Disney's Sing - Along / Lemonade Mouth

von Disney's Sing Along
erschienen am 25.11.2011

Disney's Sing - Along / Lemonade Mouth
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    1-001Turn Up The Music (Soundtrack from Disneys "Lemonade mouth")Komponist: Lennertz, ChristopherMendler, Bridgit / Hicks, Adam / Scott, Naomi / Kiyoko, Hayley / Michael, Blake00:02:56
    1-002Somebody (Soundtrack from Disneys "Lemonade mouth")Komponist: Lennertz, ChristopherMendler, Bridgit00:03:28
    1-003Determinate (Soundtrack from Disneys "Lemonade mouth")Komponist: Lennertz, ChristopherMendler, Bridgit / Hicks, Adam / Scott, Naomi / Kiyoko, Hayley00:03:18
    1-004Here We Go (Soundtrack from Disneys "Lemonade mouth")Komponist: Lennertz, ChristopherMendler, Bridgit / Hicks, Adam / Kiyoko, Hayley00:02:53
    1-005She's So Gone (Soundtrack from Disneys "Lemonade mouth")Komponist: Lennertz, ChristopherScott, Naomi00:03:06
    1-006More Than A Band (Soundtrack from Disneys "Lemonade mouth")Komponist: Lennertz, ChristopherMendler, Bridgit / Hicks, Adam / Scott, Naomi / Kiyoko, Hayley / Michael, Blake00:02:39
    1-007Breakthrough (Soundtrack from Disneys "Lemonade mouth")Komponist: Lennertz, ChristopherMendler, Bridgit / Hicks, Adam / Scott, Naomi / Kiyoko, Hayley00:03:26
    1-008Livin' On A High Wire (Soundtrack from Disneys "Lemonade mouth")Komponist: Lennertz, ChristopherMendler, Bridgit / Hicks, Adam / Scott, Naomi00:02:38
    1-009Turn Up The Music (Sing Along Instrumental) (Soundtrack from Disneys "Lemonade mouth")Komponist: Lennertz, ChristopherKaraoke00:02:56
    1-010Somebody (Sing Along Instrumental) (Soundtrack from Disneys "Lemonade mouth")Komponist: Lennertz, ChristopherKaraoke00:03:28
    1-011Determinate (Sing Along Instrumental) (Soundtrack from Disneys "Lemonade mouth")Komponist: Lennertz, ChristopherKaraoke00:03:18
    1-012Here We Go (Sing Along Instrumental) (Soundtrack from Disneys "Lemonade mouth")Komponist: Lennertz, ChristopherKaraoke00:02:53
    1-013She's So Gone (Sing Along Instrumental) (Soundtrack from Disneys "Lemonade mouth")Komponist: Lennertz, ChristopherKaraoke00:03:06
    1-014More Than A Band (Sing Along Instrumental) (Soundtrack from Disneys "Lemonade mouth")Komponist: Lennertz, ChristopherKaraoke00:02:39
    1-015Breakthrough (Sing Along Instrumental) (Soundtrack from Disneys "Lemonade mouth")Komponist: Lennertz, ChristopherKaraoke00:03:26
    1-016Livin' On A High Wire (Sing Along Instrumental) (Soundtrack from Disneys "Lemonade mouth")Komponist: Lennertz, ChristopherKaraoke00:02:37

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