CHAN 0554

Chandos Anthems 1-11

von Händel, Georg Friedrich | Sixteen, The / Christophers, Harry
erschienen am 01.05.1994

Chandos Anthems 1-11
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    1-001Chandos Anthem Nr. 1 HWV 246 (Oh be joyful in the Lord) (Psalm 100)Komponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichSopran: Dawson, Lynne
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Christophers, Harry
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Sixteen, The Orchestra
    Tenor: Partridge, Ian
    Gemischter Chor: Sixteen, The Choir
    Baß: George, Michael
    1-002-002Tenor and Chorus: "O be joyful in the Lord ..."00:01:59
    1-003-003Chorus: "Serve the Lord with gladness ..."00:02:12
    1-004-004Soprano and Tenor. Duet: "Be ye sure that the Lord he is God ..."00:02:37
    1-005-005Chorus: "O go your way into his gates ..."00:03:12
    1-006-006Soprano, Tenor and Bass. Trio: "For the Lord is gracious ..."00:02:43
    1-007-007Chorus: "Glory be to the Father ..."00:01:34
    1-008-008Chorus: "As it was in the beginning ..."00:03:12
    1-009Chandos Anthem Nr. 2 HWV 247 (In the Lord put I my Trust) (Psalm 11)Komponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichDirigent / Band Leader: Christophers, Harry
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Sixteen, The Orchestra
    Tenor: Partidge, Ian
    Gemischter Chor: Sixteen, The Choir
    1-010-002Chorus: "In the Lord put I my trust! ..."00:04:06
    1-011-003Tenor: "God is a constant sure defense ..."00:02:34
    1-012-004Chorus: "Behold! The wicked bend their bow ..."00:02:44
    1-013-005Tenor: "But God, who hears the suff'ring pow'r ..."00:02:22
    1-014-006Chorus: "Snares, fire and brimstone on their heads ..."00:01:35
    1-015-007Tenor: "the righteous Lord will righteous deeds ..."00:02:05
    1-016-008Chorus: "Then shall my song, with praise inspir'd ..."00:02:20
    1-017Chandos Anthem Nr. 3 HWV 248 (Have Mercy upon Me) (Psalm 51)Komponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichSopran: Dawson, Lynne
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Christophers, Harry
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Sixteen, The Orchestra
    Tenor: Partridge, Ian
    Gemischter Chor: Sixteen, The Choir
    1-018-002Chorus: "Have mercy upon me, O God ..."00:03:58
    1-019-003Soprano and Tenor. Duet: "Wash me throughly from my wickedness ..."00:02:56
    1-020-004Tenor: "For I acknowledge my faults ..."00:00:43
    1-021-005Tenor: "Against thee only have I sinned ..."00:01:35
    1-022-006Chorus: "Thou shalt make me hear of joy and gladness ..."00:02:16
    1-023-007Soprano: "make me a clean heart, O God ..."00:02:40
    1-024-008Chorus: "Then shall I teach thy ways unto the wicked ..."00:01:55
    2-001Chandos Anthem Nr. 4 HWV 249 (O sing unto the Lord a new song) (Psalm 69)Komponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichSopran: Dawson, Lynne
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Christophers, Harry
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Sixteen, The Orchestra
    Tenor: Partridge, Ian
    Gemischter Chor: Sixteen, The Choir
    2-002-002Soprano and Chorus: "O sing unto the Lord a new song! ..."00:01:54
    2-003-003Chorus: "Declare his honour unto the heathen ..."00:02:39
    2-004-004Tenor: "The waves of the sea rage horrible ..."00:01:35
    2-005-005Soprano and Tenor. Duet: "O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness ..."00:03:15
    2-006-006Chorus: "Let the whole earth stand in awe of him ..."00:00:49
    2-007-007Chorus: "Let the heav'ns rejoice ..."00:01:36
    2-008Chandos Anthem Nr. 5 HWV 250 (I will magnify thee) (Psalm 145)Komponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichSopran: Dawson, Lynne
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Christophers, Harry
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Sixteen, The Orchestra
    Tenor: Partridge, Ian
    Gemischter Chor: Sixteen, The Choir
    2-009-002Chorus: "I will magnify thee, O God my King ..."00:01:46
    2-010-003Tenor: "Ev'ry day will I give thanks unto thee ..."00:03:31
    2-011-004Chorus: "One generation shall praise thy works ..."00:02:06
    2-012-005Tenor: "The Lord preserveth all them that love him ..."00:02:31
    2-013-006Soprano "The Lord is righteous in all his ways ..."00:03:07
    2-014-007Tenor: "Happy are the people that are in such a case ..."00:03:57
    2-015-008Tenor and Chorus: "My mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord ..."00:02:51
    2-016Chandos Anthem Nr. 6 HWV 251 (As pants the Hart for cooling streams) (Psalm 42)Komponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichSopran: Dawson, Lynne
    Violine: Miller, Julie
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Christophers, Harry
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Sixteen, The Orchestra
    Oboe / Englisch Horn: Darke, Valerie
    Tenor: Partridge, Ian
    Gemischter Chor: Sixteen, The Choir
    2-017-002Chorus: "As pants the hart for cooling streams ..."00:03:07
    2-018-003Soprano: "Tears are my daily food ..."00:03:08
    2-019-004Tenor: "Now, when I think thereupon ..."00:01:32
    2-020-005Chorus: "In the voice of praise and thanksgiving ..."00:01:40
    2-021-006Soprano and Tenor. Duet: "Why so full of grief, O my soul? ..."00:04:22
    2-022-007Tenor and Chorus: "Put thy trust in God ..."00:02:55
    3-001Chandos Anthem Nr. 7 HWV 252 (My song shall be alway)Komponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichSopran: Kwella, Patrizia
    Violine: Woodcock, David
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Christophers, Harry; Sixteen, The Orchestra
    Alt: Bowman, James
    Oboe / Englisch Horn: McKenna, Sophia
    Tenor: Partridge, Ian
    Gemischter Chor: Sixteen, The Choir
    Baß: George, Michael
    3-002-002Soprano and Chorus: "My song shall be alway ..."00:05:04
    3-003-003Tenor: "For who is he among the clouds ..."00:00:34
    3-004-004Soprano, Tenor and Bass: "God is very greatly to be feared ..."00:02:21
    3-005-005Alto and Bass. Duet: "The heav'ns are thine ..."00:02:10
    3-006-006Chorus: "Righteousness and equity are the habitation of thy seat ..."00:03:13
    3-007-007Soprano: "Blessed is the people, O Lord ..."00:02:40
    3-008-008Chorus: "thou art the glory ..."00:01:21
    3-009Chandos Anthem Nr. 8 HWV 253 (O come, let us sing unto the Lord)Komponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichSopran: Kwella, Patrizia
    Violine: Thorp, William; Woodcock, David
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Christophers, Harry
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Sixteen, The Orchestra
    Alt: Bowman, James
    Tenor: Partridge, Ian
    Gemischter Chor: Sixteen, The Choir
    3-010-002Chorus: "O come, let us sing unto the Lord ..."00:03:27
    3-011-003Tenor: "o come, let us worship and fall down ..."00:03:43
    3-012-004Chorus: "Glory ans worhip are befor him ..."00:01:48
    3-013-005Tenor and Chorus: "Tell it out amoung the heathen ..."00:05:50
    3-014-006Soprano: "O magnify the Lord ..."00:03:36
    3-015-007Alto: "The Lord preserveth the souls of the saints ..."00:02:59
    3-016-008Tenor: "For look, as high as the heaven ..."00:02:00
    3-017-009Chorus: "There is sprung up a light for the righteous ..."00:02:44
    3-018Chandos Anthem Nr. 9 HWV 254 (O praise the Lord with one consent)Komponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichSopran: Kwella, Patrizia
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Christophers, Harry
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Sixteen, The Orchestra
    Alt: Bowman, James
    Tenor: Partridge, Ian
    Gemischter Chor: Sixteen, The Choir
    Baß: George, Michael
    3-018-001Chorus: "O praise the Lord with one consent ..."00:05:12
    3-019-002Alto: "Praise him, all ye that in his house ..."00:03:08
    3-020-003Tenor: "For this our truest int'rest is ..."00:02:26
    3-021-004Bass: "That God is great ..."00:02:33
    3-022-005Chorus: "With cheerful notes let all the earth ..."00:03:24
    3-023-006Soprano: "God's tneder mercy knows no bounds ..."00:02:54
    3-024-007Chorus: "Ye boundless realms of joy ..."00:02:24
    3-025-008Chorus: "Your voices raise, ye Cherubim and Seraphim ..."00:02:06
    4-001Chandos Anthem Nr. 10 HWV 255 (The Lord is my light) (Psalm 27)Komponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichSopran: Dawson, Lynne
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Christophers, Harry
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Sixteen, The Orchestra
    Tenor: Partridge, Ian
    Gemischter Chor: Sixteen, The Choir
    4-002-002Tenor: "The Lord is my light and my salvation ..."00:02:39
    4-003-003Chorus: "Though an host of men were laid against me ..."00:03:02
    4-004-004Tenor: "One thing have I desired of the Lord ..."00:04:17
    4-005-005Chorus: "I will offer in his dwelling an oblation ..."00:03:00
    4-006-006Chorus: "For who is Got but the Lord? ..."00:04:16
    4-007-007Tenor: "The Lord is my strength and my shield ..."00:02:13
    4-008-008Soprano: "It is the Lord that ruleth the sea ..."00:01:42
    4-009-009Chorus: "Sing praises unto the Lord ..."00:04:08
    4-010Chandos Anthem Nr. 11 HWV 256 (Let God arise) (Psalm 68)Komponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichSopran: Dawson, Lynne
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Christophers, Harry
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Sixteen, The Orchestra
    Tenor: Partridge, Ian
    Gemischter Chor: Sixteen, The Choir
    4-011-002Chorus: "Let God arise ..."00:02:56
    4-012-003Tenor: "Like as the smoke vanisheth ..."00:02:38
    4-013-004Soprano: "Let the righteous be glad ..."00:03:11
    4-014-005Chorus: "O sing unto God ..."00:03:19
    4-015-006Chorus: "Praised be the Lord! ..."00:05:26

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