CKD 714

The Wooden Prince / Dance Suite

von Bartok, Bela | Macelaru, Cristian / WDR Sinfonieorchester
erschienen am 03.03.2023

The Wooden Prince / Dance Suite
Zum Preis von
21,99 €
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    1-001The Wooden Prince, Op. 13 Sz. 60Komponist: Bartók, BélaCristian Macelaru; WDR Sinfonieorchester
    1-001-001I. Introduction00:05:39
    1-002-002II. First Dance. Dance of the Princess in the Forest00:02:19
    1-003-003III. The Prince Sets off and Falls in Love00:02:45
    1-004-004IV. Second Dance. Dance of the Trees00:04:59
    1-005-005V. Third Dance. Dance of the Waves00:04:16
    1-006-006VI. The Prince Has an Idea00:07:22
    1-007-007VII. Fourth Dance. Dance of the Princess With the Wooden Prince00:05:31
    1-008-008VIII. The Prince Despairs00:07:26
    1-009-009IX. The prince Is Restored00:02:24
    1-010-010X. Return of the Princess - Fifth Dance00:03:00
    1-011-011XI. The Wooden Prince Falls to the Ground - The Radiant Prince Appears - Sixth Dance00:01:43
    1-012-012XII. Seventh Dance. The Despair of the Princess00:04:49
    1-013-013XIII. The Happy End00:04:28
    1-014Dance Suite, Sz. 77Komponist: Bartók, BélaCristian Macelaru; WDR Sinfonieorchester
    1-014-001I. Moderato00:03:29
    1-015-002II. Allegro molto00:02:16
    1-016-003III. Allegro vivace00:02:59
    1-017-004IV. Molto tranquillo00:03:37
    1-018-005V. Comodo00:01:12
    1-019-006VI. Finale. Allegro00:03:56

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