Royal Odes

von Purcell, Henry | Guillon, Damien / Le Banquet Celeste
erschienen am 04.03.2022

Royal Odes
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    1-001From those serene and rapturous joys, Z 326:Komponist: Purcell, HenryLe Banquet Céleste; Damien Guillon
    1-001-001I. "Symphony"00:01:56
    1-002From those serene and rapturous joys, Z 326Komponist: Purcell, HenryLe Banquet Céleste; Damien Guillon
    1-002-001II. "From those serene and rapturous joys"00:03:27
    1-003-002III. "Behold the indulgent Prince is come"00:01:24
    1-004From those serene and rapturous joys, Z 326:Komponist: Purcell, HenryLe Banquet Céleste; Damien Guillon
    1-004-001IV. "Welcome home"00:00:34
    1-005From those serene and rapturous joys, Z 326Komponist: Purcell, HenryLe Banquet Céleste; Damien Guillon
    1-005-001V. "Not with an Helmet or a glittering Spear"00:01:18
    1-006-002"Allegro vivace"00:01:11
    1-007-003VII "Welcome as soft refreshing showers"00:01:38
    1-008-004VIII. "Welcome home"00:00:40
    1-009-005IX. "Welcome, more welcome does he come"00:03:03
    1-010From those serene and rapturous joys, Z 326:Komponist: Purcell, HenryLe Banquet Céleste; Damien Guillon
    1-010-001X. "Nor does the Sun more comfort bring"00:01:13
    1-011From those serene and rapturous joys, Z 326Komponist: Purcell, HenryLe Banquet Céleste; Damien Guillon
    1-011-001XI. "With trumpets and shouts we receive the World's Wonder"00:02:30
    1-012Fly, bold rebellion, Z 324Komponist: Purcell, HenryLe Banquet Céleste; Damien Guillon
    1-012-001I. "Symphony"00:01:44
    1-013-002II. "Fly, bold rebellion"00:01:07
    1-014Fly, bold rebellion, Z 324:Komponist: Purcell, HenryLe Banquet Céleste; Damien Guillon
    1-014-001III. "The plot is displayed"00:00:36
    1-015Fly, bold rebellion, Z 324Komponist: Purcell, HenryLe Banquet Céleste; Damien Guillon
    1-015-001IV. "Then with heart and with voice"00:00:31
    1-016-002V. "Rivers from their channels turned"00:02:33
    1-017-003VI "For majesty moves"00:00:42
    1-018-004VII. "If then we've found the want of his rays"00:00:44
    1-019-005VIII. "But kings, like the sun"00:01:38
    1-020-006IX. "But heaven has now dispelled those fears"00:01:24
    1-021-007X. "Come then, change your notes"00:00:48
    1-022-008XI. "But with heart and with voice"00:03:34
    1-023-009XII. "Be welcome then, great sir"00:03:15
    1-024-010XIII. "Welcome to all those wishes fulfilled"00:01:38
    1-025Why are all the muses mute, Z 343Komponist: Purcell, HenryLe Banquet Céleste; Damien Guillon
    1-025-001I. "Why, why are all the Muses mute?"00:01:29
    1-026-002II. "Symphony"00:01:27
    1-027-003III. "When should each soul exalted be"00:01:10
    1-028-004IV. "But when for Caesar's welcome we prepare?"00:01:07
    1-029-005V. "Britain, thou now art great"00:03:30
    1-030-006VI. "Look up, and to our Isle returning see"00:01:19
    1-031-007VII. "Great Caesar's reign with conquest did begin"00:00:36
    1-032-008VIII. "Accursed rebellion reared his head"00:01:57
    1-033-009IX. "So Jove, scarce settled in his sky"00:03:17
    1-034-010X. "Caesar for milder virtues honour'd more"00:01:36
    1-035-011XI. "The many-headed beast is quelled at home"00:01:47
    1-036-012XII. "In the equal balance laid"00:01:00
    1-037-013XIII. "The glory of earth and the darling of Heaven!"00:06:39

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