ACC 70507

Ballets by Christian Spuck from Opernhaus Zürich

von Verdi, Giuseppe / Tschaikowsky, Peter / Proko, Sergei | Luisi / Connelly / Jurowski / Ballett Zürich / +
erschienen am 13.11.2020

Ballets by Christian Spuck from Opernhaus Zürich
Zum Preis von
62,00 €
Preis inkl. MwSt
Nicht am Lager, nachbestellbar (verfügbar in 5-7 Werktagen) 
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    1-001VorspannKomponist: keine Angabenkeine Angaben00:01:10
    1-002Requiem (Messa da Requiem)Komponist: Verdi, GiuseppeSopran: Stoyanova, Krassimira
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Luisi, Fabio
    Mezzosopran: Simeoni, Veronica
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Philharmonia Zürich
    Tenor: Meli, Francesco
    Gemischter Chor: Zusatzchor der Oper Zürich; Chor der Oper Zürich; Chorzuzüger
    Chorleiter: Marletta, Marcovalerio
    Baß: Zeppenfeld, Georg
    Sonstiges Ensemble: Ballett Zürich
    1-003-002Dies irae00:02:39
    1-004-003Tuba mirum00:03:28
    1-005-004Liber scriptus00:05:23
    1-006-005Quid sum miser00:03:43
    1-007-006Rex tremendae00:03:47
    1-014-013Agnus Dei00:05:27
    1-015-014Lux aeterna00:06:58
    1-016-015Libera me00:14:14
    1-017Vorhang - AbspannKomponist: keine Angabenkeine Angaben00:06:05
    2-001VorspannKomponist: keine Angabenkeine Angaben00:00:59
    2-002Der Nussknacker op. 71 (Ballett)Komponist: Tschaikowsky, Peter IljitschDirigent / Band Leader: Connelly, Paul
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Philharmonia Zürich
    Kinderchor: Children's Choir of the Opernhaus Zürich
    Chorleiter: Raffelsberger, Ernst
    Sonstiger Chor: SoprAlti of the Opernhaus Zürich
    Sonstiges Ensemble: Ballett Zürich
    2-002-001In the workshop of Godfather Drosselmeyer (1. Akt)00:04:18
    2-003-002Marie and her brother Fritz are visiting their godfather Drosselmeier in his workshop. He shows them his great musical..00:05:03
    2-004-003The puppet show tells the story of The Hard Nut: in the royal castle a celebration is being held in honour of the...00:03:19
    2-005-004Suddenly a mouse appears to disrupt the celebration. The King kills this unwanted guest, and the celebration continues..00:05:45
    2-006-005Marie and Fritz are alone in the workshop. The uncouth Fritz is annoying his sister, who is transfixed by...00:02:47
    2-007-006The Stahlbaums and all of their family return home after finishing their Christmas gift-buying, already in a festive...00:04:02
    2-008-007Princess Pirlipat has been turned into an ugly Nut Monster by Lady Mouserinks. She now relentlessly cracks nuts with...00:01:17
    2-009-008The four princes are appalled at the transformation of the Princess. They want to save her, but don't know how.00:01:10
    2-010-009The King and Queen are also incredulous that their daughter has turned into a Nut Monster. The general uproar at court..00:01:12
    2-011-010Suddenly there appears another prince, and behold; he has in his possession the hard, golden Krakatuk nut. The four...00:02:47
    2-012-011The Princess regains her lost beauty and at once falls in love with her saviour. Enraged at the breaking of the magic...00:03:40
    2-013-012Mouserinks has turned the Prince into a nutcracker: he can now only move as a wooden doll would. Horrified, all turn...00:02:38
    2-014-013It is Christmas Eve. The family enters the room which has been decked out for Christmas. The ritual is the same every...00:07:09
    2-015-014For the children, the visit of Godfather Drosselmeier is always one of the high points of Christmas Eve on account of...00:02:25
    2-016-015Marie completely adores the nutcracker she has been given. But no sooner does Fritz have it in his hands than - in his..00:06:59
    2-017-016With the nutcracker at her side, Marie witnesses a night-time Christmas world of magic and snowflakes.00:06:43
    2-018-017Marie's Christmas dream continues. All the other toys have also come to life. The family makes an appearance, but the...00:06:25
    2-019-018Marie is frightened. Fritz marshals his army of hussars to fight against the mice. The toy soldiers and the mice join...00:03:34
    2-020-019Marie can scarcely grasp her good fortune: the nutcracker is a Dream Prince.00:04:27
    2-021-020The Prince takes Marie off into Sugar Land, where the flowers dance waltzes.00:07:07
    2-022-021Marie meets the Sugar Fairy.00:04:10
    2-023-022In Sugar Land, the dream characters all have a great celebration.00:06:40
    2-024-023The Prince is gone. Marie searches for him. Drosselmeier brings to a halt the world of magic where toys and dolls come..00:02:34
    2-025-024In the workshop, Marie awakens from her dream and encounters Drosselmeier's nephew, who is the very image of her...00:06:42
    2-026Vorhang - AbspannKomponist: keine Angabenkeine Angaben00:06:28
    3-001Romeo und Julia op. 64a (Ballett)Komponist: Prokofieff, SergejDirigent / Band Leader: Jurowski, Michail
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Philharmonia Zürich
    Sonstiges Ensemble: Junior Ballett; Ballett Zürich
    Sonstige Darsteller: Mkrtchyan, Tigran; Lim, Sujung; Dewaele, Eva; Dell'Aria, Francesca; Casier, Jan; Moore, William; Mulligan, Daniel
    3-001-001Introduction (3. Akt)00:01:14
    3-003-003Morning dance (1. Akt)00:02:04
    3-004-004The quarrel00:01:47
    3-005-005The fight00:02:35
    3-006-006The Duke's command00:01:19
    3-007-007Preparations for the ball00:01:14
    3-008-008Juliet - the young girl00:03:27
    3-010-010Dance of the knights00:06:12
    3-011-011Juliet's variation00:02:42
    3-014-014Tybalt recognises Mercutio00:01:53
    3-015-015Gavotte (Departure of the guests)00:02:44
    3-016-016Balcony scene00:03:26
    3-017-017Romeo's variation00:01:15
    3-018-018Love dance00:05:43
    3-019-019Dance of the five couplets (2. Akt)00:03:58
    3-020-020Dance with mandolins00:01:59
    3-021-021The nurse00:01:52
    3-022-022The nurse delivers Juliet's message to Romeo00:00:54
    3-023-023Juliet at Friar Lawrence's00:03:02
    3-024-024The people continue to make merry00:02:48
    3-025-025The meeting of Tybalt and Mercutio00:01:57
    3-026-026Tybalt's fight with Mercutio00:01:32
    3-027-027The death of Mercutio00:03:30
    3-028-028Romeo decides to avenge Mercutio's death00:02:24
    3-030-030Introduction (3. Akt)00:01:14
    3-031-031Romeo and Juliet (Juliet's bedroom)00:01:32
    3-032-032The last farewell00:05:00
    3-033-033The nurse00:01:56
    3-034-034Juliet's refusal to marry Paris00:02:37
    3-035-035Juliet alone00:01:16
    3-037-037At Friar Lawrence's00:04:49
    3-039-039Juliet's room again00:03:10
    3-040-040Juliet alone00:04:05
    3-041-041Dance of the girls wih lilies00:02:08
    3-042-042At Juliet's bedside00:01:15
    3-043-043The laying of Juliet's body (4. Akt)00:06:25
    3-044-044Juliet's death00:03:44
    3-045Vorhang - AbspannKomponist: keine Angabenkeine Angaben00:07:24

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