Tender Land Ste -

von Copland, A.
erschienen am 09.11.2006

Tender Land Ste -
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    1-001The Tender Land (Oper in 2 Akten) (Gesamtaufnahme)Komponist: Copland, AaronSolo: Arntson, Kregg; Zeller, RIchard; Vargas, MMilgaro
    1-001-001Introduction (1. Akt)00:02:02
    1-002-002Beth & Ma Moss' entrance00:05:16
    1-003-003Mr. Splinter's entrance00:04:08
    1-004-004This is like the dress I never had00:04:26
    1-005-005Laurie's Aria00:05:20
    1-006-006Remember the boy who used to call00:03:13
    1-007-007Martin and top entrance00:04:01
    1-008-008We've been north. We#Ve been south00:03:44
    1-009-009Hire a stranger00:06:11
    1-010-010The ps'romis of living00:05:23
    1-011-011Inrtoduction - Party Scene (2. Akt)00:03:10
    1-012-012Thank you, thank you all00:03:44
    1-013-013Stomp your foot00:02:55
    1-014-014Zion's Walls00:02:11
    1-015-015Long time ago00:02:58
    2-001-016Something strange is goin' on00:02:19
    2-002-017I was goin' a-courtin00:02:59
    2-003-018Love scene: You dance real well00:02:00
    2-004-019Love scene: Love duet00:08:47
    2-005-020Hey, Bums!00:06:29
    2-006-021Interlude - Transition00:03:47
    2-007-022Is there someone in there that's called Laurie00:06:38
    2-008-023Daybreak will come00:02:58
    2-009-024Is that how you see Laurie00:05:01
    2-010-025The sun is comin' up00:03:01
    2-011-026Laurie's leaving00:04:32
    2-012-027Ma moss' final aria00:04:58

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