REL 5020

The Music Of Our Scottish Homeland

von V / A Scotland
erschienen am 02.10.2009

The Music Of Our Scottish Homeland
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22,99 €
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    1-001Ceud Mile Failte (Medley)Scottish Fiddle Orchestra, The00:04:26
    1-001-001Ceud Mile FailteScottish Fiddle Orchestra, The
    1-001-002Prince Of Wales' JigScottish Fiddle Orchestra, The
    1-001-003Kenmuirs On An' Awa'Scottish Fiddle Orchestra, The
    1-001-004The Top Of Ben LomondScottish Fiddle Orchestra, The
    1-001-005Bonnie DundeeScottish Fiddle Orchestra, The
    1-002Dunoon Barn Dance (Medley): Glen Caladh Castle - Jim McBay's WelcomeFitchet, Angus & His Band00:03:29
    1-003The Grand March: The Star O'robbie BurnsShand, Sir Jimmy / Drums & Military Bands00:02:20
    1-004Piping HotMassed Pipes & Drums & Military Bands00:02:47
    1-005And Mackay's Farewell To Tayside PoliceScottish Fiddle Orchestra, The / Low, David00:03:10
    1-006The Braes Of BallochmyleNicol, James00:03:42
    1-007Flowers Of Edinburgh (Medley)Scottish Fiddle Orchestra, The00:02:54
    1-007-001Flowers Of EdinburghScottish Fiddle Orchestra, The
    1-007-002Lass O' Patie's MillScottish Fiddle Orchestra, The
    1-007-003East Neuk O'FifeScottish Fiddle Orchestra, The
    1-007-004Bottom Of The Punch BowlScottish Fiddle Orchestra, The
    1-008Eight Men Of Moidart (Medley) [Eight Men Of Moidart / Barbara A. Stirling / Jen & Jocky]MacLeod, Jim & His Band00:02:25
    1-009Archie McKinlay (Medley) [Archie McKinlay / Cullen Bay]Pipes & Drums Of The 1st Batallion Scots Guards00:03:03
    1-010The Bugle CallScottish Fiddle Orchestra, The00:02:49
    1-011Loch LomondSandeman, Mary00:03:30
    1-012Waltz Country Dance (Medley)Shand, Sir Jimmy & The Jimmy Shand Jnr Band00:03:26
    1-012-001Kelvin GroveShand, Sir Jimmy / Jimmy Shand Jnr Band, The
    1-012-002Rothesay BayShand, Sir Jimmy / Jimmy Shand Jnr Band, The
    1-012-003Horo My Nut Brown MaidenShand, Sir Jimmy / Jimmy Shand Jnr Band, The
    1-012-004Scots Wha' Ha'eShand, Sir Jimmy / Jimmy Shand Jnr Band, The
    1-013Skye Boat Song (Medley)Pipe Major J MacLelland / Band Of The Gordon Highlanders, The00:03:09
    1-013-001Skye Boat SongPipe Major J MacLelland / Band Of The Gordon Highlanders, The
    1-013-002The Fairy DancePipe Major J MacLelland / Band Of The Gordon Highlanders, The
    1-013-003Corn RiggsPipe Major J MacLelland / Band Of The Gordon Highlanders, The
    1-014Eightsome Reel (Medley)Scottish Fiddle Orchestra, The00:03:53
    1-014-001Mrs. McLeod Of RaasayScottish Fiddle Orchestra
    1-014-002Fairy DanceScottish Fiddle Orchestra
    1-014-003De'il Amang The TailorsScottish Fiddle Orchestra
    1-014-004Soldier's JoyScottish Fiddle Orchestra
    1-014-005Mason's ApronScottish Fiddle Orchestra
    1-014-006Staten IslandScottish Fiddle Orchestra
    1-014-007Kate DalrympleScottish Fiddle Orchestra
    1-015Bovaglie's PlaidPowrie, Ian & His Band00:02:05
    2-001Flower Of ScotlandNicol, James00:04:00
    2-002The Cumberland Reel (Medley) [The Berwickshire Volunteer / Kitty McGee]Shand, Sir Jimmy & His Band00:02:17
    2-003Gay GordonsShand, Sir Jimmy & The Jimmy Shand Jnr Band00:02:38
    2-004Kilworth Hills (Medley) [Kilworth Hills / Dream Valley Of Glendaruel]Champer Pipes & Flutes00:02:24
    2-005The Hills Of Galloway (Medley): Moss Of Cree - Cairnsmore Of Fleet - Dancie KinnearScottish Fiddle Orchestra, The00:02:59
    2-006Auld Lang SyneSandeman, Mary00:03:20
    2-007Whistling RufusScottish Fiddle Orchestra, The00:02:53
    2-0086/8 Marches (Medley): Lady Dorothea Stewart Murray - Major John MaclennanScottish Fiddle Orchestra, The00:02:31
    2-009A.A. Cameron (Medley)Pipes & Drums Of The Queen's Own Highlanders00:02:31
    2-009-001A.A. CameronPipes & Drums Of The Queen's Own Highlanders
    2-009-002Wiseman's ExercisePipes & Drums Of The Queen's Own Highlanders
    2-009-003Donald BainPipes & Drums Of The Queen's Own Highlanders
    2-009-004The Barn DancePipes & Drums Of The Queen's Own Highlanders
    2-009-005Hieland LaddiePipes & Drums Of The Queen's Own Highlanders
    2-009-006The Lads Of MullPipes & Drums Of The Queen's Own Highlanders
    2-010March Of The CellosScottish Fiddle Orchestra, The00:02:34
    2-011The Bonnie Wells O' WearieNicol, James00:03:47
    2-012Pride Of Erin Waltz: Peggy O'neillShand, Sir Jimmy & The Jimmy Shand Jnr Band00:03:26
    2-013Mist Covered Mountains (Medley): Mist Covered Mountains - The Dark Island - O Gin I Were A Baron's HeirChamber Pipes And Flutes00:02:38
    2-014The Orkney Two StepScottish Fiddle Orchestra, The00:02:28
    2-015Strip The Willow (Medley): Dan Macildowie Reel - Niell Thow's Reel - Manola's ReelHarper, Addie / Wick Scottish Band, The00:03:13
    3-001Blackthorn Stick (Medley)Scottish Fiddle Orchestra, The00:02:33
    3-001-001Blackthorn StickScottish Fiddle Orchestra, The
    3-001-002Jackson's JigScottish Fiddle Orchestra, The
    3-001-003Rory O'MoreScottish Fiddle Orchestra, The
    3-001-004Roaring JellyScottish Fiddle Orchestra, The
    3-001-005Pet O'the PipersScottish Fiddle Orchestra, The
    3-002The St. Johnstoun Reel (Medley) [Lass O'Patie's Mill / Dr Robertson]Powrie, Ian & His Band00:02:22
    3-003Duke Of Perth (Medley): Duke Of Perth - Lass Of Patie's Mill - Davy Knick KnackShand, Sir Jimmy & The Jimmy Shand Jnr Band00:04:33
    3-004Brigadier Snow (Medley) [Brigadier Snow / Shoals Of Herring]Buccleuch & Queensberrgy Caledonia Pipe Band00:02:47
    3-005Swinging Reels (Medley)Scottish Fiddle Orchestra, The00:02:50
    3-005-001Kemnay HouseScottish Fiddle Orchestra, The
    3-005-002O Dem Golden SlippersScottish Fiddle Orchestra, The
    3-005-003Willie And BessieScottish Fiddle Orchestra, The
    3-005-004The Peedie Sea IndianScottish Fiddle Orchestra, The
    3-005-005Caddam WoodScottish Fiddle Orchestra, The
    3-006Dark LochnagarNicol, James00:05:08
    3-007Circassion Circle (Medley): Circassion Circle - The Drapperraff Hornpipe - Storer's Hornpipe - Threave CottageScottish Fiddle Orchestra, The00:03:07
    3-008MacDonald Of The Isles (Medley)[The Thistle / What's A'The Steer? / Lord Lyndoch]Shorthouse, Bert & His Glenlomond Band00:03:01
    3-009The Rowan Tree (Medley) [The Rowan Tree / Bonnie Gallowa' / The Waters Of Kylesku / The Rocky Road To Dublin]Buccleuch & Queensberrgy Caledonia Pipe Band00:03:47
    3-010McFarlane O' The Sprots (Medley)Scottish Fiddle Orchestra, The00:03:07
    3-010-001McFarland O'the SpratsScottish Fiddle Orchestra, The
    3-010-002Barnyards O'DelgatyScottish Fiddle Orchestra, The
    3-010-003Mormond BluesScottish Fiddle Orchestra, The
    3-010-004The Bonnie Lass O'FyvieScottish Fiddle Orchestra, The
    3-010-005The Muckin O' Geordie's ByreScottish Fiddle Orchestra, The
    3-011Bluebells Of ScotlandNicol, James / Sandeman, Mary00:03:03
    3-012St. Bernards Waltz (Medley)Shand, Sir Jimmy & The Jimmy Shand Jnr Band00:03:31
    3-012-001My Bonnie Lies Over The OceanShand, Sir Jimmy & Jimmy Shand Jnr Band, The
    3-012-002Won't You Buy Me Pretty FlowersShand, Sir Jimmy & Jimmy Shand Jnr Band, The
    3-012-003Oh Dear What Can The Matter BeShand, Sir Jimmy & Jimmy Shand Jnr Band, The
    3-013Scotland The BraveBand Of The Royal Highlander Fusiliers, The00:02:01
    3-014Polkas (Medley) [The Butterfly Polka / The Primrose Polka]Scottish Fiddle Orchestra, The00:03:32
    3-015Scottish Waltz (Medley): A Rosebud By My Early Walk - Leaving Stornoway - The Queen's MariesFitchet, Angus & His Band00:02:38

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