Lost On The River (Deluxe Edt. )

von New Basement Tapes, The
erschienen am 21.11.2014

Lost On The River (Deluxe Edt. )
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    1-001Down On The BottomKomponist: Dylan, Bob; James, JimSolo: Costello, Elvis; Goldsmith, Taylor
    New Basement Tapes, The
    Sänger(in): James, Jim
    Mandoline: Mumford, Marcus
    Schlagzeug (drums): Mumford, Marcus; Mumford, Marcus; Bellerose, Jay
    Gitarre (e): Costello, Elvis; James, Jim
    Orgel: James, Jim
    1-002Married To My HackKomponist: Dylan, Bob; Costello, ElvisSolo: Giddens, Rhiannon; Costello, Elvis; Goldsmith, Taylor
    New Basement Tapes, The
    Sänger(in): James, Jim
    Schlagzeug (drums): Bellerose, Jay; Mumford, Marcus; Mumford, Marcus
    Gitarre (e): Mumford, Marcus; Burnett, T-Bone; James, Jim
    1-003Kansas CityKomponist: Dylan, Bob; Mumford, Marcus; Mumford, Marcus; Goldsmith, TaylorSolo: Mumford, Marcus; Mumford, Marcus; James, Jim
    New Basement Tapes, The
    Gitarre: Mumford, Marcus
    Klavier: Goldsmith, Taylor
    Sänger(in): Haim, Este; Haim, Danielle; Haim, Alana; Shapiro, Binki
    Mandoline: Mumford, Marcus
    1-004Spanish MaryKomponist: Dylan, Bob; Giddens, RhiannonSolo: Giddens, Rhiannon
    New Basement Tapes, The
    Gitarre: Mumford, Marcus
    Schlagzeug (drums): Bellerose, Jay; Mumford, Marcus; Mumford, Marcus
    Gitarre (e): James, Jim; Costello, Elvis
    Banjo: Giddens, Rhiannon
    Baß: Goldsmith, Taylor
    1-005Liberty StreetKomponist: Dylan, Bob; Goldsmith, TaylorSolo: Goldsmith, Taylor
    New Basement Tapes, The
    Klavier: Goldsmith, Taylor
    Sänger(in): Lovell, Megan; Kiley, Jessica; Istwa, S.I.; Lovell, Rebecca
    Keyboards: James, Jim
    Schlagzeug (drums): Bellerose, Jay; Mumford, Marcus
    Gitarre (e): James, Jim
    1-006Nothing To ItKomponist: Dylan, Bob; James, JimSolo: Costello, Elvis; Giddens, Rhiannon; Mumford, Marcus
    New Basement Tapes, The
    Klavier: Goldsmith, Taylor
    Sänger(in): James, Jim
    Schlagzeug (drums): Bellerose, Jay; Azar, Carla
    Gitarre (e): Mumford, Marcus; Mumford, Marcus; James, Jim
    1-007Golden Tom - Silver JudasKomponist: Dylan, Bob; Costello, ElvisSolo: Costello, Elvis; Goldsmith, Taylor; James, Jim; Mumford, Marcus
    New Basement Tapes, The
    Gitarre: Costello, Elvis; James, Jim
    1-008When I Get My Hands On YouKomponist: Dylan, Bob; Mumford, Marcus; Goldsmith, TaylorSolo: Mumford, Marcus; James, Jim
    New Basement Tapes, The
    Fiedel: Giddens, Rhiannon
    Schlagzeug (drums): Bellerose, Jay
    Percussion: Bellerose, Jay
    Gitarre (e): Mumford, Marcus; Mumford, Marcus
    Synthesizer: James, Jim
    Orgel: Costello, Elvis
    Baß: Goldsmith, Taylor
    1-009Duncan And JimmyKomponist: Dylan, Bob; Giddens, RhiannonSolo: Giddens, Rhiannon; Mumford, Marcus; Goldsmith, Taylor; James, Jim
    New Basement Tapes, The
    Keyboards: Goldsmith, Taylor
    Schlagzeug (drums): Bellerose, Jay; Azar, Carla
    Gitarre (e): Mumford, Marcus; Costello, Elvis; Mumford, Marcus
    1-010Florida KeyKomponist: Dylan, Bob; Goldsmith, TaylorSolo: Mumford, Marcus; Costello, Elvis; Goldsmith, Taylor; James, Jim
    New Basement Tapes, The
    Gitarre: Goldsmith, Taylor; Costello, Elvis
    Fiedel: Giddens, Rhiannon
    Mandoline: Mumford, Marcus; Mumford, Marcus
    Orgel: Goldsmith, Taylor
    1-011Hidee Hidee Ho #11Komponist: Dylan, Bob; James, JimSolo: Giddens, Rhiannon
    New Basement Tapes, The
    Gitarre: Goldsmith, Taylor
    Klavier: Koster, Bo
    Sänger(in): Lovell, Megan; Kiley, Jessica; Lovell, Rebecca; Istwa, S.I.
    Fiedel: Giddens, Rhiannon
    Mandoline: Mumford, Marcus
    Keyboards: James, Jim
    1-012Lost On The River #12Komponist: Dylan, Bob; James, JimSolo: Giddens, Rhiannon; Costello, Elvis
    New Basement Tapes, The
    Fiedel: Giddens, Rhiannon
    Mandoline: Mumford, Marcus
    Keyboards: Goldsmith, Taylor
    Schlagzeug (drums): Azar, Carla; Bellerose, Jay
    Gitarre (e): Costello, Elvis
    Baß: James, Jim
    1-013StrangerKomponist: Dylan, Bob; Mumford, MarcusSolo: Mumford, Marcus; Goldsmith, Taylor; Mumford, Marcus
    New Basement Tapes, The
    Fiedel: Giddens, Rhiannon
    Keyboards: James, Jim
    Schlagzeug (drums): Bellerose, Jay; Goldsmith, Griffin
    Gitarre (e): Mumford, Marcus; Goldsmith, Taylor
    Orgel: Costello, Elvis
    1-014Card SharkKomponist: Dylan, Bob; Goldsmith, TaylorSolo: Mumford, Marcus; Goldsmith, Taylor; Costello, Elvis; James, Jim; Giddens, Rhiannon; Mumford, Marcus
    New Basement Tapes, The
    Gitarre: Goldsmith, Taylor
    Fiedel: Giddens, Rhiannon
    Mandoline: Mumford, Marcus
    Schlagzeug (drums): Bellerose, Jay
    1-015Quick Like A FlashKomponist: Dylan, Bob; Goldsmith, TaylorSolo: James, Jim; Mumford, Marcus; Costello, Elvis; Goldsmith, Taylor; Mumford, Marcus
    New Basement Tapes, The
    Fiedel: Giddens, Rhiannon
    Schlagzeug (drums): Mumford, Marcus; Bellerose, Jay
    Gitarre (e): James, Jim
    Orgel: Costello, Elvis
    1-016Hidee Hidee Ho #16Komponist: Dylan, Bob; Giddens, Rhiannon; Costello, ElvisSolo: Mumford, Marcus; Mumford, Marcus; Costello, Elvis; Goldsmith, Taylor; Giddens, Rhiannon; James, Jim
    New Basement Tapes, The
    Gitarre: Goldsmith, Taylor; Costello, Elvis
    Mandoline: Mumford, Marcus
    Schlagzeug (drums): Bellerose, Jay
    1-017Diamond RingKomponist: Dylan, Bob; Goldsmith, Taylor; James, JimSolo: Mumford, Marcus; Mumford, Marcus; Goldsmith, Taylor; James, Jim
    New Basement Tapes, The
    Gitarre: Goldsmith, Taylor
    Schlagzeug (drums): Bellerose, Jay
    Gitarre (e): Mumford, Marcus
    Orgel: James, Jim
    Baß: Costello, Elvis
    1-018The Whistle Is BlowingKomponist: Dylan, Bob; Mumford, Marcus; Mumford, MarcusSolo: Goldsmith, Taylor; Mumford, Marcus; Costello, Elvis; James, Jim
    New Basement Tapes, The
    Gitarre: Mumford, Marcus
    Klavier: Goldsmith, Taylor
    Sänger(in): Shapiro, Binki; Haim, Este; Haim, Danielle; Haim, Alana
    1-019Six Months In Kansas City (Liberty Street)Komponist: Dylan, Bob; Costello, ElvisSolo: Mumford, Marcus; Mumford, Marcus; Costello, Elvis; Goldsmith, Taylor; Giddens, Rhiannon; James, Jim
    New Basement Tapes, The
    Gitarre: Azar, Carla; Costello, Elvis; Mumford, Marcus
    Klavier: Goldsmith, Taylor
    1-020Lost On The River #20Komponist: Dylan, Bob; Giddens, Rhiannon; Mumford, MarcusSolo: Mumford, Marcus; Mumford, Marcus; Goldsmith, Taylor; Giddens, Rhiannon
    New Basement Tapes, The
    Gitarre: Goldsmith, Taylor; Mumford, Marcus; Mumford, Marcus
    Sänger(in): Istwa, S.I.; Kiley, Jessica; Lovell, Megan

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