CHAN 3130

Lulu (Ga, Englisch)

von Berg, Alban | Saffer / Parry / Daniel, P. /Enno
erschienen am 24.03.2006

Lulu (Ga, Englisch)
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    1-001Lulu (Oper in 3 Akten) (Gesamtaufnahme)Komponist: Berg, AlbanSopran: Saffer, Lisa
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Daniel, Paul
    Mezzosopran: Burford, Anna; Parry, Susan
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): English National Opera Orchestra
    Tenor: Kale, Stuart
    Bariton: Hayward, Robert
    Baß: Danby, Graeme
    1-001-001Roll up, roll up fot the menagerie (Prologue)00:04:20
    1-002-002Am I trespassing? (1. Akt)00:02:01
    1-003-003Gnädige Frau...Frau Medizinalrat...00:01:38
    1-004-004You are far too slow to capture me00:00:51
    1-005-005What's happening?00:00:46
    1-006-006Open the door!00:00:56
    1-007-007Just wait, he'll jump right up...00:01:31
    1-008-008Can't you help him recover his senses?00:02:12
    1-009-009You make me jealous, you lucky bastard!00:01:43
    1-010-010Please help me do this up00:02:43
    1-011-011Eva! - What is this?00:01:09
    1-012-012Eva! - What is this?00:01:53
    1-013-013He's not quite what I imagined him to be00:04:16
    1-014-014If you and I married00:06:26
    1-015-015So? - Your marriage has made you at least a million marks...00:05:03
    1-016-016Don't talk so loud00:03:26
    1-018-018I've I never in my life known an audience so excited00:02:15
    1-019-019More for me, please00:01:31
    1-020-020That girl and her lovers00:01:11
    1-021-021I met her first at Dr Schön's00:01:32
    1-022-022She's had a sort of fainting fit00:00:33
    1-023-023What's wrong with her?00:01:09
    1-024-024How dare you attempt to ruin my well-laid plans?00:05:01
    1-025-025Take this pen and paper00:03:01
    2-001-026Delighted that you will be there this evening (2. Akt)00:03:18
    2-002-027Why not stay here?00:01:58
    2-003-028Thank the Lord, that at last we're...00:02:22
    2-004-029You know it's she he really wanted to marry00:00:44
    2-005-030I hope you locked the windows00:01:38
    2-006-031The matinée will belit by ultra-violet light00:03:15
    2-007-032Is he ill?00:02:54
    2-008-033His father!00:00:56
    2-009-034And where did he go?00:02:54
    2-010-035Even though men have killed themselves because of who I am00:02:27
    2-011-036Kneel down, muderous bitch!00:02:41
    2-012-037You can't deliver me up for trial!00:01:05
    2-013-038Film music00:02:57
    2-014-039We're like the players waiting fo a bandleader00:04:30
    2-015-040This way is shorter00:06:09
    2-016-041Hey, little Lulu, it's time we scarpered over ther border00:04:14
    2-017-042You're sill as ravishing and youthful as in your portrait00:03:45
    2-018-043Beneath this dress I feel your from in harmony00:03:57
    3-001-044Gentleman and ladies! (3. Akt)00:02:43
    3-002-045Get to the point an say how much you want from me00:00:51
    3-003-046Of the countless nubile, fun-loving lasses00:02:08
    3-004-047The magistrate will reward anyone who finds the murderess00:03:06
    3-005-048It's good! It's looking good!00:01:34
    3-006-049May I intrude?00:02:18
    3-007-050Message fof the bank director00:00:58
    3-008-051I need some money, ikn ready cash00:03:27
    3-009-052You could at least treat me with respect!00:02:38
    3-011-054I have lost all my money00:02:08
    3-012-055What the hell is this?00:03:32
    3-013-056The rain's beating a tattoo00:04:33
    3-014-057If this is not the ideal moment00:05:52
    3-015-058Come along in, my love! Come!00:03:30
    3-016-059Doctor Alwa's gone off to sleep00:02:40
    3-017-060Who is that?00:04:58
    3-018-061There are the last few moments00:03:39

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