COR 16173

Royal Welcome Songs for King Charles II, Vol.2

von Purcell, Henry | Christophers, Harry / Sixteen, The
erschienen am 06.09.2019

Royal Welcome Songs for King Charles II, Vol.2
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    1-001Hear my prayer, O Lord, Z15Komponist: Purcell, HenryThe Sixteen; Harry Christophers00:02:28
    1-002O solitude, my sweetest choice, Z406Komponist: Purcell, HenryThe Sixteen; Harry Christophers00:06:13
    1-003Lord, how long wilt Thou be angry, Z25Komponist: Purcell, HenryThe Sixteen; Harry Christophers00:03:31
    1-004Pavan of Four Parts in G minor, Z752Komponist: Purcell, HenryThe Sixteen; Harry Christophers00:04:28
    1-005Plung'd in the confines of despair, Z142Komponist: Purcell, HenryThe Sixteen; Harry Christophers00:04:01
    1-006Welcome Song - Welcome to all the pleasures, Z339Komponist: Purcell, HenryThe Sixteen; Harry Christophers
    1-007-002Welcome to all the pleasures00:01:51
    1-008-003Here the deities approve00:04:15
    1-009-004While joys celestial00:03:29
    1-010-005Beauty, thou scene of love00:02:46
    1-011-006In a consort of voices00:01:19
    1-012In Thee, O Lord, do I put my trust, Z16Komponist: Purcell, HenryThe Sixteen; Harry Christophers00:11:17
    1-013From silent shades and the Elysian groves, Z370Komponist: Purcell, HenryThe Sixteen; Harry Christophers00:04:43
    1-014Catch: Of all the instruments that are, Z263Komponist: Purcell, HenryThe Sixteen; Harry Christophers00:01:23
    1-015Welcome Song: From hardy climes and dangerous toils of war, Z325Komponist: Purcell, HenryThe Sixteen; Harry Christophers
    1-016-002From hardy climes00:03:03
    1-017-003As Fame, great Sir00:02:36
    1-018-004Wake then, my muse!00:01:59
    1-019-005The sparrow and the gentle dove00:04:05
    1-020-006So all the boons00:02:44

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