Die Schöpfung (ga)

von Haydn, Joseph | Hogwood, Christopher / Aam
erschienen am 02.04.1991

Die Schöpfung (ga)
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    1-001The CreationKomponist: Haydn, JosephChor: Choir of New College Oxford
    Sopran: Kirkby, Emma
    1-001-001Overture - The Representation of Chaos
    1-002-002In the beginning God created the heaven - And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters
    1-003-003Now vanish before the holy beams - Despairing, cursing rage
    1-004-004And God made the firmament
    1-005-005The marv'lous work beholds amazed
    1-006-006And God said: Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together
    1-007-007Rolling in foaming billows
    1-008-008And God said: Let the earth bring forth grass
    1-009-009With verdure clad the fields appear
    1-010-010And the heavenly hosts proclaimed
    1-011-011Awake the harp
    1-012-012And God said: Let there be lights in the firmament of heaven
    1-013-013In splendour bright is rising now the sun
    1-014-014The heavens are telling the Glory of God
    2-001-015And God said: Let the waters bring forth
    2-002-016On mighty pens uplifted soars the eagle aloft
    2-003-017And God created great whales
    2-004-018And the angels struck their immortal harps
    2-005-019Most beautiful appear
    2-006-020And God said: Let the earth bring forth
    2-007-021Straight opening her fertile womb
    2-008-022Now heaven in fullest glory shone
    2-009-023And God created man
    2-010-024In native worth and honour clad
    2-011-025And God saw everything
    2-012-026Achieved is the glorious work
    2-013-027In rosy mantle appears
    2-014-028By Thee with bliss, o bounteous Lord
    2-015-029Our duty we performed now
    2-016-030Graceful consort! At thy side
    2-017-031O happy pair
    2-018-032Sing the Lord ye voices all!

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