 31.01.2005

A Child Of Our Time
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    1-001A Child of our Time: Part 1: The world turns on its dark side (Chorus)Komponist: Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, MichaelFaye Robinson; Jon Garrison; John Cheek; Halsey, Simon; Jon Garrison; Walker, Sarah; Walker, Sarah; Faye Robinson; Halsey, Simon; John Cheek
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Tippett, Michael
    1-002A Child of our Time: Part 1: The Argument - Man has measured the heavens with a telescope (Alto)Komponist: Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, MichaelJohn Cheek; Halsey, Simon; John Cheek; Jon Garrison; Jon Garrison; Walker, Sarah; Walker, Sarah; Faye Robinson; John Cheek; Halsey, Simon; Halsey, Simon
    1-003A Child of our Time: Part 1: Interludium - Scena - Is evil then good? (Chorus and Alto)Komponist: Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, MichaelJohn Cheek; Faye Robinson; Jon Garrison; Walker, Sarah; Walker, Sarah; John Cheek; Jon Garrison; Halsey, Simon; Halsey, Simon; Faye Robinson
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Tippett, Michael
    1-004A Child of our Time: Part 1: The Narrator - Now in each nation there were some cast out (Bass)Komponist: Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, MichaelJohn Cheek; John Cheek; Jon Garrison; Jon Garrison; Walker, Sarah; Walker, Sarah; Faye Robinson; Faye Robinson; Halsey, Simon; Halsey, Simon
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Tippett, Michael
    1-005A Child of our Time: Part 1: Chorus of the Oppressed - When shall the usurers' city ceaseKomponist: Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, MichaelHalsey, Simon; Halsey, Simon; Jon Garrison; Jon Garrison; Walker, Sarah; Walker, Sarah; Faye Robinson; Faye Robinson; John Cheek; John Cheek
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Tippett, Michael
    1-006A Child of our Time: Part 1: I have no money for my bread (Tenor)Komponist: Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, MichaelJon Garrison; Jon Garrison; John Cheek; Walker, Sarah; Walker, Sarah; Faye Robinson; Faye Robinson; Halsey, Simon; Halsey, Simon; John Cheek
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Tippett, Michael
    1-007A Child of our Time: Part 1: How can I cherish my man in such days (Soprano)Komponist: Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, MichaelFaye Robinson; Halsey, Simon; John Cheek; John Cheek; Halsey, Simon; Jon Garrison; Walker, Sarah; Faye Robinson; Jon Garrison; Walker, Sarah
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Tippett, Michael
    1-008A Child of our Time: Part 1: A Spiritual - Steal away (Chorus and Soli)Komponist: Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, MichaelJohn Cheek; Halsey, Simon; Walker, Sarah; Faye Robinson; Halsey, Simon; Halsey, Simon; Faye Robinson; Jon Garrison; Halsey, Simon; Jon Garrison; John Cheek
    1-009A Child of our Time: Part 2: A star rises in mid-winter (Chorus)Komponist: Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, MichaelFaye Robinson; Faye Robinson; John Cheek; John Cheek; Jon Garrison; Jon Garrison; Walker, Sarah; Walker, Sarah; Halsey, Simon; Halsey, Simon
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Tippett, Michael
    1-010A Child of our Time: Part 2: The Narrator - And a time came (Bass)Komponist: Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, MichaelWalker, Sarah; Halsey, Simon; Jon Garrison; Halsey, Simon; Walker, Sarah; Faye Robinson; Faye Robinson; John Cheek; John Cheek; Jon Garrison; Jon Garrison
    1-011A Child of our Time: Part 2: Chorus of Persecutors and Persecuted - Away with them! (Double Chorus)Komponist: Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, MichaelJon Garrison; Jon Garrison; Walker, Sarah; Walker, Sarah; Faye Robinson; Faye Robinson; Halsey, Simon; Halsey, Simon; John Cheek; John Cheek
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Tippett, Michael
    1-012A Child of our Time: Part 2: The Narrator - Where they could, they fled from the terror (Bass)Komponist: Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, MichaelJon Garrison; Halsey, Simon; Jon Garrison; Walker, Sarah; Walker, Sarah; Faye Robinson; Faye Robinson; Jon Garrison; John Cheek; John Cheek; Halsey, Simon
    1-013A Child of our Time: Part 2: Chorus of the Self-righteous - We cannot have them in our EmpireKomponist: Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, MichaelFaye Robinson; Halsey, Simon; John Cheek; John Cheek; Halsey, Simon; Jon Garrison; Walker, Sarah; Faye Robinson; Jon Garrison; Walker, Sarah
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Tippett, Michael
    1-014A Child of our Time: Part 2: The Narrator - And the boy's mother wrote a letter (Bass)Komponist: Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, MichaelJon Garrison; Halsey, Simon; Halsey, Simon; Walker, Sarah; Walker, Sarah; Faye Robinson; Faye Robinson; John Cheek; John Cheek; Jon Garrison
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Tippett, Michael
    1-015A Child of our Time: Part 2: Scena - O my son! (Soloists)Komponist: Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, MichaelFaye Robinson; Walker, Sarah; Halsey, Simon; Halsey, Simon; Jon Garrison; Jon Garrison; John Cheek; John Cheek; Walker, Sarah; Faye Robinson; John Cheek
    1-016A Child of our Time: Part 2: A Spiritual - Nobody knows the trouble I see, Lord (Chorus and Soli)Komponist: Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, MichaelJon Garrison; Jon Garrison; Walker, Sarah; Halsey, Simon; Faye Robinson; Faye Robinson; John Cheek; John Cheek; Halsey, Simon; Walker, Sarah
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Tippett, Michael
    1-017A Child of our Time: Part 2: Scena - The boy becomes desperate in his agony (Bass, Alto)Komponist: Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, MichaelFaye Robinson; Halsey, Simon; John Cheek; John Cheek; Halsey, Simon; Jon Garrison; Walker, Sarah; Faye Robinson; Jon Garrison; Walker, Sarah
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Tippett, Michael
    1-018A Child of our Time: Part 2: The Narrator - They took a terrible vengeance (Bass)Komponist: Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, MichaelJon Garrison; Walker, Sarah; Walker, Sarah; Faye Robinson; Faye Robinson; Jon Garrison; Halsey, Simon; Halsey, Simon; John Cheek; John Cheek
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Tippett, Michael
    1-019A Child of our Time: Part 2: The Terror - Burn down their houses! (Chorus)Komponist: Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, MichaelJohn Cheek; Halsey, Simon; Jon Garrison; Jon Garrison; Walker, Sarah; Walker, Sarah; Faye Robinson; Faye Robinson; John Cheek; Halsey, Simon
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Tippett, Michael
    1-020A Child of our Time: Part 2: The Narrator - Men were ashamed of what was done (Bass)Komponist: Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, MichaelFaye Robinson; Halsey, Simon; Halsey, Simon; John Cheek; John Cheek; Jon Garrison; Jon Garrison; Walker, Sarah; Walker, Sarah; Faye Robinson
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Tippett, Michael
    1-021A Child of our Time: Part 2: A Spiritual of Anger - Go down, Moses (Chorus and Bass)Komponist: Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, MichaelFaye Robinson; Halsey, Simon; John Cheek; John Cheek; Halsey, Simon; Jon Garrison; Walker, Sarah; Faye Robinson; Jon Garrison; Walker, Sarah
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Tippett, Michael
    1-022A Child of our Time: Part 2: The boy sings in his prison - My dreams are all shattered in a ghastly reality (Tenor)Komponist: Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, MichaelFaye Robinson; Halsey, Simon; John Cheek; John Cheek; Halsey, Simon; Jon Garrison; Walker, Sarah; Faye Robinson; Jon Garrison; Walker, Sarah
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Tippett, Michael
    1-023A Child of our Time: Part 2: The Mother - What have I done to you, my son? (Soprano)Komponist: Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, MichaelFaye Robinson; Halsey, Simon; John Cheek; John Cheek; Halsey, Simon; Jon Garrison; Walker, Sarah; Faye Robinson; Jon Garrison; Walker, Sarah
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Tippett, Michael
    1-024A Child of our Time: Part 2: The dark forces rise like a flood (Alto)Komponist: Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, MichaelFaye Robinson; John Cheek; Faye Robinson; Jon Garrison; Jon Garrison; Walker, Sarah; Walker, Sarah; Faye Robinson; Halsey, Simon; Halsey, Simon; John Cheek
    1-025A Child of our Time: Part 2: A Spiritual - O, by and by (Chorus and Soprano)Komponist: Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, MichaelFaye Robinson; Faye Robinson; Walker, Sarah; Jon Garrison; Jon Garrison; Walker, Sarah; John Cheek; John Cheek; Halsey, Simon; Halsey, Simon
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Tippett, Michael
    1-026A Child of our Time: Part 3: The cold deepens (Chorus)Komponist: Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, MichaelFaye Robinson; Jon Garrison; John Cheek; John Cheek; Halsey, Simon; Halsey, Simon; Walker, Sarah; Walker, Sarah; Faye Robinson; Jon Garrison
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Tippett, Michael
    1-027A Child of our Time: Part 3: The soul of man is impassioned like a woman (Alto)Komponist: Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, MichaelHalsey, Simon; John Cheek; Faye Robinson; Halsey, Simon; John Cheek; Jon Garrison; Jon Garrison; Faye Robinson; Walker, Sarah; Walker, Sarah
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Tippett, Michael
    1-028A Child of our Time: Part 3: Scena - The words of wisdom are these (Bass, Chorus)Komponist: Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, MichaelFaye Robinson; Walker, Sarah; Walker, Sarah; Jon Garrison; Faye Robinson; John Cheek; Halsey, Simon; Halsey, Simon; John Cheek; Jon Garrison
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Tippett, Michael
    1-029A Child of our Time: Part 3: Preludium - I would know my shadow and my light (Chorus and Soli)Komponist: Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, MichaelFaye Robinson; Halsey, Simon; John Cheek; John Cheek; Halsey, Simon; Jon Garrison; Walker, Sarah; Faye Robinson; Jon Garrison; Walker, Sarah
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Tippett, Michael
    1-030A Child of our Time: Part 3: A Spiritual - Deep river, my home is over Jordan (Chorus and Soli)Komponist: Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, Michael; Tippett, MichaelFaye Robinson; Jon Garrison; Jon Garrison; John Cheek; John Cheek; Halsey, Simon; John Cheek; Faye Robinson; Halsey, Simon; Walker, Sarah; Walker, Sarah

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